Journal of Phonetics & Audiology

Journal of Phonetics & Audiology
Open Access

ISSN: 2471-9455

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Short Communication - (2022)Volume 8, Issue 4

Strategies Helpful for Children with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) at Home and School

Prawin Ankmnal*
*Correspondence: Prawin Ankmnal, Department of Audiology, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore, India, Email:

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Children don't fully develop their auditory system until they are about 14 years old. Many children with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) might gradually improve their listening abilities as their auditory systems mature [1].

There is no known cure, although several tactics, especially when initiated at a young age, may aid in listening and eventually improve the development of the auditory system. These consist of ,

• Modifications to the listening environment's physical aspects.

• Individualized treatments

• Assistance from other experts in managing symptoms of nonlistening. For example, a child might benefit from: language difficulties, considering speech-language therapy, therapy to treat depression or anxiety, utilizing music therapy or art therapy to increase self-esteem, occupational therapy to address auditory timing difficulties or sensory issues.

The Frequency Modulation (FM) system, formerly known as a remote microphone system, is one typical physical adaptation. This hearing aid makes the speaker's voice stand out against background noise, making it easier for a child to understand. The speaker wears a tiny microphone transmitter that transmits the sound to a speaker box or a child's ear-worn wireless receiver [2].

Other bodily modifications frequently concentrate on enhancing a child's access to speech. To improve speaking, one must lessen background noise, visual and auditory distractions, and unfavorable acoustics in the classroom. For instance, in a school, the instructor might speak slowly, deliberately, and clearly and place the child in a seat where they can better see and hear them [3,4].

Some personalized therapy may also aid children's auditory system development. These are typically suggested by the audiologist based on a child's test results and concerns. There are several computer-assisted programs designed specifically for kids with APD. They primarily aid the brain in processing noises in a noisy environment more effectively. These courses are offered by some schools. Ask school officials about the options if your child has APD [5].

Some of the difficulties caused by APD can be mitigated by strategies utilized at home and at school [6].

At home

• These techniques can assist your child at home:

• When possible, lessen background noise.

• Ask your child to look at you whenever you speak. This aids your child in "filling in the gaps" left by missing spoken information by providing visual cues.

• Employ techniques like "chunking," which is giving your child brief verbal instructions that have fewer words, a single important word, and fewer stages.

• Use a clear voice and slightly slower speech. More volume does not always work.

• To make sure they comprehend, have your youngster repeat your instructions to them.

• Keeping routines, noting instructions that need to be fulfilled later, keeping a chore chart or list, using calendars with visual symbols, and making notes can all be helpful.

• Using the closed captions on TV and internet programs is beneficial for many children with APD.

Inspire children to speak up for themselves. When children have trouble listening, telling adults can be helpful. The use of visual cue cards or other signs for coaches, parents, and teachers may be necessary for shy children.

At school

APD and its potential effects on learning may not be well-known to teachers and other members of the school staff. Talking about it and disseminating this knowledge can aid in increasing understanding of the disease.

Kids with APD are typically not placed in special education programs since APD is not officially recognized as a learning disability. A child may qualify for an accommodation plan, such as an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a 504 plan, depending on how challenging school is for them. These plans would detail any unique needs for the classroom.

Accommodations for APD frequently fall under the "Other Health Impairment" category of disabilities.

Other beneficial changes include:

• Selective seating that places the child in close proximity to the speaker. As a result, there are fewer visual and auditory distractions, and speaking is easier.

• Teaching unfamiliar or new terms beforehand.

• Visual aids.

• Lesson recordings for subsequent review.

• Computer-aided applications created for children with APD.

Keep the school staff informed about your child's development. Recognizing that your child's APD symptoms are real is one of the most vital things parents and teachers can do.


The signs and actions of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) are not under the child's control. With the assistance of kind adults, your kid can identify the issues caused by APD and employ the home and classroom management techniques.

In a child with APD, a constructive, realistic attitude and sound self-esteem can do miracles. Children with APD can achieve success on par with their peers. They are capable of everything they put their minds to with time, love, and support.


Author Info

Prawin Ankmnal*
Department of Audiology, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore, India

Citation: Ankmnal P (2022) Strategies Helpful for Children with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) at Home and School. J Phonet Audiol. 08:183.

Received: 04-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. JPAY-22-19001; Editor assigned: 06-Jul-2022, Pre QC No. JPAY-22-19001 (PQ); Reviewed: 22-Jul-2022, QC No. JPAY-22-19001; Revised: 28-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. JPAY-22-19001 (R); Published: 05-Aug-2022 , DOI: 10.35248/2471-9455.22.8.183

Copyright: © 2022 Ankmnal P. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
