ISSN: 2469-9837
+44 1478 350008
Editorial - (2016) Volume 3, Issue 1
I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well -Alexander the Great. It is a good quote and teachers always direct students not only their studies but also to settle well in their life. Students can acquire knowledge, experience, and skills in their organizations only through teachers. At different stages of education (schools, colleges, and universities), students can learn their subjects and also skills that will help them to be more competitive in this modern atmosphere [1].
I had a terrible education. I attended a school for emotionally disturbed teachers -Woody Allen.
The behaviour of teachers has a strong influence on the uplifting of students. Teachers should be polite, knowledgeable and have good moral characters so that it creates a favourable atmosphere for the students at the time of teaching or learning. If the teachers are friendly and easily approachable, then students will have the opportunity for interactions or discussions. Otherwise, students may not engage in these activities; and it will discourage their learning habits. Teaching also should not be unilateral, but it should be bilateral so that there should be a mutual interaction between the teachers and students. Interactions of students will also depend on the attitude of the teachers. Negative teaching attitude will damage the psychological well-being of the students. Negative behaviour of teachers can cause various disorders to students such as shyness and anxiety [2].
Humility and sweetness of speech are the ornaments of man; all others are not-Thiruvalluvar. A teacher with pleasing attitude is always welcomed by the society. Positive attitude (charming personality) always has the high impact on student education. If there is sweetness in teaching, it will always attract people of different ages. There are some incidents, and the students became dropouts because of certain attitudes of their teachers. We can also notice the students of the higher hierarchy of education in the society (doctoral level students) will change their teacher/advisor due to certain attitudes. Teachers with pleasing personality will always acquire a number of students in their classes or their group. They also turn exceptional students, who are going to be dropouts into regular ones. People with pleasing personality will always be fortunate in the society. Researchers support that teachers who develop good relations towards the individual students, including challenging students, will have better academic performance. In brief, teachers must win the heart of their students while getting inside their students heads [3,4].