Mass Spectrometry & Purification Techniques

Mass Spectrometry & Purification Techniques
Open Access

ISSN: 2469-9861

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Commentary - (2023)Volume 9, Issue 1

The Role of Super Cooled Liquid Preordering in Crystal Development

Cappell Fukusaki*
*Correspondence: Cappell Fukusaki, Department of Chemistry, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, Email:

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One of nature's most frequent and enigmatic phase transitions is crystallization. Numerous fields, including atmospheric science, nanoscale electronics, protein engineering, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and physical metallurgy, have a practical interest in understanding this process' physical mechanism. Typically, the process of crystallization involves nucleation and subsequent growth, as most famously described by the Classical Nucleation Hypothesis (CNT). According to CNT, density fluctuations cause the equilibrium crystalline phase to randomly form in a homogenous disordered liquid. Nuclei begin to expand once their size surpasses the crucial size. The free energy gain upon crystallization the chemical potential difference between the liquid and crystal phase ∆µ and the free energy cost proportional to the interfacial tension associated with the formation of a new interface between the two phases are the two main thermodynamic factors for crystal nucleation. The critical nucleation free-energy barrier ∆G and the critical nucleus size Rc depend on the balance of these two variables.

The finding of non-classical paths for crystallization calls into question the universal validity of CNT, despite the fact that it is a crucial framework for understanding crystallization. This is primarily due to the assumptions made by the straightforward CNT. For instance, it has been argued that the crystal phase that forms from a liquid need not necessarily be the one with the highest thermodynamic stability; instead, it may be the one with the smallest free energy difference from the liquid phase (known as the Ostwald step rule) or the one with the lowest free energy barrier to formation. On the basis of the Landau theory, it was also asserted that in simple atomic liquids, the Body Centered Cubic (BCC) phase should arise preferentially before transitioning to the stable phase. Despite being frequently documented from numerical simulations and tests, such two (or multiple) step crystallization is still controversial. These scenarios could be thought of as crystal side approaches. The supercooled liquid state is no longer homogeneous, as assumed by CNT, and crystal-like angular order spontaneously develops in a supercooled state for systems suffering from only weak frustration against crystallization, according to recent studies of the structural properties of glass-forming liquids. By using unsupervised learning techniques, for instance17, it was discovered that these structural fluctuations play a significant role in crystal nucleation. In other words, the improvement of crystallike bond orientational order triggers the onset of crystallization, which is followed by translational (density) ordering. As a result, crystal nuclei in a supercooled liquid are not formed at random but rather are induced in areas of great crystal-like bondorientational organization.

In other words, the crystalline phase prefers to form from regions that have been previously organized with local orientational symmetry that is consistent with crystallinity. In a literal sense, we could say that homogenous nucleation doesn't really exist. Nucleation is always the result of "continuous" ordering, beginning with orientational and moving on to positional.


This hypothesis has mainly been supported thus far for pairs of simple liquids with isotropic potentials, such hard spheres. One question is how far it applies to more complicated liquids like metallic alloys. The function of such liquid structural preordering in crystal development is a considerably more important question. Fast crystal growth that goes much beyond CNT's prediction has recently received a lot of attention. According to classical crystallization theory, the diffusion constant D and the driving force of crystallization Δμ, independently of γ, determine the crystal growth rate. In light of supercooled liquid preordering, it is incredibly unclear if this is accurate.

Author Info

Cappell Fukusaki*
Department of Chemistry, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

Citation: Fukusaki C (2023) The Role of Super Cooled Liquid Preordering in Crystal Development. J Mass Spectrom Purif Tech. 9:172.

Received: 02-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. MSO-23-21683; Editor assigned: 06-Jan-2023, Pre QC No. MSO-23-21683 (PQ); Reviewed: 27-Jan-2023, QC No. MSO-23-21683; Revised: 03-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. MSO-23-21683 (R); Published: 10-Feb-2023 , DOI: 10.35248/2469-9861.23.9.172

Copyright: © 2023 Fukusaki C. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
