Maternal and Pediatric Nutrition

Maternal and Pediatric Nutrition
Open Access

ISSN: 2472-1182

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Short Communication - (2022)Volume 7, Issue 2

Roles and Responsibilities of Adults for their Pediatric Development

Johnny Saremirad*
*Correspondence: Johnny Saremirad, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria, Email:

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Children begin learning as soon as they are born, and they develop and learn at a high level during their early years. This lays a crucial basis for lifelong learning, and individuals who care for and educate children from birth to at the age of eight should hold a significant amount of responsibility for their health, development, and learning. The implications of child development science for the professionals who work with these children are explored in transforming the workforce for Children Birth through Age 8. Early childhood experiences influence a child's brain and his or her ability to learn, get along with others, and respond to daily stressors and obstacles.


Children; Behavior; Child development; Stressors


Children are dynamic individuals that they learn social behaviors, display emotions, learn values, and demonstrate affection for others as they grow physically and mentally. Major developmental events occur in children's life during their elementary school years, and children's attitudes and behavior become increasingly adolescent like around grade five. On their way to becoming adults, children must go through many phases or perform certain steps [1]. Most people go through four or five phases of development during which they learn specific things: infancy (birth to age two), early childhood (ages two to eleven), later childhood (ages eleven to twelve), and adolescence (ages thirteen to sixteen). Of course, there are some exceptions, who will attempt to appear older than their years, but the majority of people follow this trend. A child evolves constantly until he or she becomes an adult, despite the fact that the instructor or parent is usually unaware of these changes; rather, our perceptions of children tend to lag behind their true growth and development. The reason for this is that the changes that characterize growth and development normally occur gradually, so we are rarely aware of them [2].

The developmental window (rapidity of brain development during early childhood)

The brain grows as a result of a dynamic interaction between underlying biological processes and environmental exposures and experiences. This process starts at conception and lasts the whole of one's life. The brain develops rapidly and fundamentally during a child's early years, and connections between neurons are reinforced [3]. As a result, early childhood is a time when there is a high danger of disruption as well as a high potential for good developmental influences.

The interplay of genes and environment

The causes of healthy, normal development as well as disease, disorders and developmental issues are best regarded as the interplay between genes and environment. While a child's genetic composition impacts how strongly he or she is affected by certain environmental variables or experiences, new study suggests that environmental factors can also influence whether genes are turned on or off. Neither the environment nor biology alone can determine anyone’s destiny [4].

The impact of stress on development

There is now considerable evidence that early psychological and social adversity, which can occur even during foetal development, can have significant short and long-term consequences on brain development and the way the brain and body deal with stress. Multiple systems, including the immune system and the endocrine system, are involved in the response to stress and can be affected by chronic adversity, in addition to the brain [5]. While enriching experiences in the early years promote healthy brain development, disruptions or shortages before birth or in early childhood can disrupt or modify the developing brain, resulting in alterations ranging from minor inabilities to widespread developmental disorders.

Individual differences in sensitivity to environments

Individual differences in children's susceptibility to environmental factors are significant. Some people appear to be more susceptible to both positive and negative influences; others seem to thrive in difficult situations with minimal negative impact [6]. These four fundamental ideas have transformed our understanding of children's formative experiences in their homes, communities, health care settings, childcare and preschool centers, and schools when taken together. These findings have effects for people who educate and care for young children, emphasizing the importance and intricacy of the job.


According to the hybrid model, concept analysis was critical for the development of a concept that took into account the phenomenon's complexity, because data from the literature study and field phase were complementary and proved the incorporation of new knowledge among specialists. When presenting the development as a result of the child's contact with the environment and the relationships that exist therein, such analysis, in addition to expert analysis, contributed to the formulation of a concept that can be used in practice. This will help to support the revision of nursing diagnoses and the right selection of steps to promote child development, which is an important component of the nurse's role in monitoring the child's health.


Author Info

Johnny Saremirad*
Department of Human Development and Family Studies, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria

Citation: Saremirad J (2022) Roles and Responsibilities of Adults for their Pediatric Development. Matern Pediatr Nutr. 7:161.

Received: 01-Apr-2022, Manuscript No. MPN-22- 17362; Editor assigned: 05-Apr-2022, Pre QC No. MPN-22- 17362 (PQ ); Reviewed: 22-Apr-2022, QC No. MPN-22- 17362; Revised: 29-Apr-2022, Manuscript No. MPN-22- 17362 (R); Published: 09-May-2022 , DOI: 10.35248/2472-1182.22.7.161

Copyright: © 2022 Saremirad J. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
