ISSN: 2332-0915
Editorial - (2013) Volume 1, Issue 3
Keywords: Health; Human Development
Anthropology Journal is an American open-access journal published by OMICS Group. It offers an ideal space for researchers around the world who want, in a burst of construction and deconstruction of society, their contributions to the development of humans. The journal also provides a platform for exchange of new knowledge among researchers through their publications in the journal. In this perspective, anthropology, science in the service of man, is as the path set to achieve this goal. As such, the magazine attaches great importance to the original scientific articles, case studies and short communications of high quality in all areas of anthropology (health, economy, religion, etc.).
The field of anthropology of health focuses on several areas of research including:
- Environment and health, establishing the relationship between the environment and human health from the study of environmental factors underlying tropical diseases;
- Reproductive Health in the perspective of the problem of the health of the mother and child. Maternal and child health is an essential part of reproductive health. This is what is reflected in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 and 5 goals. Despite the efforts made by the different states of the world, the rates of maternal and infant deaths in developing countries remain high;
- Culture and Health is a research focused on the analysis of the influence of culture on perceptions of illness and health and the role of traditional medicine in the treatment of diseases in populations. And culture can be a barrier or a motivating factor in the health development of a country.
All manuscripts submitted to the editors will follow an evaluation by a peer for a quality publication process.