ISSN: 1948-5964
+44 1300 500008
Commentary - (2021)
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a worldwide public health problem that emerged in the late Twentieth century, early 1980s and had its first manifestations in 1981 in the cities of New York and San Francisco in the United States of America and in France, with clinical, psychic and social characteristics capable of delimiting boundaries in terms of human relations, decimating millions of people and leaving many others living in the shadow of stigma and discrimination [1,2]. Since the beginning of its discovery, a cure has been sought, although not yet found, studies continue, while work has been doing to reduce its spread as much as possible [3-5]. According to the National Council on Combating the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (CNC-SIDA) Mozambique is one of the most severely affected countries by Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) in the world, ranking eighth in the 10 most infected countries in the world. HIV/AIDS is a serious public health problem that is dramatically constraining national economic development efforts by affecting a major part of the young population aged 15-45 [6]. Data from Mozambique Immunization, Malaria and HIV/AIDS Indicator Survey indicate that the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in this age group is 13.2% at national level, being Gaza province the most affected one by HIV/AIDS Virus, as shown by The Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS stating that provinces in the South and Centre of the country are the most affected.
Several similar studies were carried out in relation to HIV, in different areas, such as OMS, Silva, Borges et al., Bernardo, Langa, Maungue among others, but none of them dealt specifically with the impact of the non-disclosure of the Seropositivity diagnostic to the sexual partner, the reason why the need to conduct this study as it is relevant to the mental health of the society.
This research was motivated by the situation that occurs in daily work and social environments. Several couples on Antiretroviral Treatment (ART), especially young people, find it difficult to disclose their HIV status to their partners; most of them are receiving treatment without their partner’s knowledge.
The aim of this study is to understand the psychological impact that silence creates in the lives of young people infected with HIV and to be able to contribute in some way to find out ways to help the couples in crisis regarding the issue under analysis. Moreover to enable them to understand the importance of the diagnostic disclosure of their Seropositivity to their partners. Therefore, the marital relationship is based on the couple’s complicity to maintain emotional ties and in collaboration overcome the various adversities that the nature imposes on them, in this case one would be the disease, either of both or one of the partners.
In the social context, the study makes several entities of the society approach the subject openly, understand the importance of disclosing the seropositivity to the sexual partner, its advantages and consequently the best strategies to fight against discrimination and stigma that HIV-positive individuals face, as well as using research as an instrument for society’s quality of life. From academic point of view, it will serve as a consultation tool and complement to similar works. Another reason is the fact that the importance of Clinical Psychology is not yet very recognized neither valued in our society, being one of the areas that still needs to be explored in our country. This fact contributed to the development of this research in order to contribute in a concrete way with actions aimed at the promotion of services provided by the clinical psychology, in order to arouse to other scholars and the society in general the importance of this area for the general well-being, in particular in people living with HIV (PLHIV) since mental health is fundamental for every human being. In fact, with appropriate psychological follow-up to PLHIV the number of nondisclosure cases and their impact could be reduced. This work aimed to understand the psychological impact that the non-disclosure of the Seropositivity has on marital relationship from the existing conceptions regarding HIV, the level of adaption in the marital life of young people living with HIV, as well as psycho-affective and behavioral consequences resulting from nondisclosure of the HIV-positive status.
Citation: Idla CSI (2021) Psychologycal Impact of the Non-Disclosure of the Diagnostic of HIV Seropositivity. J Antivir Antiretrovir. S21:005.
Received: 08-Oct-2021 Accepted: 22-Oct-2021 Published: 29-Oct-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/1948-5964.21.s21.005
Copyright: © 2021 Idla CSI. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.