
Open Access

ISSN: 2332-0915

Short Communication - (2022)Volume 10, Issue 4

The Study of the Narrative of the Lived Experience of the Governor of Sarpo-LeZahab, Kermanshah during the Earthquake

Minoo Salimi1* and Ahmad naderi1
*Correspondence: Minoo Salimi, Department of Anthropology, Institute of Anthropology, Tehran, Iran, Email:

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The earthquake is considered to be an important variable in the evolution of social lives in different contexts for its wide impacts on the individuals ‘economic, social, cultural and family conditions, as well as the massive amount of social change that it entails. The present study research seeks to explore the livede experience of the governor of Sarpo-le-Zahab during the earthquake that occurred November 2017 in the region. The catastrophes at different levels created a widespread created a massive change in the lives and biodiversity of people. Because each individual has a set of unique experiences that are presented as truth determine his behavior. In this sense, the reality and the disaster-related behavior are not the same for different individuals. This research studies the occurrence of the earthquake and its social, cultural and managerial consequences through in-depth interviews with the Governor of Sarpo-le-Zahab and narrative analysis of his memories of the experience.


 A narrative interview is qualitative method that uses a collection of narratives as the source of its data. The narrative, based on this approach, is an analytic construct that links a number of incoherent actions and events from past or (and) present together, and integrates them as a whole. The coherent narrative then helps with making sense of the elements by which it is formed and explains. IN the narrative of the conversation about past experiences through the matching of the oral sequence, the cases are formed by arranging the events as it is [they are?]. The findings of thise research highlight that the reading of the memories and narration of the governor of Sarpo-le-Zahab from the earthquake is important for understanding the social, cultural and managerial implications of the disaster. IN the present study, based on the narrative analysis method, the categorization and extraction of descriptive, interpretive and explanatory codes of meaning, the structure and nature of the experience of governor's lived experiencefe in five main


 The sudden collapse of life (ecological damage, psychological effects, physical effects and disease outbreaks Social disorder, demographic crisis, increasing domestic violence and cultural and social changes. The governor of Sarpo-le-Zahab spells out the social, cultural and managerial problems among the people of Sarpo-le-Zahab especially the emergence of unfavorable social and cultural conditions for women and youth. The governor’s memories of his lived experience analyzed in this research shows that earthquake has caused; sudden collapse of life, the disappointment and constant experience of the people, the constant anxiety of the individuals and their inability in making decisions for themselves and their families, the increase in the migration of the people, the increase in the of social and cultural problems, unemployment, the increasing desire for suicide among the various strata of the population, the emergence of psychological and personality issues amongfor women and children, the distrust of people to each other, the deepening of the social distance between people and the state-sponsored institutions, and the creation of social distance between people and cultural activists, artists, charities and finally, the experience of interminable frustration and social depression long after the crisis. My analysis of the governor’s


 The role of crisis manager is crucial. Conditions lead to the management weaknesses of the social crisis management environment, which can be identified in crisis situations and then desirable and effective planning for managing the crisis and reducing the adverse social and cultural effects.Extract descriptive, explanatory and explanatory codes in the experience of the governor's life from the earthquake.

Explanatory category Interpretative category Descriptive category
  Ecological damage (physical and financial infrastructure) Damage and destruction of property, damage and destruction of habitat and destruction of home appliances, destruction of urban infrastructure and health centers and schools, damage to and destruction of the workplace, damage to and destruction of agricultural products, damage to livelihoods, deterioration of the situation Economic and investment.
The sudden collapse of life Psychological effects Stroke and seizure [traumas] caused by death of loved ones, inconvenience of incident, long-term disability, long-term reconstruction, sudden loss of relatives (spouse, children and relatives), loss of relatives, death of the injured, lack of debris and debris Stay in touch with the sound of asking for helpPanic and horror caused by intense and continuous earthquake shaking, experience of helplessness, permanent anxiety, depression, Suicidal tendency, physical and psychological reactions, need for respect and dignity of individuals, helpless parents.Worrying about children from frustration of parents, lack of patience and endurance against the continuation of the earthquake, the fear of staying alone.
  Physical effects and disease outbreaks Physical damage due to debris, fractures and spinal cord injury, physical damage due to prolonged exposure to rubble, damage to organs and inability to do things like before, gastrointestinal problems, physical effects on children (gastrointestinal and blood diseases , Relapse of diseases, prolonged illnesses), poor weather conditions in the outbreak of diseases, life in the tent with warm and cold air, long life in tandem and tired conditions, the need for accommodation and security, malnutrition.
Disorder in social order Social anomy, social inequality, social distance, social panic, social conflict Disrupting the social order, confusion and uncertainty, the tastes of legal encounters with irregularitiesViolation of normal norms in society.
Demographic Crisis emigration Temporary migration to nearby towns and villages, permanent returns to the earthquake town, with the settlement in the city or near the village, permanent migration, job vacancies.
Increased domestic violence Increasing risky behaviors, lowering the level of tolerance of people by increasing social pressures Divorce, nervousness and anxiety violence against women and children, child abuse, neglect, addiction, suicide. Distorting the values of the family, establishing unconventional relationships.
Cultural and social changes The elimination of ethical features, the emergence of particular styles of life, the creation of new norms Not seeing or destroying moral attributes such as mutual honesty, loyalty, ethics and truth. The prevalence of distrust, the development of escape, the emergence of certain styles of life, behavior, habitation, breaking social norms and creating distorted spaces.

Extract descriptive, explanatory and explanatory codes in the experience of the governor's life from the earthquake


Author Info

Minoo Salimi1* and Ahmad naderi1
1Department of Anthropology, Institute of Anthropology, Tehran, Iran

Citation: Salimi M, the study of the narrative of the lived experience of the governor of sarpo-le-zahab,kermanshah during the earthquake symbolism of food in hinduism. Anthropology 10: 292

Received: 02-Nov-2022 Editor assigned: 07-Nov-2022 Reviewed: 21-Nov-2022 Revised: 28-Nov-2022 Accepted: 04-Sep-2021 Published: 06-Dec-2022

Copyright: © 2022 Salimi M. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited .
