Autism-Open Access

Autism-Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2165-7890

Editorial - (2014) Volume 4, Issue 3

The Way Forward in Autism: The Paradigm Shift from the Problem to the Solution in Autism

Rajalakshmi K*
Autism Expert, Authentic Autism & ADHD Solutions, Energy Medicine Consultant, Pioneer-Intent Healing Featured On CNN-IBN, Chennai, India
*Corresponding Author: Rajalakshmi K, Autism Expert, Authentic Autism & ADHD Solutions, Energy Medicine Consultant, Pioneer-Intent Healing Featured On CNNIBN, Chennai, India Email:


No Problem can be solved from the level of consciousness that created it" - Albert Einstein

In energy terms what this often repeated quote from Einstein means is that the frequency of vibration at which a problem exists is very different and distinct from the frequency of vibration at which the solution exists, and when a person is operating on the frequency of the problem by focusing only on it, they cannot see the solution simply because they are not a match to the frequency of the solution.

This is precisely what is happening with respect to autism as well, especially in and including the "scientific community" focused on researches that are putting their attention mainly on identifying the "causes" and "correlations" in autism. this often makes even a layman wonder if these researchers are going round in circles trapped in the frequency of the "autism problem" instead of shifting to the frequency of "seeing the "autism solution " that is right before them.

In this editorial I would like to present a couple of pointers that would help facilitate the

Paradigm-shift in autism towards the solution, thus helping the person with autism gain freedom from their "limiting symptoms" (as defined by each individual with autism ) and thrive with their unique gifts and talents, exploring the points stated below would help the researcher doing the research about autism to get on the fast-track of autism solution thus enabling the global transition in autism research that brings more and more cases of people thriving with autism to light.

1) The missing piece - consider any study or research that focusses on autism as a "problem". Invariably the results published are of two kinds -

a) Presenting the evidence of "correlation(s)" between one or more factors/variables and autism

b) Presenting the evidence of a lack of "correlation(s)" between one or more factors/variables and autism

Which is why one comes across so many articles "connecting/correlating" autism with just about any variable that a particular researcher decides to focus on, howsoever unfathomable it usually is.

What a researcher chooses to put his/her attention on in order to gather data for the conclusion of their study, they are bound to find. Simply because of the "observer effect" that clearly operates and so "changes the very object that they are observing" depending on what they choose to present as the conclusion or the result of the experiment/study.

This results in huge amounts of time, money and energy being exhausted in studies and researches that are nowhere near the solution for autism!

Thus going round and round in circles, being trapped in the "autism problem".

Now, the missing piece in any and all such studies that are focused on identifying the cause(s) or correlations in autism is this - energy perspective.

the one factor, which, if included in any study or research in autism that immediately fits in as the "missing piece" of the autism puzzle and immediately shifts the focus from the problem to the solution in autism is - using the lens of energy perspective to view the problems in autism and thus being able to see applied energy medicine as the solution in autism.

just this one factor alone results in both the researcher and the person with autism feel empowered with a fresh new understanding of both the cause of autism and the solution in autism, which is disturbances in the energy fields and restoring the energy balance and harmony, respectively.

This is because everything is the universe is ultimately energy.

Einstein said it, tesla reiterated it and a countless number of Nobel laureates re-discovered and emphasized it through their own experiments and researches.

So, this is not something new. The fact that everything is energy is as old as the universe itself. but the irony is that the mainstream "scientific community" and "conventional medicine" by and large chooses to conveniently ignore this very basis and foundation of the existence and functioning of the universe and leaves this all important factor out of their studies and researches!

Why is this so ? The answer is - it is mainly due to cognitive dissonance. There are other factors too, and that would form the basis of the topic for another article altogether.

Leaving out the energy perspective in any research in autism would be like leaving out the the parameter/factor of the breathing mechanism itself while trying to study about how human beings live with or without oxygen.

Therefore the one missing piece that is the key to seeing the debilitating symptoms in autism disappear is - applied energy medicine.

2) Re-defining evidence based medicine (EBM)- autism presents a unique challenge in designing most studies or researches trying to study the cause(s) and/or correlations in autism.

This is because, by definition, autism is a "spectrum" disorder/condition where each person with autism is unique in their presentation(s) and experiencing of symptoms and behaviors including communication of the same.

which is why none of the conventional methods of "scientific investigations" can be applied in autism as a parameter/benchmark/gold-standard to determine what is "working" or "not working “in autism.

which is why we all too often come across the situation where all interventional methods seem to work in some people with autism but not in all people with autism even with all parameters being seemingly the same or similar in the comparative studies.

what can overcome this "situation" while designing studies/research about autism is - re-defining the conventional definition of what constitutes 'evidence based medicine' as per the accepted terms in the field of modern/mainstream medicine.

The new definition of EBM or 'evidence based medicine' that would help make the 'paradigm-shift' in autism towards applying the solution(s) and seeing the results is - including and accepting the individual case-reports of "healed" cases of autism on an case to case basis as presented as the evidence of the individual with autism being free from the limiting symptoms of autism (symptoms defined or described as "limiting" by the individual with the particular symptoms) due to any method or intervention that that individual used/applied.

Therefore, the re-defining of EBM in autism is of urgent and immediate importance and significance as that would open the path to more and more cases of "autism healing"/ autism "solutions" coming to light from all over the world.

This would be the way forward in ensuring a global awakening towards experiencing the healing in autism instead of strugglingneedlessly, in many cases,with the debilitating symptoms of autism.

The time to make that paradigm-shift from the problem to the solution in autism is now.

Citation: Rajalakshmi K (2014) The Way Forward in Autism: The Paradigm Shift from the Problem to the Solution in Autism. Autism Open Access 4:e125.

Copyright: © 2014 Rajalakshmi K. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.