Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems

Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems
Open Access

ISSN: 2376-0419

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Commentary - (2023)Volume 10, Issue 2

Pharmacy Practice in Modern Healthcare Systems

Elena Shumilina*
*Correspondence: Elena Shumilina, Department of Chemistry, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil, Email:

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Pharmacy practice encompasses a wide range of activities related to the provision of medications and related services. Pharmacy practice is an essential component of healthcare and plays a critical role in ensuring the safe and effective use of medications. One of the primary roles of pharmacists in pharmacy practice is medication dispensing. Pharmacists are responsible for dispensing medications prescribed by healthcare providers and ensuring that patients receive the correct medication and dosage. This involves verifying prescription orders, interpreting medication orders, and preparing and labeling medications. Pharmacists also provide counseling to patients on how to take their medications properly and address any questions or concerns patients may have about their medications. Another important aspect of pharmacy practice is Medication Therapy Management (MTM).

MTM is a patient-centered approach to medication management that involves a comprehensive review of a patient's medications to optimize their therapy. MTM comprises reviewing medications, educating patients, identifying, and resolving medication-related issues. MTM is especially important for patients with chronic conditions who are taking multiple medications. Pharmacists are essential for the safety of prescription drugs. They are responsible for ensuring that medications are stored, prepared, and dispensed safely. They also monitor for adverse drug events and drug interactions and take appropriate action to prevent harm to patients. Pharmacists also work collaboratively with healthcare providers to develop medication safety protocols and guidelines. Another aspect of pharmacy practice is medication reconciliation. Comparing a patient's prescription orders to all of the drugs they have been taking in order to find and correct differences is known as medication reconciliation. This process is critical for ensuring that patients receive the correct medications and dosages and helps to prevent adverse drug events. They provide immunizations, educate patients on disease prevention, and help to manage outbreaks of infectious diseases. Pharmacists also work closely with other healthcare professionals to develop public health policies and programs that promote healthy living and disease prevention. Pharmacy practice also includes medication compounding. Compounding is the preparation of customized medications for patients who require specific formulations or dosages that are not commercially available. Pharmacists who specialize in compounding work closely with healthcare providers to develop individualized treatment plans that meet the unique needs of each patient. Finally, pharmacy practice includes research and development. Pharmacists play an essential role in developing new medications and therapies to treat diseases and conditions. They also conduct research to better understand the effects of medications on the human body and to identify new drug targets for the treatment of diseases.


In conclusion, pharmacy practice encompasses a wide range of activities related to the provision of medications and related services. Pharmacists play a critical role in ensuring the safe and effective use of medications, medication therapy management, medication safety, medication reconciliation, public health, medication compounding, and research and development. It is crucial for chemists to continue embracing new technology and advancements in pharmacy practice as healthcare continues to change, as well as to collaborate with other healthcare experts to give their patients the best treatment possible.

Author Info

Elena Shumilina*
Department of Chemistry, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil

Citation: Shumilina E (2023) Pharmacy Practice in Modern Healthcare Systems. J Pharma Care Health Sys. 10:267.

Received: 01-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. JPCHS-23-23880 ; Editor assigned: 03-Mar-2023, Pre QC No. JPCHS-23-23880 (PQ); Reviewed: 23-Mar-2023, QC No. JPCHS-23-23880 ; Revised: 31-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. JPCHS-23-23880 (R); Published: 10-Apr-2023 , DOI: 10.35248/2376-0419.23.10.267

Copyright: © 2023 Shumilina E. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
