Journal of Depression and Anxiety

Journal of Depression and Anxiety
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-1044

Short Communication - (2022)Volume 11, Issue 2

Mental Disorders during Pregnancy

Suhair M Hassoon, Muna A Kadhum Zeidan* and Shatha MA Ahmed
*Correspondence: Dr. Muna A Kadhum Zeidan, Department of Community Health, College of Health and Medical Technologies, University of Middle Technology, Baghdad, Iraq, Email:

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Period of being pregnant is a state of sensitive for women; it’s not emotional stability as thought with in the past, but a time of biological and psychological changes [1]. Mental disorders in pregnancy have more prevalence than pre-eclampsia, preterm childbirth or gestational diabetes. Pregnancy could be advanced physiological development involving convoluted interactions and feedback loops between varied hormones with continuous variation in their levels throughout its 3 trimesters. Depression, a serious mental unhealthiness in worldwide, lowers quality of life and leads high productivity losses by impacting on functioning, creativity, happiness and satisfaction. Studies have unconcealed an inflated risk of depression with fertility processes in ladies aged 18-44. In physiological condition the higher prevalence of Mental disorders have more than preeclampsia, preterm organic process or state polygenic disorder. Perinatal depression typically remains unrecognized by the health care workers; however its early detection and treatment may forestall the event of postnatal depression, it can symbolize sleep disturbances, inconstancies in appetite, loss of ability, weariness, and change in sexual desire, changes in pregnant girls mood are among stronger foreteller for the event of postnatal depression which they represent risk for the mother additionally as for the kid. Many risk factors are shown to incline to the event of prenatal depression, a number of which may which will act as important predictors for its onset, as well as unwanted/ unplanned physiological condition, poor social support, low income, trying life events so and so forth, all of them tributary to reinforce the vulnerability, for depression to turn up.

Depression is the one of the health problems among women, suffered in fertility periods and it increases with pregnancy [2]. In this study, maximum pregnant women belongs to the age 20-24 years and the finding of the current study is agreement with findings reported in Turkey, that mean age was 27.54 ± 6.2 years and age is significantly associated with onset of depression but this result disagreement with the study done in Pakistan. The high associations were determined between the risk of depression among pregnant women and low education level. Similarly the study conducted in Turkey Croatia and in Hungarian, renowned that pregnancy depression was seen among pregnant women who have low educational level with an unsatisfactory income. In terms of occupation, 69.1% of the moms on this examine were working, and no significant variant in chance of depression changed into some of the occupational groups. In a study from Turkey, reported significantly higher depression scores among housewives compared to working pregnant women, while in their study from Ankara, reported lower mean depression scores among housewives compared to working women [3]. This distinction can be attributed to the opportunity of the organizations having special socio-economic, socio-cultural, educational, spousal and familial characteristics. In addition the finding or study is carried out in Turkey and in Brazil. This might be defined through the intellectual fitness of ladies with no proceeding enjoy of being pregnant can be adversely stricken by physiological and hormonal changes happening with inside the frame considering they're experiencing these for the first time [4]. Also, this result shows significant associations were determined between the risk of depression among pregnant women and history of abortion [5].


The finding of the current study is agreement with findings in Ethiopia, reported that much higher prevalence of depression in pregnant women with past history of abortion. The results of this study also have shown that the possible depression had appointed at the post time since global mean of score was recorded more than 10. According to these studies from other countries and cultures, prevalence of antepartum depression has been reported as 15.5% in Malta, 30.0% in Finland, and 19.6% in Brazil. According to a comparative study involving Nicaragua and the Netherlands, the prevalence of depression during pregnancy is 54.0% in Nicaragua and 6.0% in the Netherlands. The difference between the two countries may be attributed to levels of development, and may also reflect the importance that they attach to psychosocial services Pregnancy is known to cause different changes in a women’s life, therefore pregnancy period can be rigorous and also, this might be due to mother’s understanding and approval with changes that occur along with their first pregnancy. Even if pregnant mothers have poor marital adjustment, they still can get support from prolonged families, neighbours, and the health care provider.

There was a high associated risk of depression as stated by to the EPDS in women during pregnancy and this was correlating with low educational level, employment women, history of psychiatry and abortion.


Author Info

Suhair M Hassoon, Muna A Kadhum Zeidan* and Shatha MA Ahmed
Department of Community Health, College of Health and Medical Technologies, University of Middle Technology, Baghdad, Iraq

Citation: Hassoon SM, Zeidan MAK, Ahmed SMA (2022) Mental Disorders during Pregnancy. J Dep Anxiety. 11:445.

Received: 02-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JDA-22-45338; Editor assigned: 04-Feb-2022, Pre QC No. JDA-22-45338 (PQ); Reviewed: 18-Feb-2022, QC No. JDA-22-45338; Revised: 23-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JDA-22-45338 (R); Published: 02-Mar-2022 , DOI: 10.35248/2167-1044.22.11.445

Copyright: © 2022 Hassoon SM, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
