Journal of Oceanography and Marine Research

Journal of Oceanography and Marine Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2572-3103

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Commentary - (2023)Volume 11, Issue 3

Significant Oceanographic Center on the Solid Coast

Billy Graham*
*Correspondence: Billy Graham, Department of Fisheries Technology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, Email:

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1. Description

In the fifty years before the foundation of the Woods Hole Oceanographic establishment in 1930. The village of Woods Hole had already been established as a middle of world honor in fisheries and marine biology. Two distinguished scientists instrumental in establishing, throughout the period following the war, the Woods Hole space as middle for marine studies were Herbert Spencer F. Baird, the primary U. S. Commissioner of Fisheries and natural scientist, a Harvard prof and eminent teacher.

The influence of the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) was powerfully felt within the institution of the establishment. The President and former Director of the MBL Frank R Lillie, WHO conjointly served as Chairman of the Department of biological science at the University of Chicago chaired the Committee on earth science of the National Academy of Sciences that counseled that there be a significant oceanographic center on the solid coast of the united states so, specifically beneath Frank Lillie's strong influence that it's settled in Woods Hole. Others concerned within the designing were William Jim Bowie, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey; B. M. Duggar, plant life scientist from the University of Wisconsin: E. G. Conklin, professor of zoological science at Princeton, and Rose, President of the overall Education Board. The author of the report and secretary of the Academy committee was, of course, our own Founder- Director, Henry Bryant Bigelow of Harvard. The record shows that the negotiations were somewhat additional difficult than this; in fact, the initial grant was only two million dollars with a commitment for operative cash over subsequent ten years. This commitment was replaced with a second grant of one million that showed that the inspiration had in fledgling center. However the establishment did get off to a quick begin. The Board of Trustees had its lust structure meeting on January fifteen. 1930 elected Bigelow the Director and initiated a building program and therefore the recruiting of employees. By 1931 the primary laboratory (the present Bigelow Laboratory) was completed, and in August of that year on this aspect of the Atlantic from national capital wherever she was designed. The U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, the U. S. Coast Guard, and the U. S. Navy's Hydro-graphic workplace were ex-officio trustees. This follow of getting heads of Federal agencies as trustees was born in 1940 once the establishment became heavily concerned in war analysis. The Academy committee was wise in recommending Woods Hole because the web site for the geographic region marine center. The new staff came to a community already dedicated to and well known for outstanding scientific research. The library facilities of the /451 were unusually good. These were made available to the Oceanographic staff and in turn the Institution augmented the library by contributions of journals and funds for support of the library. The location has access to a wide continental shelf and the deep sea beyond as well as contrasting conditions harboring cold and warm marine forms north and south of Cape Cod. The small but deep-water port provides the best harbor on the Cape. The proximity to several great universities was and continues to be a great advantage for the development of the staff and the scientific program.

Author Info

Billy Graham*
Department of Fisheries Technology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh

Citation: Graham B (2023) Significant Oceanographic Center on the Solid Coast. J Oceanogr Mar Res. 11:281.

Received: 04-Aug-2023, Manuscript No. OCN-23-23460; Editor assigned: 08-Aug-2023, Pre QC No. OCN-23-23460 (PQ); Reviewed: 21-Aug-2023, QC No. OCN-23-23460; Revised: 29-Aug-2023, Manuscript No. OCN-23-23460 (R); Published: 06-Sep-2023 , DOI: 10.35248/2572-3103.23.11.281

Copyright: © 2023 Gr aham B. This is an open-access ar ticle dis tribut ed under the terms of the Cr eativ e Commons A ttribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
