ISSN: 2332-0761
+44 1300 500008
Commentary - (2022)Volume 10, Issue 4
This book provides depth of discussion on historicity of international organizations and its role in shaping contemporary world. The introductory parts of this book discuss about roles that international organizations played in modern world affairs and the rationalities of growth of international organization both in number and scope, the concern taken by historians to not ignore the role of international organization and emphasis given for international organization over nation states as a units of analysis is discussed. Additionally, the author has also mentioned the different types of the international organizations and identified international organizations six engagement areas namely humanitarian relief, cultural exchange, peace, developmental assistance, human rights, and environmentalism.
In the first chapter, Iriye has discussed the origin global community and the role of international organizations in that perspectives, the interaction of international organization with nation states and with each other, the growth of internationalism in 19th and 20th century. Additionally, author has also discussed the origin of international organizations both international governmental and non-governmental organizations and insisted that the international non-governmental organizations came at the late of 19th century while international governmental organization emerged in early decades of the 19th century, the factors facilitated the development of international organizations especially for international non-governmental organizations include worldwide networks of goods, capital, and labor at the end of the 19th century.
Furthermore, the author has also mentioned the beginning of 20th century as economic globalization which in turn facilitated the mushrooming of international non-governmental organizations and its relationship with globalization, the impacts of WWI on internationalism and stated that, the war never wholly discredited or discouraged internationalist movements but also the number of international organizations was declined due to war. He has also discussed the status of international organization both during WWI, inter-war period and WWII and their role during two world wars such as supporting victims of war and national unification of nation states and promotes friendship among nation states.
In chapter 2 of the book author has discussed the continues development of internationalism and globalization after the end of Second World War (WWII) despite the presence of cold war and their reiterated commitment in finding the solution for the global problems and the partnership of both international governmental organization and international non-governmental organization and United Nation System to work together in different areas such as in the area of cultural exchange, humanitarian relief, peace, and human rights though there is intrude from the great power rivalries during the cold war.
In chapter three, the author has discussed the growth of internationalism and international organizations during 1950’s and their continues engagement in transnational activities such as development assistance, cultural exchange and humanitarian assistance despite the presence of power rivalry between two blocks engaged in cold war. Iriye has argued that, international organizations remain resilient in promoting internationalism through engaging in different trans-boundary activities.
In chapter four, Iriye has discussed about the 1960’s making of global community, internationalism and the increasing number of international organizations. The author has also mentioned Vietnam War, Cuba missile crisis and China-USSR rift as the major unfolding developments during 1960’s and argued the more interconnection of world irrespective the presence of these all crises due to the creation of non-state actors’ networks created across different regions of the world.
In fifth chapter, the authors has discussed the development international organization in 1970 through making emphasis on international relations which has reached new level during the then time due to new political development including rapprochement of USA-China and USA and Soviet Union which brought two socialist countries to international community, the growth of global trade volumes and global economic powers were cooperation in solving currency, energy, and other problems. The author has argued that the 1970’s was a decade when the global community more interconnected than before.
Additionally, Iriye has also discussed the roles played by intergovernmental organization and international nongovernmental organization during 1970’s and the mushrooming of non-state actors across the world like multinational business enterprises which plays more decisive role than even states. Additionally, the author has also mentioned the rise of civil society and diminishes of role of state due to loss of faith in government. In chapter six, Iriye has made on development of global consensus during 1980’s and 1990’s which accelerated by the ever growth of international organization and international organization, the end of cold war and he maintained that, nongovernmental international organizations played decisive role in the creation of global inter-connectedness which facilitated by the force of globalization especially in the last decade of the 20th century which in turn facilitated the emergence of global community by network of communication mushroomed during the last decade of 20th century. In conclusion part, Iriye has discussed the development of globalization, its impacts on the future global history and the mushrooming of international non-governmental organization at the beginning of 21st century. He has also argued that while the 20th century international affairs is defined by interstate relations, but it also the century witnessed the speedy growth of globalizing activities by international organizations. The author insisted that the global community that international organization sought has never materialized but at the good beginning and he gave credit for non-governmental international organization for the role it has played in creating embryo of global community.
In conclusion, in this book the author has provided the depth of discussion on the decisive roles played by international organizations (both NGO and GO) in the development of internationalism and creation of global community which is at the good beginning through making details discussion on six areas of their engagement. But, the author failed to discuss the existing debate on the international organizations, the way they organized and how developing countries are underrepresented and their voice has been overlooked though not neglected. The author has also gave more emphasis for non-governmental international organizations than that of governmental international organizations in the creation of international system and failed provide depth of discussion relationship between them which left open for further studies and arguments.
Citation: Adula NG (2022) Opinion: Global Community: The Role of International Organizations in the Making of the Contemporary World. J Pol Sci Pub Aff. 10: 405
Received: 01-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. JPSPA-22-22411; Editor assigned: 31-Dec-2022, Pre QC No. JPSPA-22-22411; Reviewed: 23-Nov-2022, QC No. JPSPA-22-22411; Revised: 04-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. JPSPA-22-22411; Accepted: 05-Jul-2021 Published: 08-Apr-2022 , DOI: 10.35248/2332-0761.22.10.405
Copyright: © 2022 Adula NG. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited