Clinical Pediatrics: Open Access

Clinical Pediatrics: Open Access
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Short Communication - (2021)Volume 6, Issue 12

Significance of Pediatric Nephrology and its Treatment

G Contreras*
*Correspondence: G Contreras, Dialysis Unit VAMC, Veterans Affairs Medical Center and University of Miami School of Medicine, FL 33125, USA, Email:

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A pediatric nephrologist focuses on the health necessities of infants, adolescents, and children with kidney disorders and infections. Pediatric nephrologists identify and treat problems with children’s kidneys, such as kidney failure and kidney stones. They also help manage environments related to kidney diseases, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

The kidney function and medical history of a child are usually estimated by a pediatric nephrologist. Diabetes, childhood nephritic syndrome, kidney failure, hemolytic uremic syndrome, genetic kidney disease, and kidney stones are among the acute and chronic illnesses and ailments that damage a child’s kidneys. Orders and analyses laboratory and imaging tests, and prescribes drugs based on the results of kidney disease screenings, such as urine testing, blood tests, and biopsies. Determines whether a child suffering from a renal disease needs dialysis or a kidney transplant.

Pediatric nephrologists diagnose, treat, and achieve several disorders moving the urinary tract and kidney, urinary tract infections, inherited kidney diseases, high blood pressure, kidney stones, including kidney failure, and blood and protein in the urine are examples of abnormalities in the urine. They also understand how to assess and treat growth and development issues that are linked to chronic renal disease. They can also assist patients in making the transition from pediatric nephrologists to adult nephrologists and urologists.

Treatments and technology

Pediatric Nephrology Services offers the latest cutting-edge therapies for nephrology disorders in children. Because hospitals may be terrifying for children, services are provided in state-ofthe- art facilities that are intended for patient and family comfort, reducing some of the stress associated with treatment. Pediatric Nephrology Services collaborates with Cedars-Sinai Pediatric Urology Services to provide comprehensive care for children with urologic issues. Pediatric Nephrology Services also collaborates closely with community organizations to ensure that patients have access to the developmental, nutritional, educational, and other resources they require.

To handle kidney-related diseases in children, pediatric nephrologists order or conduct numerous procedures and therapies. Pediatric nephrologists are educated in both medicinal and small surgical procedures, such as stent placement in the renal artery. Pediatric nephrologists do not undertake major operations, such as kidney transplants, but they are conversant with all aspects of the patient's care before to and after the procedure. Your nephrologist may recommend you to a general surgeon, transplant surgeon, or other surgical expert, such as an urologist, depending on your situation.

Dialysis access procedures are operations that are performed into a blood vessel to allow simple access to your circulation in preparation for dialysis treatments. When the kidneys can no longer filter toxins and fluids out of the blood, dialysis is used to artificially filter them out. Medication, surgery, or extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy are all options for breaking up kidney stones (ESWL), Treatment and care following a kidney transplant to ensure that the donated kidneys operate properly and to manage side effects and problems produced by the surgery. Renal angioplasty involves stent insertion to enhance blood flow to the kidneys by widening a renal artery.

Fertility preservation program: Children's Fertility Preservation Program The initiative, which is the only one of its kind in the region, gives youngsters with cancer or other medical issues that may compromise their future fertility another alternative. These alternatives are for youngsters who are both post-pubertal and pre-pubertal.

Fetal surgery: For children, there is a fertility preservation program. The program gives an extra option for youngsters with cancer or other medical issues that may compromise their future fertility. It is the individual one of its kind in the region. Post-pubertal and pre-pubertal youngsters can choose from these alternatives.

Proton beam therapy: Proton beam treatment is a type of radiation therapy that uses protons because their organs are still growing, children with cancer can gain the most from proton beam therapy and, conversely, can suffer the most long-term harm from traditional radiation therapy. For children with some forms of cancer, proton beam treatment is an appealing alternative.


In the diagnosis and prevention of recurrent nephrolithiasis, pediatric nephrologists play a critical role. Clinical expertise in pediatrics appears to impact therapy choices for children and adolescents with end-stage renal disease, according to data. When children are sent to adult subspecialists, treatment options and care processes may change.


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Author Info

G Contreras*
Dialysis Unit VAMC, Veterans Affairs Medical Center and University of Miami School of Medicine, FL 33125, USA

Citation: Contreras G (2021) Treatments of Pediatric Nephrologist for Children. Clin Pediatr.6: 195

Received: 07-Dec-2021 Accepted: 21-Dec-2021 Published: 28-Dec-2021

Copyright: © 2021 Contreras G. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
