Journal of Tourism & Hospitality

Journal of Tourism & Hospitality
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0269

+44 1300 500008

Research Article - (2023)Volume 12, Issue 1

Research on the Coupling Mechanism between the High-quality Development of Rural Tourism and Rural Revitalization

Huizhan Wang1*, Lulu Pei2, Ruochen Wang1, Huimin Wang1, Xinru Lu1 and Hossen Saddam1
*Correspondence: Huizhan Wang, School of Management, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an, China, Email:

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In villages with certain tourism development foundation and conditions, there is a natural coupling between the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization. Based on the similarity of the goals of the highquality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization, this study tries to build a coupling relationship model between the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization by drawing on the coupling concept in physics. On this basis, this study takes Yuanjia village, a model village of rural revitalization in China, as a case to clarify the coupling mechanism between the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization. This study helps to improve the theoretical system for the coordinated promotion of the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization.


The high-quality development of rural tourism; Rural revitalization; Coupling mechanism


In October 2022, the Communist Party of China pointed out in its 20th National Congress that it would "comprehensively promote rural revitalization, and solidly promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology and organization" and "make efforts to promote high-quality development". As a strategic pillar industry of China's economy, tourism is well integrated, highly relevant, driven and widely beneficial, which determines the special status and unique functions of tourism in national strategies such as high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization.

At present, academics have carried out systematic research on hot issues such as rural tourism and rural revitalization. Combing through the relevant literature, we find that international scholars are more concerned with the relationship between rural tourism and agriculture [1] and the promotion of rural tourism to urbanization [2]; Chinese scholars mainly focus on the impact of rural tourism on rural regional development [3], the impact of rural tourism on rural culture and habitat [4], and the synergistic development of rural tourism and beautiful countryside construction [5]. Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the strategy of "rural revitalization" in 2017, studies on rural tourism guiding the strategy of rural revitalization [6] and the high-quality development of rural tourism contributing to rural revitalization [7] have gradually increased. However, most of the studies are limited to the one-way relationship between rural tourism or the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization, and there are relatively few studies on the interactive relationship between the two, especially the lack of studies on the synergistic development of the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization. In practice, the high-quality development of rural tourism helps to promote the rural revitalization, and the rural revitalization also helps to promote the high-quality development of rural tourism, and the relationship between the two is not a simple one-way relationship, but a two-way relationship of mutual integration and progress.

In this context, strengthening the study of the coupling mechanism between the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization will help improve the theoretical system of the mutual integration of the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization, and provide theoretical guidance for the coordinated promotion of the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization.

Materials and Methods

Case selection

The selection of case usually requires a strong typicality, which can provide rich, comprehensive and in-depth information for the research topic. In this study, the theme involves "the highquality development of rural tourism" and "rural revitalization", which is a complex, changing and highly contextual social phenomenon, so the richness and depth of information is particularly important. Therefore, this study takes typicality as the main basis for the selection of case, while taking into account the availability of data and the convenience of field research, Yuanjia village in Liquan County, Shaanxi Province, China, was finally identified as the case site.

In the 1960s, Yuanjia village was once known as a deeply impoverished village on the Guanzhong plain due to the inherent lack of resources and natural conditions within the village area, "no cattle for cultivation, no oil for lighting, food on relief, damp and dilapidated housing, difficulties for young men to find a wife, and no good head for the masses" is exactly how people described the poverty situation in Yuanjia Village before the 1970s. In the winter of 1970, Guo Yulu, who was elected as the 36th captain of Yuanjia Village, led all the villagers to gradually achieve agricultural development by accumulating fertilizer, tilling the land, building wells and running side businesses, and stepped out of the shackles of poverty, thus making Yuanjia village a typical example of self-reliance in Shaanxi Province. After the reform and opening up, also under the leadership of Guo Yulu, all villagers actively developed village-run enterprises and formed group companies, achieving a major transformation from a stable agricultural village to a rich industrial village, building Yuanjia village into a nationally renowned "well-off model village". In 2007, Guo Zhanwu, who took over as secretary of the party branch, changed the direction of Yuanjia village's development, taking Guanzhong folklore as an entry point and investing in the creation of the Guanzhong Impression Experience, which has led to the rapid development of rural tourism.

At present, Yuanjia Village has developed from a small village with only 62 households and 286 people into a tourism town that absorbs more than 3,000 people for employment and gathers more than 1,000 people for entrepreneurship through tourism upgrading and brand promotion. In 2019, Yuanjia Village received more than 5.8 million tourists, with a total tourism income of more than 1 billion yuan and an annual per capita net income of more than 100,000 villagers. After rapid development in recent years, Yuanjia village has become a model of high-quality development of rural tourism and tourism promoting rural revitalization in China.

Data collection

The research team visited Yuanjia village twice, in June 2020 and August 2020, and used a combination of participatory and non-participatory observation methods to observe the production and life of the residents, the appearance of Yuanjia village. This study uses in-depth interviews to conduct an in-depth survey of villagers, village cadres and tourists in Yuanjia village on issues such as the state of high-quality development of rural tourism and the role of rural tourism in rural revitalization, obtaining a large amount of first-hand information. In addition, this study has also collected much second-hand information on the development of rural tourism and rural revitalization in Yuanjia village by searching the internet and consulting books and journals.

Research methodology

This study first uses the system coupling theory to construct a coupling relationship model between the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization based on the similarity of the two development goals. On this basis, it combines relevant theories and in-depth interview data to explore the coupling mechanism between the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization.


The evolutionary process of coupling and coordinating of the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization in Yuanjia village

According to the life cycle theory of tourism sites proposed by Canadian scholar Butler [8], the development of rural tourism sites usually goes through stages of development from exploration to consolidation and then decline or revival. The tourism development of Yuanjia village has also gone through the above stages. In the different development stages of rural tourism in Yuanjia village, the degree of high-quality tourism development and the state of rural revitalization also differ, as does the degree of coupling and coordination between the two.

Exploration stage: In the exploration stage, most of the community residents in Yuanjia village lacked basic understanding and knowledge of what rural tourism is, how to develop rural tourism, and whether they can obtain economic benefits by participating in rural tourism, so they took a wait-and-see attitude towards tourism development and wouldn’t easily participate in tourism development. Under such circumstances, the necessity and urgency of strengthening the construction of grassroots organizations and giving full play to the demonstration and leading role of grassroots organizations and party members and cadres has come to the fore. As a fundamental guarantee for rural revitalization, organizational revitalization plays a leading role in the implementation of rural revitalization strategy, and its revitalization effectiveness is directly related to the implementation effect of rural revitalization strategy.

Yuanjia village is a successful example of promoting the full implementation of the rural revitalization strategy with organizational revitalization as the leader. From agricultural production in the 1970s to industrial development in the 1980s and 1990s, Yuanjia village has always insisted on collective economy. The background of long-term insistence on collective economy has enabled the prestige of its Party branch and village collective to be manifested and its appeal to villagers to be enhanced. Although the collective economy of Yuanjia village had come to a standstill under strict state control of backwardcapacity enterprises, and the degree of collective organization was no longer as it was in the days of industrial development, it still laid a good organizational foundation for subsequent tourism development. In 2007, under the leadership of Guo Zhanwu, the secretary of the village branch, Yuanjia village gave full play to the leading role of the grassroots party organization in tourism development, organizing the scattered individual community residents of Yuanjia village to participate in tourism development, coalescing people's hearts and strengthening the village grassroots organization through the development of rural tourism, providing a strong organizational guarantee for tourism to boost rural revitalization.

Consolidation stage: Industrial revitalization is the material basis of rural revitalization. Without the support of industrial development, rural revitalization is only a castle in the air and cannot be realized. However, along with the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization in China, many villages have been hollowed out, with a surge in the number of people going out to work and study, an exodus of highly qualified labor, a decrease in the quantity and quality of human and talent resources left in the villages, and the limited human and talent resources often hinder the development of local tourism in the direction of "big tourism, big market, big industry", resulting in a weak industrial base and making it difficult to effectively promote industrial revitalization. "This in turn will lead to further loss of rural population, thus forming a vicious circle of "lack of talents - weak industries - brain drain". As a result, the promotion of ecological revitalization and cultural revitalization is also unsustainable. Therefore, industrial revitalization and talent revitalization are important elements of the coupled and coordinated medium-term phase of high-quality tourism development and rural revitalization.

During the consolidation stage, the residents of the Yuanjia village community, under the guidance of grassroots organizations, have gained an in-depth understanding and appreciation of what rural tourism is, whether they can obtain economic benefits by participating in rural tourism, and how to develop rural tourism, as well as a certain level of knowledge and professional skills, and have begun to actively promote the development of the tourism industry in Yuanjia village. With the development of the rural tourism industry, the attractiveness of Yuanjia village has been enhanced and the talent gathering effect has been expanded. Local competent people, foreign creators and other kinds of talents have started to gather in Yuanjia Village in a steady stream, promoting the revitalization of talents and the rapid revitalization of Yuanjia village's tourism industry at the same time, ultimately forming a virtuous cycle of talent revitalization and industry revitalization, which in turn has promoted the quality and efficiency of rural tourism.

Prosperity stage: As the saying goes, "one side of the land nurtures one side of the people", the unique ecological environment of the region nurtures people with very different customs and habits and their distinctive culture. In the process of promoting rural revitalization through tourism, only when local identities are formed in rural areas, so that community residents can re-identify with their local culture and values and develop a strong sense of territory and belonging, can the development of the subjectivity of community residents be truly promoted, and they can then promote ecological and cultural revitalization as the main force. It is obvious, however, that the cohesion of local identity is not achieved overnight, but is based on the community residents' full confidence in their own culture, and therefore requires a relatively long period of accumulation and precipitation. Therefore, the realization of ecological revitalization and cultural revitalization is generally later than the realization of other dimensions of revitalization, and is usually an important element in the later stages of coupling and coordinating of high-quality tourism development and rural revitalization.

During the prosperous stage, the subjectivity of the residents of Yuanjia village has been greatly developed, and they have begun to focus not only on the material abundance brought about by tourism development, but also increasingly on the local history, culture and ecological environment, gradually creating a common demand for an orderly social order and a livable ecological environment for Yuanjia village. For this reason, they have taken up the corresponding responsibilities in the process of tourism-assisted rural revitalization, including consciously maintaining a clean and tidy community environment, consciously passing on and promoting the unique and outstanding local culture, consciously maintaining harmonious neighborhood relations, and consciously abiding by the community's common moral code and code of conduct. As the conscious initiative of community residents continues to rise, the corresponding features of Yuanjia village's tourism-assisted ecological revitalization and cultural revitalization have become more and more prominent, gradually realizing ecological revitalization and cultural revitalization.

The above analysis shows that under the leadership of the grassroots party organization, Yuanjia Village has followed the evolutionary path of tourism promoting rural revitalization from organizational revitalization to talent revitalization and industrial revitalization to ecological revitalization and cultural revitalization, ultimately achieving comprehensive revitalization and then high-quality tourism development.

Construction of the coupling relationship model between the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization

In villages with certain tourism development foundation and conditions, there is a natural coupling between the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization. Based on the similarity of the goals of the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization, we try to build a coupling relationship model between the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization by drawing on the coupling concept in physics. The high-quality development of rural tourism is the basis of rural revitalization. The multidimensional nature of its objectives helps to achieve the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside, and the high level of its requirements helps to achieve a higher quality revitalization of the countryside in terms of industry, talents, culture, ecology and organization; The revitalization of the countryside is a long-term development objective based on the high-quality development of rural tourism, and the comprehensive nature of its objectives helps to consolidate the effect of the high-quality development of rural tourism (Figure 1).


Figure 1: Coupling relationship model between the highquality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization.

Analysis of the coupling mechanism between the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization

Interaction between the high-quality development of tourism industry and revitalization of industry: On the one hand, the high-quality development of the rural tourism industry can drive the development of related industries, thus gradually realizing the industrial revitalization of the countryside. Rural tourism can not only directly promote the development of tertiary industries such as catering, accommodation and transportation, but also indirectly drive the development of rural planting and breeding industries, realize large-scale development and operation of agriculture, and through the extension of the industrial chain, effectively drive the development of secondary industries such as processing of rural agricultural and sideline products and manufacturing of tourist souvenirs, thus promoting the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries and helping to realize industrial revitalization. In the process of developing rural tourism, Yuanjia village is committed to building a "hundred-year Yuanjia village" and achieving "common prosperity", constantly promoting the optimization of the tourism industry structure and transformation and upgrading, and finally forming a development mechanism of "the tertiary industry driving the secondary industry and promoting the primary industry", realizing the diversified development of the industry.

On the other hand, the revitalization of rural industries can promote the high-quality development of rural tourism. Compared with traditional industries, rural tourism has unique advantages in promoting the deep integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in the countryside, which is in line with the goal of "flourishing all industries" in the rural revitalization strategy. From the initial Guanzhong folklore tourism, to the development of rural resort tourism, to the current development of the agricultural and sideline products industry chain, Yuanjia village has given full play to the advantages of a comprehensive and highly interrelated rural tourism industry, continuously lengthening the tourism industry chain, building a link between the rural tourism industry and the primary and secondary industries, gradually transforming the resource advantages of Yuanjia village and the surrounding areas into industrial advantages, and gradually realizing the deep integration and virtuous cycle of the three major industries, thus promoting the high-quality development of the tourism industry.

Interaction between the high-quality development of tourism talents and revitalization of talents: On the one hand, the highquality development of rural tourism is conducive to promoting the flow of talents to the countryside. Before the development of rural tourism in Yuanjia village, due to the closure of villagerun enterprises, most of the village's young and strong laborers chose to work in the city, resulting in Yuanjia village becoming a hollow village. However, the development of rural tourism has promoted the revitalization of talents in Yuanjia village and the surrounding areas. In the early stages of tourism development, Yuanjia village provided a series of preferential policies to drive the residents of the village to operate farm caravans and bring in skilled craftsmen from the surrounding villages to engage in workshop operations. The residents who had moved to the city and the surrounding areas saw the benefits of tourism development and returned to their hometowns to choose local employment. With the expansion of the tourism market, Yuanjia village has also created a platform for farmers to start their own businesses, and has implemented policies to attract many investors and entrepreneurs "in the city" to start their own businesses in the countryside, and various talents have returned and gathered due to the development of tourism in Yuanjia village. In the process of participating in tourism development, displaying their talents and realizing their own values, they have injected vigor into the development of Yuanjia village. To date, all 62 households and 286 people in Yuanjia village have returned home to develop tourism, and have attracted more than 3,000 neighboring and foreign residents to work and start their own businesses here.

On the other hand, the revitalization of talents in the countryside can promote the high-quality development of tourism talents. The revitalization of talents is the core element of rural revitalization. In order to improve the quality of the talent team and optimize its structure, Yuanjia village has continuously strengthened the ideological education and guidance for tourism practitioners, organized their study trips, hired external experts to provide them with training and upgrading, and recruited trainee village leaders from all over the world to participate in assisting the village leaders and provide professional experience and skills for tourism development. However, the key to the revitalization of talents lies in whether the village can introduce talents, cultivate them and retain them, which in turn largely depends on the environment for the development of talents in the village, including the attitude of the village towards talents, the level of the village infrastructure and the human ecological environment. In order to retain talents, Yuanjia village has continuously improved the level of infrastructure and ecological living environment, providing a good development environment and sufficient development space for the local and external talents, relieving them of their worries in terms of living, thus enabling them to focus on the development of rural tourism and promote rural revitalization. Through multiple measures such as smoothing channels for the return of talents, innovating policies for the introduction of talents, deepening precise training of talents and optimizing the environment for the development of talents, Yuanjia village has formed a development pattern of internal and external linkage of talents and enhanced the quality of tourism talents.

Interaction between the high-quality development of tourism culture and revitalization of culture: On the one hand, the high-quality development of tourism culture is conducive to promoting the prosperity of rural culture. In the development of rural tourism, Yuanjia village has explored the cultural connotations and heritage of Guanzhong, created the Guanzhong Impression Experience, and focused on the organic combination of commercialization and culture, implanting folk culture into the developing process of rural tourism projects, which not only helps to showcase Guanzhong folk culture to tourists and promote cultural exchange and dissemination, but also directly promotes the inheritance, protection and development of traditional culture. In addition, Yuanjia Village has created several “Yuanjia villages” based on different regional cultures through the export of tourism brands and business models, promoting the development of cultural resources in other regions. In order to use cultural elements to attract tourists, Yuanjia village tourism practitioners actively learn about the traditional culture of the region, take the initiative to explain to tourists about the history and folk culture of Yuanjia village in the process of providing tourism services, and continue to improve their production skills by demonstrating traditional skills such as weaving, oil pressing and vinegar making for tourists. While foreign tourists perceive the culture of Yuanjia village, they also bring a new culture to the community residents.

On the other hand, the cultural revitalization of the countryside has provided richer cultural resources for rural tourism, further promoting the prosperity of rural tourism culture. Through the development of rural tourism, the local traditional culture of Yuanjia village has been fully explored, and community residents have gradually increased their awareness of the value of the local culture and developed a strong sense of identity and belonging to Yuanjia village, which in turn has transformed the inheritance and protection of culture into conscious action. In this process, Yuanjia Village also uses rural tourism as a basis to explore the excellent values, humanistic spirit and moral codes rooted in the local culture, to promote the construction of spiritual civilization, and ultimately to improve the spirit of the community residents and enhance the social civilization of Yuanjia village, thus achieving the revitalization of rural culture and the high-quality development of rural tourism culture.

Interaction between the high-quality development of tourism ecology and revitalization of ecology: On the one hand, rural tourism contributes to the improvement of beauty and ecology, and thus to the ecological revitalization of the countryside. The essence of tourism is "poetic habitat" [9]. The development of rural tourism is not only conducive to creating a "poetic habitat" for tourists, but also provides an opportunity to improve the quality of the living environment of community residents. In order to meet the needs of tourists for a good ecological environment and complete infrastructure, Yuanjia village has organically combined the protection and improvement of the ecological environment and the construction and improvement of infrastructure with the construction of tourism projects since the early stage of rural tourism development. In terms of ecological environment construction, Yuanjia village vigorously promotes the implementation of rural greening and environmental beautification projects, and carries out comprehensive management of environmental pollution such as rubbish and sewage generated from residents' daily production and living and even tourism activities. After long-term ecological management, Yuanjia village's ecological environment has improved significantly, presenting a new look of cleanliness, neatness and orderliness. In the process, the community residents have gained a deeper understanding of the importance of ecological environment construction for tourism development, gradually establishing a sense of green civilization and sustainable development, and have begun to take practical action to consciously maintain the environmental hygiene of Yuanjia village, creating a clean and tidy village appearance for tourism development. In terms of infrastructure enhancement, the higher government and Yuanjia village have jointly coordinated the construction of public infrastructure such as power supply, water supply, roads, gas and communications, etc. At the same time, Yuanjia village has also vigorously promoted the construction and renovation of tourism service reception facilities such as accommodation, catering, entertainment and shopping, and has continuously improved its tourism reception capacity and reception conditions. After years of planning and construction, Yuanjia village has now become a rural tourism resort that integrates food, accommodation, transportation, tourism, shopping and entertainment as well as other leisure elements, with perfect infrastructure and complete service functions.

On the other hand, the ecological revitalization of the countryside helps to improve the ecological mitigation of rural tourism and achieve higher quality ecological development. Rural tourism is an effective means for Yuanjia village to promote the beautification of the rural ecological environment and the upgrading of its infrastructure. In the process of developing rural tourism, Yuanjia village has taken a breakthrough to improve the village appearance, continuously improve the village infrastructure, improve the ecological environment of the village, and eventually, through the improvement of the quality of the human living environment, Yuanjia village will become a beautiful village with "beautiful ecology, clean village appearance and complete facilities", which is suitable for living, working and touring. This not only helps to fully meet the needs of visitors' experience and increase their satisfaction, but also effectively improves the production and living conditions of community residents, thus gradually achieving the goal of ecological revitalization.

Interaction between the high-quality development of tourism organization and revitalization of organization: On the one hand, the high-quality development of rural tourism contributes to the development of various types of rural organization. Rural tourism boosts the revitalization of organization mainly in two aspects: The first is the revitalization of the original organization, mainly including the revitalization of village party organization and village committees. Grass-roots organization is the core force of Yuanjia village tourism to boost the full implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. At the early stage of tourism development, the grassroots organization of Yuanjia village gave full play to the leading role of the branch secretary and the exemplary role of party cadres, uniting and organizing party cadres and community residents to devote themselves to tourism development, in the process of which the capacity of the grassroots organization was greatly enhanced and won the high trust and recognition of the majority of community residents. The second is the innovation of the organizational model. With the tourism development in Yuanjia Village, various types of management and business organization have emerged, including the Yuanjia Scenic Area Management Committee, which is responsible for the management of tourism affairs and logistical services, Shaanxi Guanzhong Impression Tourism Co Ltd, which is responsible for the operation of the Yuanjia Scenic Area, Zhengyuan Tourism and Culture Media Co Ltd, Yuanjia South Goods Street Commercial Co Ltd, and various street associations which are self-managed and self-serviced by community residents.

On the other hand, the revitalization of rural organizations helps to achieve a higher quality of development of rural tourism organization. Under the leadership of grassroots organization, various types of organizations in Yuanjia village have developed in line with the development of rural tourism, creating a good situation for rural organization to flourish. As the core and leading force of the rural governance system [10], grassroots party organization also directly determines the overall effectiveness of rural social governance. Under the leadership of the grassroots party organization, Yuanjia village has improved self-governance to stimulate residents' participation, strengthened the rule of law to restrain unhealthy competition in the market, and promoted moral governance to coordinate social relations, thus forming a new situation of rural governance.

To sum up, there is a natural coupling between the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization. In the process of development of rural tourism, the high-quality development of tourism industry and revitalization of industry, the high-quality development of tourism talents and revitalization of talents, the high-quality development of tourism culture and revitalization of culture, the high-quality development of tourism ecology and revitalization of ecology, the high-quality development of tourism organization and revitalization of organization interact with each other and develop in a coordinated manner, which is conducive to the realization of a higher level of quality development of rural tourism, as well as to the overall revitalization of the country side.


There are both links and differences between the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization. From the logic of the task, the high-quality development of rural tourism is the primary task, while the rural revitalization is the deepening and guarantee. From the logic of scope, the high-quality development of rural tourism focuses on solving the problem of rural tourism development, which helps to consolidate the achievements of tourism poverty eradication, realize the effective connection between tourism precise poverty eradication and rural revitalization, and then enhance the level of overall well-off rural construction; Rural revitalization focuses on solving the problem of overall rural development, through "tourism +" "+ tourism", realizing the deep integration of rural primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry, and finally realizing common prosperity. Based on the above characteristics, in practice, it is important to pay attention to the mutual promotion between the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization, as well as the differences in the focus of the two in terms of problem solving, so as to co-ordinate the relevant policies of governments at all levels in terms of highquality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization, so as to maximize the policy synergy.


In villages with certain tourism development foundation and conditions, there is a natural coupling between the high-quality development of rural tourism and rural revitalization. Firstly, the high-quality development of the rural tourism industry can drive the development of related industries, thus gradually realizing the industrial revitalization of the countryside, while the industrial revitalization of the countryside can promote the tourism industry to achieve higher quality development; Secondly, the high-quality development of rural tourism is conducive to promoting the flow of talents to the countryside, gradually realizing the revitalization of rural talents, while the revitalization of rural talents can promote the improvement the quality of tourism talents; Thirdly, the high-quality development of rural culture is conducive to promoting the prosperity of rural culture, while the revitalization of rural culture provides richer cultural resources for rural tourism, further promoting the development of rural tourism culture; Fourthly, rural tourism helps to protect the environment and improve the ecology, thus promoting the ecological revitalization of the countryside, while the ecological revitalization of the countryside helps to further optimize the tourism environment and achieve higher quality ecological development; Fifthly, the high-quality development of rural tourism helps to develop various types of rural organizations and enhance rural governance capacity, while the revitalization of rural organizations helps to achieve higher quality development of rural tourism organization.


This research was supported by the National Social Science Foundation of China, Western China (No. 16XGL008, 20XJY018), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 42071186), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Project (No.2017M623097), the Soft Science Research Program Project of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology (No. 2018KRM056), the Research Project on Major Theoretical and Practical Issues in Social Sciences of Shaanxi Province (No. 2018Z076), the Research Project on Culture, Art and Tourism of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (No. 19DY14), the Research Project on Major Theoretical and Realistic Issues in Philosophy and Social Sciences of Shaanxi Province (No. 2021ND0237), Shaanxi Provincial Decision-making Advisory Committee Research Specialized Project in Philosophy and Social Science Research in Shaanxi Province (Key Topics of Ecological Space Governance in Shaanxi Province in 2022) (No. 2022HZ1818), Xi'an Social Science Planning Fund Project(No. JG216), and the Project on the Prosperity of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Xi’an University of Science and Technology (No. 2020SZ01).


Author Info

Huizhan Wang1*, Lulu Pei2, Ruochen Wang1, Huimin Wang1, Xinru Lu1 and Hossen Saddam1
1School of Management, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an, China
2School of Cultural Creativity and Tourism, Yuncheng Vocational and Technical University, Yuncheng, China

Citation: Wang H, Pei L, Wang R,Wang H, Lu X, Saddam H (2023) Research on the Coupling Mechanism Between the High-quality Development of Rural Tourism and Rural Revitalization. J Tourism Hospit.12:511.

Received: 23-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. JTH-22-21138; Editor assigned: 27-Dec-2022, Pre QC No. JTH-22-21138; Reviewed: 10-Jan-2023, QC No. JTH-22-21138; Revised: 16-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. JTH-22-21138; Published: 23-Jan-2023 , DOI: 10.35248/2167-0269.23.12.511

Copyright: © 2023 Wang H, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
