Autism-Open Access

Autism-Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2165-7890

Editorial - (2015) Volume 5, Issue 2

The Emerging Revolution In Autism: Re-Alignment of Energies and Being One’s Own Authority in Autism Healing

Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy*
Autism Expert, Authentic Autism & ADHD Solutions, Energy Medicine Consultant, Pioneer-Intent Healing Featured On CNN-IBN, Chennai, India
*Corresponding Author: Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy, Autism Expert, Authentic Autism & ADHD Solutions, Energy Medicine Consultant, Pioneer-Intent Healing Featured On CNNIBN, Chennai, India, Tel: 91-44-24836189 Email:


“The delusion that science has already answered the fundamental questions chokes off the spirit of enquiry. The Illusion that scientists are superior to the rest of humanity means that they have little to learn from anyone else” - Dr.Rupert Sheldrake in ‘Science Set Free’.

If every child/person on the Autistic spectrum is Unique, which they are, then it is understood that the any healing intervention or solution in autism would also have to be unique to each person on the spectrum, and so it is, especially with healing approaches such as Intent Healing (™) that are showing results in autism . (It is recommended to peruse other journal publications on this subject that are available at, for better understanding of this editorial).

Conventional training in medical colleges and hospitals all over the world is designed by default to treat each patient and condition like ‘assembly line products’. Meaning, each disease or condition would more or less involve the use of the same drugs or combination of drugs with some difference in the dosages. Which is why “modern medicine” is invariably failing when forced to deal with conditions such as autism where EACH person on the spectrum is UNIQUE . Which is what each one of us really is, to begin with ! There is nothing “new” about being unique. It is the law of the universe since the origin of the Universe itself. All of us belong to the “human” species, and yet the way each one of us processes even our “seemingly similar” life experiences is absolutely unique to each one of us. And this has been confirmed by discoveries being made in physics. That each one of us is a world unto our own.

Literally, I had the opportunity to interview three people whom I believe are representative of the revolution that is unfolding in the way solutions in the scientific arena and solutions by way of complete healing of “incurable” illnesses and conditions are being manifested in contradiction to the dictums and dogmas of modern medical approaches in these conditions that proclaim that there is “no solution or cure” for the same.

Who are these three individuals who are engaged in these path-breaking efforts?

Dr.Rupert Sheldrake, scientist and author of ‘Science Set Free’ and known as the Charles Darwin of the 21st century has stated that the evolution of science in the future would be by contributions from the “common” man and by online studies and experiments and sharing of the findings of these experiments using open access methods. That “future” is NOW. And autism is the standing example for the same. Because, almost all the cases of autism healing or “cure” are being reported and shared by individuals, through social media using the power of the internet.

Dave deBronkart is the founder of the e-patient movement who cured himself of final stage Renal Cancer by becoming an empowered “e-patient” leveraging the internet by accessing the latest discoveries in medical research that would have usually taken five years to actually reach the common man in the hospitals. He had been given just 24 weeks to live and he turned things around. On his own. Featured on Time magazine and as the ‘Patient Of The Future’ on Health Magazine he is now known as e-patient Dave and presents his work as a keynote speaker at conferences for doctors .Needless to state that he “Knows” more about the form of cancer that he suffered from than any trained doctor on the planet .Both in terms of medical knowledge and advanced studies and “knowing” that his body already “knows” what works best for him. In its own UNIQUE way.

Dave Scharps, the director of the movie ‘The Cure Is’ was a millionaire who lost everything and gained love and a new way of living. In this movie he documents how a few people cured themselves of incurable illnesses by carving their own path of healing and recovery.It is these cases and resources that needs to be shared in every hospital. Before that, every doctor needs to be educated on the same.

In my interviews with all three, Dr.Rupert, e-patient Dave and Dave Scharps, what came through was that they had to fight against the “system” that is buried deep in the quagmire of politics and pharma trap that seeks to perpetuate the fear based outdated modes of approach to diseases, “incurable” conditions and patients that serves to churn in billions of dollars by keeping people unnecessarily trapped in the viscious cycle of creating “customers” for particular diseases. For life. Literally.

There was one thing in common between these three people whom I had the opportunity to interview on my radio show, and that was - All three of them chose to step out of “mainstream medicine” dogmas and fear-based approach to dealing with illnesses and “incurable conditions” and decided to discover their own path to complete healing and understanding of health and well-being, in direct contradiction to what conventional doctors and scientists had recommended.

In other words, they became their own “Authority” by owning their power over their bodies, mind and soul.

Two questions that definitely need to be highlighted and pondered upon are these -

Where exactly is one most likely to come across or encounter or hear about people who have healed themselves of incurable diseases and conditions? The answer is - It is most likely OUTSIDE the hospitals and the most likely places one gets to hear about these individuals is on social media and the internet .Or in natural environments mostly isolated and unheard of by the average “mainstream” scientists and doctors.

How often do people who cure themselves of an “incurable or end-stage disease or condition” actually go back to the hospital and inform or dare to attempt “educating” the very doctors who told them that they “there is no cure for your illness/condition” that in fact they are walking “miracles” who have healed themselves of the “incurable” condition on their own, with methods that they discovered outside the dictums of conventional medicine? The answer is - hardly anyone would even want to attempt to do so. Mainly because of centuries of conditioning that makes most doctors and scientists dismiss such cases of complete recovery from “incurable” illnesses and conditions as “spontaneous remission”. Which invariably translates as “We don’t know how this got cured in you, but this cure is not what is “normally” expected in your condition and so you are an Exception to the rule, and therefore we’d rather NOT focus on this and let’s simply focus on what we are taught by our books and trained in our curriculum to expect as the usual outcome of this illness or condition, which is - death”.

The question is - Even today why is conventional medical training focused on Ignoring and/or Dismissing the cases of what is termed as “spontaneous remission” , which actually are Complete Healing from a particular incurable condition or illness staring in the face as EVIDENCE, and instead tunnel-visioned in focusing only on the problem instead of the Solution ?!

This conditioned mindset based on Fear and Dogma is what is causing one of the major phenomena of our times, which is Autism, to be unnecessarily sheathed in so many layers of false beliefs that it is “incurable”. While the truth is just the opposite. Every single limiting symptom in autism can be completely healed .Today.

And the first step in accessing these solutions in autism that are already working on the ground is by learning to own ones own inner guidance, wisdom and intelligence that every human being is born with. And, “Energetic Re-Alignment” within oneself to resonate with this “knowingness” in order to be able to SEE or PERCEIVE the solutions that will work in each child or person with autism. In a manner that is Unique to that child or person with autism. Because, every child/person with autism is unique in every sense of the word.

In short, becoming ones own “Authority” on what works for a child or loved one suffering from the limiting symptoms of autism, unnecessarily. Because,there is a solution.

Why is Energetic Re-Alignment so important in order to be able to SEE the Solution in autism that is working on a case by case basis? It is because the FILTERS such as fear, dogmas and more, distort a person’s energy field and consequently their ability to perceive the solution in the first place.

One such approach that is already working on the ground in autism that is based on Applied Energy Medicine and Applied Intentional Epigenetics is Intent Healing (™). Unless the energies shift FIRST, it is impossible to perceive the solution. Intent Healing brings about the fundamental Energetic Re-Alignment that helps the person access and benefit from the solution in autism that results in the complete disappearance of the limiting symptoms in autism by addressing the Unique Energy Dynamics in each family dealing with a loved one with autism. There may be many more methods and an approach that are working in autism, but the underlying fundamental factor that is bringing about the results of healing in autism is Energy Shift or Energy Re-Alignment.

It is time for conventional medicine to wake up to the revolution that Autism is bring about in the field of “good” science - The “patient” becoming his or her own “Authority” of healing and wellbeing , thus manifesting the “cure” for the limiting symptoms in autism. And this revolution is happening OUTSIDE the hospitals and research labs, in the “real” world of “real” people finding their own solutions in autism by re-alignment of their energies and owning their inherent wisdom, intelligence and power of Well-being and Healing.

Citation: Kandaswamy R (2015) The Emerging Revolution In Autism: Re-Alignment of Energies and Being One’s Own Authority in Autism Healing. Autism Open Access 5:e133.

Copyright: © 2015 Rajalakshmi K. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.