Journal of Applied Pharmacy

Journal of Applied Pharmacy
Open Access

ISSN: 1920-4159

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Opinion - (2023)Volume 15, Issue 6

The Importance of the Isolation for Different Antiulcer Medication

Koji Ishida*
*Correspondence: Koji Ishida, Department of Pharmacoepidemiology, University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, Email:

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Ulcers, particularly peptic ulcers affecting the stomach or upper part of the small intestine, are a common gastrointestinal issue affecting millions worldwide. These ulcers develop when the protective lining of the stomach or intestine is compromised, leading to the erosion of tissue. While various factors contribute to their occurrence, including Helicobacter pylori infections, Non- Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) use, stress, and lifestyle choices, the treatment often involves the use of antiulcer drugs. Antiulcer drugs constitute a diverse class of pharmaceuticals designed to eliminate ulcer symptoms, promote healing, and prevent recurrence. They work through different mechanisms targeting acid production, enhancing mucosal protection, or eradicating H. pylori bacteria Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) like omeprazole, esomeprazole, and pantoprazole are among the most commonly prescribed drugs for ulcers. They function by inhibiting the proton pump in the stomach lining, reducing acid secretion significantly. By lowering gastric acid production, Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) help in ulcer healing and symptom relief. However, prolonged use may have side effects like increased risk of fractures or infections.

Drugs like ranitidine, famotidine, and cimetidine belong to this class. They work by blocking histamine receptors in the stomach, thereby reducing acid production. While effective in managing ulcers, their usage has declined due to the availability and potency of Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs). In some cases, longterm use may lead to side effects like headaches or confusion. Antacids such as aluminium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, or calcium carbonate work by neutralizing stomach acid. They offer rapid but short-term relief from ulcer symptoms by raising the pH of the stomach contents. However, frequent use can lead to side effects like constipation or diarrhea. These drugs, including sucralfate, work by forming a protective barrier over the ulcer, protecting it from acid and promoting healing. Gastric and duodenal ulcers are diseases that afflict a large number of individuals worldwide. Ulceration occurs when the normal stomach balance is disrupted by either increased aggressiveness or decreased mucosal resistance. Peptic ulcer drug therapy aims to either neutralise these aggressive forces or stimulate the mucosal barrier.

Despite advances in traditional chemistry and pharmacology in the production of effective medications, the plant kingdom may represent a helpful source of novel antiulcer chemicals for development as pharmacological entities or as simple dietary adjuncts to current treatments. They adhere to the ulcer site, allowing the tissue to heal undisturbed. While generally welltolerated, these drugs may cause constipation or nausea in some individuals. When ulcers are caused by an H. pylori infection, a combination of antibiotics alongside acid-suppressing medications is used for eradication. This approach helps in ulcer healing and prevents recurrence by eliminating the bacteria responsible for the ulcer's formation. While antiulcer drugs are effective in managing ulcers, certain challenges exist in their usage. Prolonged consumption of some medications can lead to adverse effects or drug interactions. For instance, PPIs, when used for an extended period, may increase the risk of osteoporosis or vitamin B12 deficiency. Moreover, antibiotic resistance poses a challenge in treating H. pylori infections, necessitating alternative drug combinations. Additionally, lifestyle modifications play a crucial role in ulcer management. Avoiding produces like Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), alcohol, and spicy foods, managing stress, and adopting a healthy diet can complement drug therapy in preventing ulcer recurrence. Advancements in pharmaceutical study continue to explore new avenues for antiulcer therapies.

Author Info

Koji Ishida*
Department of Pharmacoepidemiology, University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan

Citation: Ishida K (2023) The Importance of the Isolation for Different Antiulcer Medication. J Appl Pharm. 15:389.

Received: 01-Dec-2023, Manuscript No. JAP-23-28554; Editor assigned: 04-Dec-2023, Pre QC No. JAP-23-28554(PQ); Reviewed: 18-Dec-2023, QC No. JAP-23-28554; Revised: 25-Dec-2023, Manuscript No. JAP-23-28554(R); Published: 01-Jan-2024 , DOI: 10.35248/1920-4159.23.15.389

Copyright: © 2023 Ishida K. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
