Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9554

+44 1478 350008

Research Article - (2021)Volume 12, Issue 5

Psychological Impact of Alopecia Areata on Egyptian Patients

Doaa AE Abou-Taleb1*, Omnia H Abd El Hameed2 and Alaa EA Moubasher1
*Correspondence: Doaa AE Abou-Taleb, Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology, Assiut University Hospital, Assiut, Egypt, Email:

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Alopecia occupies an important place in psychiatric comorbidity and may be associated with anxiety, stress and depression. Psychiatric problems are more common in patients with alopecia than in healthy individuals. This study aimed to assess the psychological impact of Alopecia Areata (AA) among Egyptian patients by using the Arabic version of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-42).

Patients and methods: A total of 100 Egyptian patients with AA were randomly recruited from the outpatient clinics of the department of dermatology of Assiut University Hospital (AUH). The SALT score used to assess the severity of AA. Patients were asked to describe the impact of AA on their life by filling in the Arabic version of DASS-42.

Results: 71% of the AA patients were males and 29% were females, 93% were educated either higher education 46% or lower education 47%. The patients of AA who had depression were 90 patients (26% with extreme depression, 22% with severe depression, 29% with moderate depression and 13% with mild depression). Also, anxiety was present in 85% of patients (38% with extreme anxiety, 24% with severe anxiety, 18% with moderate anxiety and 5% with mild anxiety). Regarding stress, it was present in 95% of patients (35% with extreme stress, 23% with severe stress, 32% with moderate stress and 5% with mild stress).

Conclusion: Our study may serve as a stimulus to dermatologists to improve the relationships with their patients and re-evaluate their management of AA and put in consideration the psychological management that can help to improve the clinical outcomes in Egyptian patients with AA.


Alopecia areata; Depression; Anxiety; Stress


AA is a common chronic autoimmune condition characterized with sudden onset of hair loss in a clear circular area. Alopecia means ‘baldness or loss of hair’ and areata means ‘occurring in patches’ [1]. It may affect the pilosebaceous unit in both males and females and has no racial predilection. It usually affects the scalp, but any hair-bearing area can be involved. The clinical picture may vary from a single patch of non-scarring hair loss, to multiple patches or loss of hair on the entire scalp (alopecia totalis), or the whole body (alopecia universalis) [2]. The skin of the affected patches appears usually normal and smooth; rarely a slightly pinkish color can be observed [3].

One of the most common anxiety disorders in AA patients is generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), which occurs in 39% of patients suffering from AA. Patients with GAD frequently report constant feeling of nervousness, anxiety and muscle tension, heart palpitations and dizziness. Patients with GAD often express fear of the disease or its recurrence [4].

Since hair is a vital part of the body, hair loss might have negative effects on patients’ quality of life. The different look, usually in patients with visible bald patches, may cause low self-esteem and body disfigurement. As a chronic disease, it can affect social activity, self-perception and emotional well-being [5]. The frequent occurrence of extensive alopecia may lead to significant mental disorders caused by social isolation and also the lack of acceptance of one’s own appearance [6].

Patients with AA feel social neglect and rejection, often do not accept their disease, and are tired of continuous discomfort associated with chronic dermatological condition [7]. Personal and social problems are frequent among AA patients. Chronic course of AA is associated with exposure to chronic stress. Patients with AA often confirm the negative impact of stressful life events on the course of the disease [7,8]. Emotional stress is one of the risk factors of AA and is associated with either actual or symbolic hair loss [8].

The aim of this study was to assess the psychological impact of AA among Egyptian patients by using the Arabic version of DASS-42.

Patients and Methods

This cross-sectional study was conducted at the department of Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology, Assiut University Hospitals, Assiut, Egypt. The study was approved by the Assiut University Medical Ethics committee and was carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the Helsinki Declaration. All patients signed informed consent prior to the study.

A total of 100 Egyptian patients with AA were randomly recruited from the outpatient clinics of the department. They were enrolled in the study after signing an informed consent. Inclusion criteria included Egyptian patients with AA aged ≥ 16 years old, both sex and all clinical types of AA (monolocularis, multilocularis, totalis and universalis). Exclusion criteria included patients with any associated chronic dermatological diseases such as psoriasis, vitiligo, pemphigus and systemic lupus erythematosus and non- cooperative patients.

A detailed history was taken from all patients regarding age, sex, occupation, marital status, residence, educational status, special habits as smoking, duration of the complaints, site of the lesions, onset, course, possible causes, precipitating factors, family history and other associated diseases. Observation for the presence or absence of veil, head cover or cap. A full dermatologic examination was performed to determine the number, site, shape, extension of the sites affected by AA, and the type of AA; And to assess the percentage of scalp hair loss and the severity of AA by SALT score (the Severity of Alopecia Tool) [9]. All the data were filled in specific designed sheets. All patients were face to face interviewed, they were asked to describe the impact of AA on their life by filling in the Arabic version of DASS-42 [10,11].

Statistical analysis

All analyses were carried out using using SPSS version 21. Simple frequencies were used for data checking and cleaning. Data were presented as number, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The mean, standard deviation for the DASS-42 score were estimated. A P-value ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant.


Patients’ demographics

The demographic data of a total 100 Egyptian patients with AA were summarized in Table 1. The age of patients ranged from 16 to 59 years with a mean ± SD=27.58 ± 9.7 years and (71%) of the patients were males. The majority of the patients (56%) were unmarried, (57%) were residents in rural areas of Assiut, and (58%) were workers. Regarding their education, (47%) of the patients with lower education and (46%) with higher education.

Variable Category n=100
Age in years Mean ± SD 27.58 ± 9.7
Median (Range) 27 (16-59)
Sex Male 71 (71%)
Female 29 (29%)
Educational level Illiterate 7 (7%)
Lower education 47 (47%)
Higher education 46 (46%)
Marital status Married 44 (44%)
Unmarried 56 (56%)
Occupation Working 58 (58%)
Non-working 42 (42%)
Residence Urban 43 (43%)
Rural 57 (57%)
Smoking status Smoker 57 (57%)
Non-smoker 43 (43%)

Table 1: Socio-demographic data of the studied cases.

The clinical characteristics of the studied cases are presented on Table 2. The family history of AA was positive only in 12% of the patients. The majority of the patients had acute (sudden) onset of AA (85%) and progressive course (69%). (59%) of patients wear a head cover. Stress as an exacerbation factor of the disease was positive in (83%) of the patients. It was found that the most common type of AA in our patients was AA multilocularis (59%) followed by AA monolocularis (36%). The severity of AA was assessed by the SALT score as shown in Table 3. The mean of SALT score was 14.43 ± 24.9.

Variable Category n=100
Family history No 88 (88%)
Yes 12 (12%)
Disease duration in months  Mean ± SD 17.72 ± 28.1
Median (Range) 6 (0.25-192)
Disease duration category <6 months 58 (58%)
≥ 6 months 42 (42%)
Disease onset Acute (Sudden) 85 (85%)
Gradual 15 (15%)
Disease course Stationary 13 (13%)
Intermittent 17 (17%)
Regressive 1 (1%)
Progressive 69 (69%)
Head cover Yes 59 (59%)
No 41 (41%)
Stress Negative 17 (17%)
Positive 83 (83%)
Type of AA Mono- 36 (36%)
Multilocularis 59 (59%)
Totalis 3 (3%)
Universalis 2 (2%)
SALT score Mean ± SD 14.43 ± 24.9
Median (Range) 5 (1-100)
Treatment Yes 89 (89%)
No 11 (11%)

Table 2: Clinical characteristics of the studied cases.

SALT subclasses n=100
S0=no hair loss 0
S1=25% hair loss 88
S2=25%-49% hair loss 4
S3=50-74% hair loss 2
S4=75-99%  hair loss 1
S5=100% hair loss 5

Table 3: Distribution of the studied cases into SALT score subclasses according to the percentage of hair loss.

Assessment of the psychological impact of AA among egyptian patients by using the arabic version of DASS-42

According to the Arabic version of DASS-42, the patients of AA who had depression were 90 patients (26% with extreme depression, 22% with severe depression, 29% with moderate depression and 13% with mild depression). Also, anxiety was present in 85% of patients (38% with extreme anxiety, 24% with severe anxiety, 18% with moderate anxiety and 5% with mild anxiety). Regarding stress, it was present in 95% of patients (35% with extreme stress, 23% with severe stress, 32% with moderate stress and 5% with mild stress) as shown in Tables 4.

  Depression n (%) Anxiety n (%) Stress n (%)
Extremely 26 (26%) 38 (38%) 35 (35%)
Severe    22 (22%) 24 (24%) 23 (23%)
Moderate 29 (29%) 18 (18%) 32 (32%)
Mild       13 (13%) 5 (5%) 5 (5%)
No 10 (10%) 15 (15%) 5 (5%)

Table 4: Assessment of the psychological impact of AA among Egyptian patients by using the Arabic version of DASS-42.

The mean of the DASS-42 score was higher in female patients (58.38 ± 12.3) than males (56.03 ± 13.8) with a significant statistical difference (P-value=0.024), and was also higher in rural (71.63 ± 24.6) than urban (60.14 ± 24.6) with a significant statistical difference (P-value=0.019) as shown in Table 5.

Variables DASS-42
Mean ± SD
Age group
<40 years 65.90 ± 24.4
≥ 40 years 74.67 ± 31.4
P-value =0.319*
Female 75.48 ± 22.4
Male 63.10 ± 25.3
P-value =0.024*
Marital status
Married   65.73 ± 27.7
Unmarried 67.45 ± 22.9
P-value =0.702*
Working 62.95 ± 25.5
Non-working 71.86 ± 23.7
P-value =0.088*
Educational Level
Illiterate 74.00 ± 28.2
Lower Ed. 65.77 ± 24.1
Higher Ed. 66.52 ± 25.9
P-value =0.722**
Urban 60.14 ± 24.6
Rural 71.63 ± 24.6
P-value =0.019*
Smoking Status
Non-smoker 65.02 ± 25.4
Smoker 67.95 ± 24.9
P-value =0.566*

Table 5: Socio-demographic characteristics and DASS-42.

The mean of the DASS-42 score was higher in patients with head cover (76.47 ± 21.9) than without head cover (52.61 ± 22.5), in stressed patients (70.55 ± 24.1) than non-stressed (47.82 ± 21.4) with significant statistical differences (P-value<0.001). Moreover, it was higher with disease duration ≥ 6 months (72.72 ± 24.2) than in disease duration <6 months (59.89 ± 24.5) with a significant statistical difference (P-value<0.001).

Moreover, it was higher with disease duration ≥ 6 months (72.72 ± 24.2) than in disease duration <6 months (59.89 ± 24.5) with a significant statistical difference (P-value<0.001).


Hair represents an important sign of health and vitality. Long time ago dermatologists searched for etiology and treatment for alopecia [12]. AA is a common chronic autoimmune condition presented with sudden onset of loss of hair in a clear circular area [1,2]. It is a common cause of non-scarring alopecia that occurs in a patchy, confluent or diffuse pattern. It involves loss of hair from any hairy areas of the body, usually from the scalp [13].

Hair is a vital part of the body; hair loss might have negative effects on patients’ quality of life. The different look, in patients with AA may cause low self-esteem and cosmetic disfigurement. AA as a chronic disease, it may affect social activity, self -perception, economic state and feelings [5-7]. Moreover, AA can have psychosocial complications, including depression, low self-esteem, altered self- image, and less frequent and enjoyable social engagements. To assess the severity of AA, quality of life seems to be a more relevant criterion than clinical evaluation such as AA extension because the perception of patients may differ significantly from those of their health-care providers [14].

AA has been linked to negative psychosocial consequences such as emotional pain and suffering, negative effects on daily lifestyle, functions and physical symptoms brought on by the condition or caused by treatments which may result in distressing side- effects. Isolation and withdrawal may lead to increased feelings of depression, stress and anxietyin patients with AA [15,16].

In our study despite of the number of patients with AA was higher in males than females (71%), the mean of DASS-42 was higher in females (75.48 ± 22.4) than males (63.10 ± 25.3) with a statistically significant difference (p-value=0.024). This indicates that the affection of depression, anxiety, and stress were more predominant in female patients with AA. This may be due to the importance of hair loss to them and the impact of hair loss on their appearance.

We recommend that patients with AA should be encouraged to discuss their psychological complaints at clinic visits. Certain interventions such as: Counseling, psycho-education, and psychotherapeutic interventions to reduce the psychological impact of AA should be considered in their treatment.


The Arabic version of DASS-42 assesses the psychological impact of AA on Arab patients. It is very important that dermatologists improve the relations with their patients and re-evaluate their management of AA and take in consideration the patients’ counseling and psychological management that can help to improve the clinical outcomes of AA.

Conflict of Interest

There is no conflict of interest to be reported by any of the authors.


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Author Info

Doaa AE Abou-Taleb1*, Omnia H Abd El Hameed2 and Alaa EA Moubasher1
1Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology, Assiut University Hospital, Assiut, Egypt
2Department of Dermatology, Mental Health Hospital, Assiut, Egypt

Citation: Abou-Taleb DA, Abd El Hameed, Moubasher AEA (2021) Psychological Impact of Alopecia Areata on Egyptian Patients. J Clin Exp Dermatol Res. 12:568.

Received: 28-May-2021 Accepted: 11-Jun-2021 Published: 18-Jun-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/2155-9554.21.12.568

Copyright: © 2021 Abou-Taleb DA, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
