Journal of Tourism & Hospitality

Journal of Tourism & Hospitality
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0269

+44 1300 500008

Research Article - (2015) Volume 4, Issue 4

Tourism in XXI Century: The Powerful Peacemaker Against Great Nation Threat

Jabbarov A* and Zulfugarov Z
The Faculty of Economy, Nakhchivan State University, City of Nakhchivan, Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Azerbaijan
*Corresponding Author: Jabbarov A, The Faculty of Economy, Nakhchivan State University, City Of Nakhchivan, Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Azerbaijan, Tel: 00994556113395 Email:


Tourism as a significant social-economic event can wholly stand against a number of global dangers to have been forwarded anti society progress. Doubtless there are so many natural disasters as: earthquake, tsunami, flooding that from time to time damage the better loved tourism sector but together with this the global terror and conflicts jeopardize tourism more than. A man or a group of people struggling to demonstrate their advantage over others, their poisoned myth, their lost tolerancy are openly criticized in this article. We must be strong goodwill ambassadors in protecting universal peace and international tourism. But despite this the tourism as the phenomenon of the XX century has already been considered a means against all kinds of global dangers in the hand of the civilization in the new millennium that bases on science and thoughts of the people.


Keywords: Intercultural dialogue, Regional conflicts, Tourism diplomacy, Peacemaker mission


Tourism tours depend on social condition of people, their incomes and above all their cultural level rising. In a word, though tourism is a means of recreative demand of people, but along with this one can find a very great desire and wish inside this travelling ambition resulted from deep thoughts and physiological feelings such as: to create self trust by deepening the belief, to discover [1] or to be discovered, to be witness that “The beauty of the world is spacious” [2], to see the pleasant looking faces of the unknown people, to have new friends and so on. The benefit of the pilgrimages travelling to the Moslem and Christian spiritual centers since the ancient times is just the very proof to this.

These motives should be the locomotive of tourism. So that, today although different forms of natural disasters and technogen risks and dangers but hundreds of million people considering nothing visit from West to East, from North to South as the farthest distances and the most adventures draw the attention of travellers. In response to this, suggestions about rising tourism should be more adequate to meet their requirements. In order to spread tourism everywhere on the Earth planet in all seasons of the year, to settle both global and national problems the better known international tourism machine must work freely and actively. It includes organizing issues, seasonable difficulties, improving service quality, visa problems, transportation, accommodation and so on. If we approach this matter as a perfect destination drills we can easily understand that all of them are fragments serving to beautify the deals of tourism. But sadly, we have to touch on some unusual accidents such as: ethnic-local conflicts, damages resulted after a long standing terror actions that serve for the interest of some groups to demonstrate their so called “advantage”. Based on concrete facts that have been lasting for more than 20 years in CIS regions we can say clear-cut that during this period the tension goes from bad to worse but we think no sooner it will die down. It is an obvious fact that some separatist groups easily profit by this chance and pursue their murky policy of their supporters [3]. These “puppet” groups not have been recognized by international organizations have found a temporary “shelters” under the roof of so called “dominant” nations, and now they feel themselves as if very comfortable relying on their supporters [4]. Even with their so ugly actions they liquidate the tourism potential of the region which has been granted by God less or more. All international communications: included transportation, air navigation are always in danger. So we can say firmly that the tourism of the XXI century has broken off these false claims and proved this assessment during the past 50 years.

According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) tourism is the base of development, prosperity and well being [5]. Sure tourism is the true way in sharing the wonders of nature among people without any conflict and making everyone understand clearly that it is rare wealth belonging to humanity all over the world. When considering the essence of recreation as the function of tourism one realizes that it doesn’t base on only SSS (Sun, Sea, Sand) or LLL (Land, Lore, Leisure) formula, but also it is the perfect formula of mechanism capable to synchronize human in joining the greatest feelings, to make people understand that they are responsible for all material and cultural heritages to have been left for them [6]. This undeniable reality mentioned in all heaven sent books, unfortunately is realized neither in economic nor in social activity of mankind. Based on the above to mention facts tourism is said to be one of the wonders of the new world due to its economic profitability and also due to social-humanitarian imperatives executed by it. For a man undergone noisy city stresses the only remedy for him is indeed travelling the vast area of the world. So that the richness of the Earth Planet, its steps, plantings, waters, air will comfort him and he will be sure that this wealth is enough for mankind about millions of years.

As known any successful travel can easily change the view of a person and also the existing negative energy of a traveler soon after may be discharged. So that the huge economic functions realized by tourism such as: establishment of new work places, reduction of poverty and contradictions in society can be settled even without political decisions [7]. As Anita Pleumarom says, the more decisionmakers parade tourism policies for poverty elimination, the more the gap widens between the rich and the poor among and within nations, due to aggressive and unfair economic liberalization [8]. We can say that the unused or undiscovered tourism reserves in low developed regions or countries when engaged to tourism circulation soon affect to social welfare of local population. One knows that it is such magic mechanisms that can easily bring sides together imagine a man from Luxemburg with a man from Ethiopia [9].

Together with the stated matters we have to keep in our mind that the main locomotive of tourism included natural and historicalcultural diversity, possessing of different nature and culture here displays itself as a very strong factor. Thus, tourism may be considered as an economic mechanism, but the tourists are said to be the power capable to coordinate people, solve their disputes peacefully and wholly lead them to tolerance, to love voluntarism missioners and so many facts or actions related to his. You see very great!


But together with this, tourism itself is too sensitive to undesirable events on going throughout the world. Especially, as a key component of development in many countries. Despite its notable economic power and as well as apparent resiliency, tourism is highly vulnerable to internal and external shocks as diverse as economic down turns, natural disasters, epidemic disease and international conflicts [10]. In addition to this stated part we can stress only this fact that who or what causes problems and difficulties either directly or indirectly after a while the done damage affects them too. No secret that over the last not long passed years some cities, whole regions and even countries became deserts as a result of ruined cataclysm. But we know that one time those places were the lovely destination of tourists. Let’s simply keep one point in our mind. Till the so called Arabic Spring the unthinkable tragedies destroyed the tourism sector in the Near East, and also one of the tourism centers of the world Syria underwent this damage directly. If the tsunami in the Indian Ocean or the frustrated earthquake happened in Nepal recently caused a lot of people death, sure after a short time it will be forgotten and even without leaving any moral damage in the thinking of people [11]. Because people clearly understand it is a natural disaster, but ecological disasters, all ethnic and regional conflicts committed either consciously or unconsciously aim to get self benefit by interested centers which can’t be forgotten at least one generation years (30- 60 years or more than) and in its turn some obstacles arise in front of international organizations and as a result tourism relations suffer from that respectively. And even this can be equalized with cancer, so that there are some people thinking self motives consciously wreck the passenger planes mercilessly [12], or someone attacks a group of tourists in the seashore [13] or in the hotel and even in the summer camp [14] and as a result innocent people lose their life for terror actions. Now readers, compare what is what? Cancer or Terror? Sure, both need to be damned.

But despite all this while making tour everyone understands that some technical accidents or crashes possible to happen [15]. As if everybody is ready to understand this reality, but why people must think about terror actions that leave incurable traces after itself.

Today we can see and witness moreover venture tourists fleeing to criminal regions where the situation is rather tension [16]. But all peace loving mankind can’t find the guilty ones for the passenger plane shot over the pro-Russian separatist Donbas regime where more than three hundred people died, majority of which were children [17]. Though the Nepal earthquake shocked everybody but people could bear this and understood that it was beyond the power of mankind.

Now let’s give the possible definition of terror. What is terror? Terror is a Latin word and has different forms of explanation, such as: great fear, panic, or dread, systematic use of violence and intimidation to achieve some goal; to suppress political opponents, public enemy. As to Enders and Sandler ― Terrorism is the premeditated use or threat of use of extranormal violence or brutality by subnational groups to obtain a political, religious, or ideological objective through intimidation of a huge audience, usually not directly involved with the policy making that the terrorists seek to influence [18]. The U.S. Department of State defines terrorism as ― politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience [19]. Gabriel Weimann and Conrad Winn, in their book, The Theatre of Terror, suggest that terrorist activities have a major impact on international tourism of a country and are also the largest economic factor in the equation between terror and foreign tourism. As a form of political expression, terrorism dates back to 6 A.D. when Jewish patriots opposed to Roman rule in Palestine, organized under the name of Zealots and launched a terrorist campaign to drive Romans out of Palestine [20].

Thus, to keep others under fear and when finding suitable moment to commit sudden attacks against those said to be soft targets is the aim of terrorists [21]. Doubtless it even today causes hatred after being killed innocent people. For this destiny of tourism has become damaged, all tourism relations are broken as a result of terror fear. If we glance at the originating house of terror one can say the better known manipulation concerning terror as; to have land claims from other countries, to resort very shameful methods such as; religion, national and discrimination factors based on instigation feelings [22].

But we know that terror and violence have different causes. When approaching to the definition of terror here in most cases we see the victims of terrorists and also the innocent people who die for nonsense. Even needn’t to be a specialist or any intelligent to discover those terrorists who cross the borders with tourist visas hoping and aiming to damage real tourists. In other word terrorism and tourism tandem is look like a devil and angel tandem that they make paradoxal action between, but they seek the same opportunity to act; one for goodness but another for badness. So that, international terrorism and tourism are paradoxically connected via their mutual characteristics such as; both crossing national borders, both involve citizens of different countries, and they both utilize travel and communication technologies [20]. Let’s mention on some events going on today. As known, ISIL demonstrates abnormal, meaningless, merciless terror actions in the Near East. The aimless terrorists include different nationalities such as; Afghans, Uzbeks, terrorists from Pakistan, Chechenistan and besides them thousands of Western citizens [23]. Despite their nationalities just one and the same aim unites them, that’s terrorism. Tens of people are killed at every other two hours, hundred thousand of peaceful people have been killed and hundreds of settlements have been destroyed by them. One time tourism places today have become dens of terrorists. One may be asked by means of what kind of documents they cross Syria and Irag borders. Sure, they can’t introduce themselves as migrants, it is unbelievable. But unfortunately so many people have been poisoned by so called Islamic terror group ISIL and non-Islamic terrorist groups’ ideology and joined to such inhuman terrorist groups.

For such kind of people (if it is possible to call them people) there is no religion, nationality and even motherland. They easily appear everywhere aiming to commit terror actions.

For the purpose to learn the importance of the facts as stated above and as the priorities of the investigation these below noted matters were chosen:

• To study the reasons that engage people to violence and mutual hatred.

• To clarify the damage of mass terror cases to tourism not only as individual events, but starting from its background.

• To study all possible obstacles forwarded to the travel of people.

• To study deeply the contribution to peace and mutual love of worldwide tolerant feelings earned in travelling.


Tourism: law and culture

The right to travel, the right to answer physical and moralpsychological recreation of a man is one of the fundamental rights [24]. There are different concrete thesis about this in human rights declaration and supreme international documents and present requirements of mankind is to work intensively for spreading this known reality throughout the world and find out its working mechanism. To say shortly, this matter is also pictured in all heavensent books as a demand of human. The holy book Quran says touching on this: “…do not forget your share of the world” [25]. When revealing the sentence it is known that to use all suitable advisable things created by God is one of the most fundamental rights of human. Support of rights justly, that’s the more society develops the more the ensured rights should be equally served among people. As known all kind of rights to have been pictured in the Constitution are for the favour of mankind.

In order to bring clarification to our stated thoughts it is better to put forward such a parallel; today only about 1,1 billion people out of 7 billion have opportunity to travel [5]. If the difference is 1 out 7 then it is impossible to speak about just issues. But on the other hand we have right to express our impression on different contradictions such as; the Arabic sheikhs boast themselves with the skyscrapers belonging to them, some countries are proud of legalizing the ambitions of homosexuals [26], and sadly in the other corner of the world the tragedy of migrants that frequently occurs in the Mediterranean Sea [27]. Sure one can’t find any justice among those actions. We have to confess that this done wrong actions don’t concern only individuals or a group of ethnic but as a whole it is a shame for the Earth Planet. Considering this, a man is thankful to God that still the modern technological opportunities can’t set up direct relations with the civilization of other worlds. If only it could happen there would not be any power to stop or cover up the injustice in the world. But despite this the society develops and law also in its turn fulfills its duty in front of society. We have to dare to say openly that along with a man’s right of travelling the other rights as: the right of property, citizenship, economic activity, social, ecological, biological and also architectural rights go side by side with other fundamental rights. It is undeniable fact that to gain these rights not always happen by means of mind and democratic ways and when speaking in the language of Islamic scientists in the most cases Jihad struggle becomes inevitable. The named Jihad itself causes death, suffer and different unacceptable events against mankind.

The view of today’s global world shows that he that accepts the Jihad wholly maybe is unaware of its gist. For such people, as if, Jihad is against unjust action; is against despotism and who undergoes it; is against cruelty. Sure this understanding is completely wrong and it has no any relation with Islamic principles at all.

Jihad must be directed to the ideology that under the utopia of materialism began to separate people from one another for different convictions. But reality is that the mentioned Jihad was about self appetite, wastefulness, limitless ecological behaviour. Because since the creation of human everybody was brother and sister, to say shortly, relatives. As holy book Quran says: “And whoever strives only strives for (the benefit of) himself” [28].

Today who links to the very shameful action of ISIL in Syria and Irag where the monuments of the world culture together with their possessors namely, innocent people are destroyed and killed but unfortunately some ignorant interested sides call it wrongly Islamic – Jihad . But we have to keep in our mind that all this going on today is the result of the so called cold war. In 1950-1980 years when some big powers violated the balance of the world, they started to concentrate the capital in their hands, invested much more capital to arms race, poverty and extreme nationalism made contradiction, regional inequality and conflicts between nations grew bigger and bigger [29].

In Islam there is such a principle named “the law of fighting” which covers the rules as; a side waging war must obey the accepted human rights, civilians, women, children, weak ones, patients are considered armless and they stand far from fighting. But over the last hundred years we couldn’t see any good example approving the facts. Certainly, during WW-I on the eve of the Christmas holiday the fighting sides, namely, German, French, English and Belgium soldiers have forgotten the enemity and played football. Later on for remembering the best moment in December 2014 a football ball monument was erected by UEFA in the very region Comines-Warneton of Belgium which has a very great humanitarian significant even today [30]. But sadly, this short period also wasn’t a good lesson for people.

Though it was the happiest event taken place about hundred years ago on December 25, 1914, its humanitarian value encouraged millions of people’s hopes of peace, hopes of tolerancy. But all hopes remained as hopes in their hearts. In 1915 in the hard years of WW-I instead of following the good ways some leaders of the world again began to instigate the situation profiting by difficult position of Ottoman Empire. Although fearful, but one has right to think that instead of sending kind of tolerant messages against the broken out conflicts, terrorism (which is their main duty), but they prefered to pursue wait and see policy. Even today the religion leaders are very passive or some of them pursue double policy standing against the trusted heaven sent books principles. Therefore it is better to remind the people that to instigate the situation in the world isn’t so easy as some leaders think it easy, but contrary the expected damage one day covers or will cover everybody. Nobody is given the authority knowingly or unknowingly to play with the destiny of people, say and think whatever they wish. Sometimes the word or thought used untimely and wrongly can cause mongering of other conflicts, appearing new hot beds, and for the sake of nonsense all questions are left unanswered again.

Tourism and peace

Doubtless, peace is the highest cultural value that human has gained. Peace and stability are the main factors of society development and it is the highest indicator of living a happy life. By gaining peace a man can share spare time to improve own material opportunity and lift the least cares he has. These are the questions calling the attention of all: starting from little ones upbringing till global heating everything is discussed in the international summits. Today majority of international organizations are look like tea-houses. They discuss everything but no result. To say clear cut the establishment of peace is one of the key questions making the humankind think. But fact is fact. There was no any period of the world history to live in an absolute peaceful situation thinking no war starting again. Thus, peace isn’t simply a temporary agreement of two fighting sides, it doesn’t mean only ceasefire. By all means the thought and understanding of people must be rootily changed; peace must be an integral part of humankind living standards. According to us the mentioned safety life occupying the second standing in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs once again proves that a safety life is equal to air and water necessity. Historically there was necessity for the mission of goodwill ambassadors [31]. Based on traditional missions we can remind tribal heads, diplomats, people and able bodied persons, famous doctors and sportsmen who were disinterested people and did their best for the sake of peace hoping to stop further bloodshed. What peace loving people can’t understand is major leaders’ being indifferent to such problems.

As a global event the contribution of tourism for peace is undeniable. So that, the U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon commented on this occasion so: ‘In a world struggling for peaceful coexistence, tourism can build bridges and contribute to peace… There is no better way to learn about a new culture than to experience it first-hand… Tourism offers a wonderful connecting thread between visitor and host community’ [32]. We think needn’t more addition to this message stated by the huge international organization on tourism and peace; it is logical and very clear. But message isn’t heard by those who are anti-peace and stability. In most cases in the international dialogues the tested power of tourism is exampled and used efficiently. But what is the power of tourism? Where is its source from?

To answer this easy seemed question is very difficult. When glancing back till Marco Polo’s travelling we witness that the travelling route of one tourist moreover includes the wonder of nature and sample of cultural specimen derived from the heartiest love of a tourist to environment [31]. During occupation attacks of Alexander the Great and Limped Temur their followers were ordered to discover talented architectures and mathematicians, astrologers and doctors and later on thanks to them the wonders of the world were created by them and even today they surprise everybody. One can’t keep his surprise that the cultural samples in the crosspoint (crossroad) of cultures in Samarkand (Uzbekistan) were built in the XIV-XVI centuries by the followers of Nakhchivan (Azerbaijan) school of architectures who in the XII century had built the huge monuments with oriental features in the very city of Nakhchivan [33,34]. How the creative people could manage such huge things about thousand years ago, what was their initiative motive when building them, how they could accumulate the necessary amount of money, sure causes a man to think deeply. No one knows the exact goal of those people but what is clearly known to us is that the travellers of that period had penned everything as it was and their maps of ways even today keep their actuality perfectly well and are considered readable too.

The power of tourism being a tourism champion enables us to speak with the same logic coordinating the past with the present and future time. In other word it has been unanimously accepted that tourism is a perfect relative mechanism having strong ties with all three periods of time [35]. Just through tourism it is possible to establish a very solid bridge of intercountries and their governments. Sometimes we see that in different fields our lived past etiher is praised very highly or criticized very cruelly. Especially in medical fields, education, law, history or philosophy this picture is seen more vividly. Everybody feels the interest of such people and they are openly cowered and weaker. When opportunity is given to such kind of people they go far by damning the lived past and what is seen badly for them again they charge the past. Already it is high time to forget the foolish utopic ideology by calling “Great Russia” and “Great Armenia” [36,37]. But we know that those ideologies are driven from the will of Peter the First and the second myth has been fabricated thereafter Prophet Noah’s Ark touching against the Aghry mountain (Turkey). But Armenians fabricate all realities and claim some territories of Turkey and Azerbaijan. For this absurd land claim only neighbour countries have been suffering since long years. Now time has changed, now myth makers can’t penetrate their fabricated ideology easily. Sure, Peter the First had planned to occupy Istanbul about 300 hundred years before, but that time he failed [38,39]. Just in 1990 his wish was “realized”. But not by force, not by occupation, but thanks to tourism. Since 1990, it is already about 25 years, after collapse of Soviet regime the Russian tourists have advantages in all tourism recreation centers of Turkey including Istanbul and Antalya [40-42]. There are a number of Russian speakers working in shopping centers, hotels, as waiters, as municipal and transport employees, persons working in the airports and entertainment centers. Daily Russian press can be found in the newsstalls and bills in Russian tour-excursion advertisements. The Russian tourists spending much more currency to rapid Turkish economy and in their part they take the impression on ancient Ottoman culture, Turkish tolerancy, professional hospitality and punctual service culture for their homeland. Thus only two and half ten years after cold war end the cultural relations between the two countries could increase so intensively that today nobody wants to recollect the foolish utopic ideology that existed 300 hundred years ago. All this happened thanks to tourism coexistence and even today this process goes both horizontally and vertically. What was planned 300 hundred years ago by Peter is only remembered by shallow knowledge historians. So that as one would expect, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) took the lead and set an agenda at the Manila Declaration on World Tourism in 1980. Not only it has acknowledged the ‘vital force of tourism for peace and international understanding’, but it also led the member countries to resolve that: ‘The very existence of tourism and development depend entirely on the existence of a state of lasting peace, to which tourism itself is required to contribute. With respect to international relations and the search for peace based on justice and respect of individual and national aspirations, tourism stands out as a positive and ever-present factor in promoting mutual knowledge and understanding and as a basis for reaching a greater level of respect and confidence among all the peoples of the world [43].

When discussing the matter of tourism it is much more important to deal with “Euromaidan” movement and the current situation between Russia-Ukraine where the intercountries relations are too tension than ever. It is because the situation in Russia-Ukraine is look like the long standing conflicts between the people of Northern and Southern Korea; India and Pakistan; China and Taiwan; and even Israel-Jordan [32]. Might be those ethnic conflicts solved in time through tourism but even this initiative was consciously failed. But for what just Russia and Ukraine? It is clearly known that aggressive separatism policy of the interested circles became rather aggressive after the USSR collapse in the post-Soviet regions and it seems the known “Euromaidan” movement had been prepared by those separatist powers in advance. So that, after the WW-II Russia either directly or indirectly occupied the Kuril islands (Japan) [44], then Konigsberg (Germany) (present Kaliningrad) [45], then by means of the occupation Armenia Upper Garabagh and 7 regions attached it (Azerbaijan) [46,47], Abkhazia and Southern Ossetia (Georgia), Transdniester (Moldova) and about a year ago Crimea (Ukraine) was occupied by Russia [48]. The current situation in Donbas (Ukraine) goes from bad to worse that all the numerated and enumerated facts have caused all international relations and as well as international tourism negatively. It is the very Russia that about 2 years ago played a murky gas transit policy with Europe and the Ukraine was Russia’s natural gas partner. It seems Russia had been looking for a suitable chance to annex Crimea which happened after government change in the Ukraine. One knows that either historically, geographically or from cultural points of view the Ukraine is too close to Russia. But Russia’s aggressive relation to the people of the Ukraine proves its being non-tolerance. Needn’t to bring other alternatives or seek any kind of purposes on this problem. If after Moscow’s failure close cultural and tourism relations were perfect, sure today the separatists might not be too aggressive as they are today. There was enough time to reconstruct and restorate the tourism objects in Crimea which one time was called the paradise of tourism in the USSR. If the Ukraine didn’t do it in time today with the donation of a few numbers of Russian tourists who visit the Crimea by ferry boats is absolutely impossible to have infrastructure changes in those tourism objects. We being simple co-authors do want all laterals in conflict solve their problems peacefully, by using of different “maps of way” exiting in the world practice. Even Russia and Ukraine can arrive at a conclusion in solving this unsolved problem in the example of the ‘Peace park’ project between Israel and Jordan on 4 sq. km. land area and why not at least “Peace peninsula” between the two countries? Instead of this peaceful agreements European countries and the US put different sanctions against Russia and Russia in its turn implements revenge sanctions and as a result common people suffer and lose. Now this lost amounts about 100 billon dollars. This sum might be enough to put an end the on going crises in Greece, to improve the global tourism deals and in addition the tourism infrastructure of Crimea [49] might be restored completely.


The more tourism is very sensitive to tolerance, the more it is one of the most available ways to perform the advantage of tolerancy. During the appeared conflicts because of community contradictions and historic injustice (Within 40-60 years) even nowadays it is possible to make use of the power of tourism. Especially today it is inevitable. Intercountries conflicts and tensions demand it from mankind. Tourism can easily die down the storm of conflicts. For this purpose we put ahead our proposals as following:

• People having conflicts with one another must do their utmost to set up warm relations but what a pity they fail in finding suitable ways to act. Here political leaders must realize this ambition via broadening diplomatic ways. There was such an experiment between Turkey and Armenia presidents which was known as the initiative of “football diplomacy” in 2008 [50].

• To refuse the mutual tours that monger situation, touch on any nation’s tender part negatively, spoil more or less existing opportunity (e.g. tours of instigation football fans).

• Broadening the tours, to make use of common tourism reserves (e.g. Sun and Sea treatment etc.) belonging to the whole mankind.

• Broadening the activity of religion tourism serving for peace and tolerance, to draw all kinds of attention to the common problems of mankind.

• Put a limit especially for children and youth to travel the places known by the names of genocide, war, occupation. Because there was a very wrong tendency in Soviet time that the tours of schoolchildren were arranged in a mass form to Khatyn (Belarus), the suspected killing field [51,52]. No doubt in most cases this kind of exaggerated propaganda causes the psychology of children negatively and little by little they begin to hate one another.

• To broaden the capacity of mutual camps and venture tourism aiming to make children and youth love the nature, make them understand how to love the world, how to set up individual friendly relations with other people of the world.


How to conclude our discussion that the discussed matters to be at least partially understood by readers? Considering this it is better to glance at the history, because a man can get a good lesson just from the done things. So one of the most influential personalities of the XX century was Mahatma Gandhi who epitomized non-violence as a means in the fight for freedom and justice, which eventually emerged as powerful means and influenced many world leaders. He was one of the fore-runners in propagating importance of travel as enabling means for peace and he observed: ‘I have watched the cultures of all lands blow around my house and other winds have blown the seeds of peace; for travel is the language of peace’. Such a world view has been reiterated over and again perhaps owing to the fact that tourism is a quintessential social force to promote international understanding, cooperation, and global fraternity in promoting world peace [32].

A leader as Mahatma Gandhi who headed a country with about one billion population became more famous and acceptable person for his peaceful messages on tourism, peace and tolerance. During travelling hearts become soft and kind, merciful and friendly to everyone, to everything in all the corners of the world. Just tourists witness tolerancy, hospitability more than others. Simply on weekends even family members find themselves more comfortable and enjoy everything around. People loving one another, people regarding one another see their benefit in sharing their feelings and impressions with one another. To make tour itself is beauty, the beauty of travelling isn’t only in your homeland but it must be sought in far from countries, people must think that this Earth Planet has been gifted by God to mankind to use but not to destroy. “Excellent is the reward of the (righteous) workers” [53]. All heaven sent books touch on this question saying; the more you are rude against others the more you’ll be hatred. You have no right to destroy and kill those which have been created by God, by His will only.


The authors of this article remember with great thanks the thoughts of the Turkish scientists casted in “Sahur Vakti” programme in the Turkish “A Haber” channel in June and July of 2015 (Hijri calendar, 1436 Ramadan month).


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Citation: Jabbarov A, Zulfugarov Z (2015) Tourism in XXI Century: The Powerful Peacemaker Against “Great Nation” Threat. J Tourism Hospit 4:169.

Copyright: © 2015 Jabbarov A, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.