Fungal Genomics & Biology

Fungal Genomics & Biology
Open Access

ISSN: 2165-8056

Research Article - (2013) Volume 3, Issue 2

Transcriptome Analysis of Zones of Colonies of the ΔflbA Strain of Aspergillus niger

Pauline Krijgsheld1,2 and Han AB Wösten1,2*
1Department of Microbiology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
2Kluyver Centre for Genomics of Industrial Fermentation, The Netherlands
*Corresponding Author: Han AB Wösten, Department of Microbiology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, Tel: 3130 2533448, Fax: 31-30-2512837 Email:


Wild-type colonies of Aspergillus niger grow and secrete enzymes at their periphery when they are grown on an agar medium. Inactivation of the sporulation gene flbA results in colonies that not only secrete proteins at their periphery, but also in central zones. This is accompanied by a more complex secretome, growth throughout the mycelium, and by thinner cell walls. Here, gene expression was studied at the periphery, an intermediate zone, and the centre of wild-type and ΔflbA colonies using whole genome microarrays. Heterogeneity in gene expression was not reduced in ΔflbA colonies when compared to wild-type colonies, despite decreased heterogeneity in zonal secretion, sporulation and growth. It was shown that 1152 genes had a fold change difference in expression ≥ 2, when the averaged expression profiles of the zones of the wild-type were compared with those of ΔflbA colonies. This gene set contained 13 genes predicted to be involved in reproduction, 12 genes involved in cell wall biosynthesis, modification and degradation, 345 genes encoding secreted proteins and 38 genes encoding transcriptional regulators. These genes may account for the differences between wild-type and ΔflbA colonies in zonal growth, sporulation and secretion, and the complexity of the secretome and the thickness of the cell wall. The set of differentially expressed genes, in particular, the genes encoding transcriptional regulators, may be instrumental to improve Aspergillus niger as a cell factory for the production of enzymes <

Keywords: Fungus, Aspergillus niger, Heterogeneity, Sporulation,flbA, Regulator of G protein signaling, Transcriptome


Aspergillus species are among the most abundant fungi worldwide. They feed on a large variety of organic substrates, in particular, on plant material [1]. To this end, enzymes are secreted that degrade the organic polymers within the substrate into small molecules that can be taken up as nutrients. The capacity of Aspergillus species to secrete proteins is enormous. For instance, some strains of Aspergillus niger secrete more than 30 grams per liter of glucoamylase [2]. This and the fact that a variety of secreted enzymes of Aspergilli are used in the industry or as pharmaceutical proteinsmakes these fungi important cell factories.

Aspergilli form colonies that consist of hyphae that grow at their tips and that branch subapically [3]. Growth and protein secretion mainly occur at the periphery of the colony when they are grown on an agar medium [4,5]. Hyphae at the periphery of the colonyare exposed to unexplored organic material, whereas hyphae in theintermediate and central zones are confronted with a (partly) utilized substrate. The composition of the substrate explains about 50% of the variation in gene expression between different zones of the colonies [6]. The other half of the variation is caused by differentiation processes in the vegetative mycelium.

Recently, it was shown that zones of the colony that have the capacity to sporulate hardly secrete proteins [7]. This suggested that secretion by vegetative hyphae is repressed by the sporulation process. Indeed, a ΔflbA strain that does not sporulate not only secretes proteins at the colony periphery, but also within its central zones. This is accompanied by a more complex secretome, a reduced width of cell walls, and growth throughout the mycelium [8]. Gene flbA encodes an RGS domain protein that stimulates the intrinsic GTPase activity of the Gα-subunit FadA [9]. This Gα-subunit is part of a heterotrimeric G-protein complex that also consists of the Gβ- and Gγ-subunits SfaD and GpgA, respectively (Figure 1). The activated Gα-subunit and the Gβ-Gγ dimer both stimulate vegetative growth. FlbA converts the active Gα-subunit-GTP into its inactive GDP bound stage, thereby repressing vegetative growth and promoting asexual development [10-12]. Taken together, these data indicate that FlbA stimulates sporulation and at the same time, represses vegetative growth and secretion by the vegetative mycelium. Moreover, it would promote synthesis of cell wall polymers, resulting in an increased width of the cell wall. The underlying molecular mechanisms are not yet known.


Figure 1: Model of the role of FlbA in asexual sporulation of Aspergillus. FlbA is an RGS protein regulating signaling of the Gα-subunit FadA. GTP-bound FadA stimulates vegetative growth. FlbA enhances the intrinsic activity of GTP hydrolysis, converting FadA-GTP to the inactive hetrotrimeric FadA-SfaD-GpgA GDP-bound G-protein complex. FlbA also inhibits fluG and activates brlA. The latter may be a direct effect or the result of inactivation of FadA. Stippled lines represent regulation of FlbA in A. niger based on the transcriptional analysis described this study. Adapted from [3].

Here, the impact of inactivation of flbA on spatial gene expression in the A. niger colony was assessed. A total of 1152 genes had changed their expression ≥ 2 fold when RNA profiles of wild-type and ΔflbA colonies were compared. This set includes genes involved in reproduction and cell wall synthesis, and genes encoding transcriptional regulators and secreted proteins. These genes areof interest to improve A. niger as a cell factory.

Materials and Methods

Plasmids, fungal strains and growth conditions

The wild-type A. niger strain N402 [13] and its derivative N402ΔflbA [8] were used in this study. These strains were grown as sandwiched colonies between porous polycarbonate membranes (0.1 μm pores, 76 mm diameter; Profiltra, Almere, The Netherlands) placed on top of solidified minimal medium with 25 mM xylose as a carbon source [4-6]. Cultures were inoculated with a 1 mm mycelial plug and grown at 30°C .

RNA preparation and analysis

RNA was isolated from a biological duplicate of concentric zones of 7-day-old colonies. Zone 1 represented the most central zone, zone 3 an intermediate zone and zone 5, the peripheral zone [6]. Mycelium of zones was harvested from three colonies, frozen in liquid nitrogen and ground with a TissueLyser (Qiagen, Venlo, The Netherlands) in a 2 ml Eppendorf tube with two metal balls (4.76 in diameter) for 1 min at 25 Hz. The frozen material was taken up in 1 ml TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen, Bleiswijk, The Netherlands) by vortexing. Samples were incubated for 2 min after mixing with 200 μl chloroform. This was followed by centrifugation at 10000 g for 10 min. RNA was purified using an RNA clean up column (Machery Nagel, Düren, Germany), after addition of 1 volume 70% EtOH to the water phase. After loading the sample on the column, it was centrifuged for 30 sec at 10000 rpm. This was followed by addition of 600 μl RA3 buffer (provided by the RNA-clean up kit). After 2 min centrifugation at 10000 g, 250 μl RNA3 was added, followed by another 2 min centrifugation at 10000 g. RNA was eluted after a 10 min incubation in two steps with 40 μl and 50 μl RNAse free water. The eluted RNA was pooled and 1 μl was checked for concentration and purity using the nanodrop ND- 1000 spectrophotometer (Nanodrop Technology, Wilmington, USA) and the Bioanalyser 2100 (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, USA) (Supplemental Figure 1), respectively.

cDNA labeling, microarray hybridization and data analysis

cDNA labeling, microarray hybridization and scanning were performed at ServiceXS (Leiden, The Netherlands), according to Affymetrix protocols. From each RNA sample, 100 ng was used to synthesize biotin-labeled cRNA with the Affymetrix 3’ IVT-Express Labeling Kit. Quality of cRNA was checked with the nano-lab-on-a chip Bioanalyzer 2100 (Agilent Technology). 15 μg cRNA was fragmented and half of it was used for hybridization on Affymetrix A. niger GeneChips [14]. After an automated process of washing and staining, absolute values of expression were calculated from the scanned array using the Affymetrix Command Console v1 software. The Affymetrix probe sets on the chip represent 14,259 annotated ORFs and genetic elements of A. niger [14]; (GEO [15] under accession no. GPL6758). The A. niger array data of this study have been deposited in the GEO database under accession number GSE44391.MAS5.0 absent/present calls showed that on average 50% and 48% of the genes were expressed in colonies of the wild-type and the ΔflbA strain, respectively. Genedata Expressionist and Genedata Analyst were used for normalization and statistical analysis of the arrays (Genedata, Basel, Switzerland). The arrays were condensed with the RMA algorithm and normalized on the quantile. Statistical assessment of differential expression was performed with t-test (p ≤ 0.01, using a false discovery rate [BHQ] of ≤ 0.05) or by ANOVA (p ≤ 0.01, BHQ ≤ 0.05). Differentially expressed genes (change in expression ≥ 2-fold) were clustered using K-Means clustering. A differentially expressed set of genes obtained by ANOVA was used for a maximal paired contrast analysis to find the zone or strain where the highest mean-difference was observed. The Functional Catalogue (FunCat, Munich Information Center for Protein Sequence, Munich, Germany) [16] was used for functional classification of genes. Fisher’s exact test was used to identify over-and under-represented functional classes in the sets of differentially expressed genes (p ≤ 0.001, BHQ ≤ 0.05).

cDNA synthesis and quantitative PCR analysis

cDNA was synthesized from biological duplicates of total RNA of zones 1, 3 and 5 of wild type and ΔflbA colonies using the QuantiTect Reverse Transcription Kit (Qiagen). QPCR was performed on the cDNA using the ABI Prism 7900HT SDS and SYBR Green chemistry (Applied Biosystems, Life Sciences, Foster City, USA). A run without cDNA was used as a negative control for every condition. Cycle threshold (Ct) levels were measured in triplicate for actin (An15g00560), faeA (An09g00120), glaA (An03g06550) and 18S rDNA (An03e03200). Primers were designed according to the recommendations of the PCR master-mix manufacturer (Applied Biosystems, Life Sciences, Foster City, USA), and were described previously [17]. The Ct values of 18S were used to normalize the qPCR data. For qPCR, each cycle Ct-change in qPCR represents a two-fold change in expression (2-Δ(ΔCT), where ΔCt=Cttarget gene-Ct18S gene and Δ(ΔCT)=ΔCTmutant-ΔCTwild type)..


Five concentric zones can be distinguished in 7-day-old sandwiched colonies of A. niger [4,6]. Zone 1, 3 and 5 represent the most inner zone, an intermediate zone, and the most outer zone of the colony, respectively. Gene expression was assessed in these three zones of xylose-grown colonies of the wild-type and the ΔflbA strain of A. niger using Affymetrix microarrays (Supplemental Table 1). QPCR of glaA ,faeA, and actin (Supplemental Table 2) was used to verify micro-array data (Supplemental Table 3). Fold changes of these genes between zone 1 of wild-type and zone 1 of ΔflbA, zone 3 of wild-type and zone 3 of ΔflbA, and zone 5 of wild-type and zone 5 of ΔflbA as obtained with micro-array analysis and QPCR showed a Pearson’s correlation coefficient ≥ 0.97 (Supplemental Table 4).

  wt up intermediate/ center wt  up periphery ΔflbAup intermediate/ center ΔflbAup periphery
01 Metabolism O O O O
01.01.10 amino acid degradation (catabolism) O     O
01.03.19 nucleotide transport       O
01.05.01 C-compound and carbohydrate utilization       O
02 Energy   O   O
02.11.05 accessory proteins of electron transport and membrane-associated energy conservation   O    
03 Cell cycle and dna processing     U  
04 Transcription   U U U
04.05.01 mRNA synthesis   U   U
05 Protein synthesis   O U  
08 Cellular transport and transport mechanisms       O
40 Subcellular localisation       U
99 Unclassified proteins U U U U

Table 1: Over- (O) and under- (U) representation of functional gene classes in the pool of genes that are ≥ 2 fold up- or down-regulated in the central zone 1 and intermediate zone 3 when compared to the peripheral zone 5of wild-type and ΔflbA colonies.

  zone 1 Up zone 1 Down zone 3 Up zone 3 Down zone 5 Up zone 5 Down
01 Metabolism O O O O   O
01.01.07 amino acid transport O          
01.05.01 C-compound and carbohydrate utilization           O
03 Cell cycle and DNA processing           U
06.13.99 other proteolytic degradation           O
08 Cellular transport and transport mechanisms         O  
99 Unclassified proteins U U   U   U

Table 2: Over- (O) and under- (U) representation of functional gene classes in the pool of genes that are ≥ 2 fold up- or down-regulated in the ΔflbA strain when compared to the wild-type.

  up-regulated in ΔflbA Down-regulated in ΔflbA
01 Metabolism O O
01.01.07 amino acid transport    
01.05.01 C-compound and carbohydrate utilization   O
02 Energy   U
03 Cell cycle and DNA Processing   U
03.03.01 mitotic cell cycle and cell cycle control   U
04 Transcription U  
05 Protein synthesis   U
08 Cellular transport and transport mechanisms O  
40 Subcellular localisation   U
99 Unclassified proteins U U

Table 3: Over- (O) and under- (U) representation of functional gene classes in the pool of genes that are ≥ 2 fold up- or down-regulated between the mean expression values of zones 1, 3, and 5 of the ΔflbA strain and those of the wild-type strain.

Annotation Gene name* Description wild-type zone  1 wild-type zone 3 wild-type zone 5 ΔflbA  zone 1 ΔflbA zone 3 ΔflbA zone 5 Regulation sigP
  Top 50 down-regulated genes inthe ΔflbA strain compared to wildtype
An05g01730 uncharacterized hypothetical protein 11442 ± 3316 14891 ± 315 4511 ± 2021 42 ± 7 37 ± 0 27 ± 1 Down y
An09g00840 uncharacterized weak similarity to antigenic cell wall galactomannoprotein MP1 - Aspergillus fumigatus 3153 ± 2599 10725 ± 146 3462 ± 103 29 ± 11 35 ± 22 14 ± 2 Down y
An18g05480 uncharacterized strong similarity to alcohol oxidase AOX1 - Pichia pastoris 7168 ± 839 7322 ± 2676 3105 ± 1353 46 ± 2 44 ± 3 42 ± 5 Down n
An16g05920 uncharacterized weak similarity to surface recognition protein PTH11 - Magnaporthe grisea 4282 ± 1762 6936 ± 1040 5405 ± 665 48 ± 1 47 ± 11 44 ± 1 Down n
An07g06460 uncharacterized similarity to C-7 hydroxycephem methyltransferase coupling protein of patent WO9529253-A1 - Streptomyces lactamdurans 1807 ± 56 3006 ± 541 4779 ± 1295 29 ± 5 24 ± 5 28 ± 0 Down n
An16g05930 uncharacterized strong similarity to predicted protein An08g06890 - Aspergillus niger 5034 ± 1765 7101 ± 440 6203 ± 1646 63 ± 18 58 ± 11 58 ± 9 Down n
An01g06890 uncharacterized similarity to hypothetical peptide synthetase pesA - Metarhizium anisopliae 1497 ± 1410 2785 ± 1060 5197 ± 1630 88 ± 10 29 ± 2 18 ± 0 Down n
An16g05910 uncharacterized similarity to cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase CYP7 - Sus scrofa 902 ± 636 1646 ± 590 2001 ± 725 17 ± 3 25 ± 5 18 ± 2 Down y
An03g00690 uncharacterized hypothetical protein 1261 ± 1329 2284 ± 1815 2321 ± 1481 21 ± 7 28 ± 1 26 ± 2 Down n
An08g02330 uncharacterized strong similarity to multidrug resistance protein MLP-2 - Rattus norvegicus 2009 ± 37 2116 ± 179 1500 ± 529 45 ± 2 29 ± 3 22 ± 4 Down n
An07g06480 uncharacterized similarity to cytochrome 4F8 cyp4F8 - Homo sapiens 420 ± 130 586 ± 213 753 ± 142 9 ± 1 10 ± 2 9 ± 1 Down y
An05g01710 uncharacterized strong similarity to hypothetical protein An16g07720 - Aspergillus niger 1738 ± 1486 2310 ± 357 387 ± 170 19 ± 2 18 ± 2 19 ± 3 Down n
An01g00530 pepB proteinase aspergillopepsin II - Aspergillus niger 682 ± 649 3677 ± 2802 6268 ± 3005 44 ± 5 35 ± 1 34 ± 0 Down y
An01g06860 uncharacterized strong similarity to hypothetical Fum9p protein - Gibberella moniliformis 1135 ± 1295 2702 ± 926 5766 ± 2392 67 ± 10 36 ± 3 31 ± 0 Down n
An01g06870 uncharacterized strong similarity to hypothetical protein Fum8p - Gibberella moniliformis 581 ± 599 1632 ± 396 3427 ± 1234 50 ± 2 26 ± 1 21 ± 6 Down n
An02g08300 uncharacterized strong similarity to the hypothetical protein encoded by An11g06450 - Aspergillus niger 842 ± 71 710 ± 230 2085 ± 860 30 ± 1 21 ± 2 24 ± 8 Down n
An15g07700 protD strong similarity to aspergillopepsin II precursor (acid proteinase A) - Aspergillus niger 649 ± 452 5044 ± 2370 9630 ± 101 75 ± 5 76 ± 5 65 ± 2 Down y
An09g00670 gelD strong similarity to beta (1-3) glucanosyltransferase Gel3p - Aspergillus fumigatus 1596 ± 565 2244 ± 607 2063 ± 821 45 ± 1 39 ± 6 59 ± 10 Down y
An16g06570 uncharacterized hypothetical protein 7069 ± 619 3576 ± 3514 1162 ± 1292 62 ± 4 52 ± 8 62 ± 4 Down y
An02g00090 uncharacterized strong similarity to prolidase - Aureobacterium esteraromaticum 6755 ± 2149 4420 ± 2149 707 ± 467 134 ± 13 58 ± 3 36 ± 11 Down n
An05g02450 uncharacterized similarity to halogenase bhaA from patent DE19926770-A1 - Amycolatopsis mediterranei 663 ± 62 1035 ± 59 469 ± 33 25 ± 6 18 ± 2 18 ± 1 Down y
An07g08950 eglC endoglucanase B eglB - Aspergillus niger 2511 ± 570 11775 ± 532 7793 ± 1370 52 ± 29 366 ± 244 422 ± 77 Down y
An08g02300 uncharacterized weak similarity to enniatin synthetase - Fusarium scirpi[truncated ORF] 1123 ± 198 1542 ± 488 1754 ± 1024 79 ± 8 53 ± 1 22 ± 5 Down n
An01g06900 sm to amyR- A. ory weak similarity to transcription activator amyR - Aspergillus oryzae 758 ± 96 1056 ± 406 654 ± 233 34 ± 8 25 ± 1 21 ± 1 Down n
An12g01320 ppoD strong similarity to linoleate diol synthase - Gaeumannomyces graminis 1123 ± 612 1043 ± 345 132 ± 72 18 ± 2 20 ± 3 14 ± 2 Down y
An01g06880 uncharacterized similarity to dihydroflavonol 4-reductase BAA12723.1 - Rosa hybrid cultivar 625 ± 534 1769 ± 746 3403 ± 1745 110 ± 3 36 ± 3 27 ± 6 Down n
An02g08330 uncharacterized strong similarity to sequence 253 from Patent WO0100804 - Corynebacterium glutamicum 627 ± 234 624 ± 177 877 ± 309 27 ± 2 25 ± 1 24 ± 6 Down y
An01g06840 uncharacterized strong similarity to acid-CoA ligase Fat2p - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 419 ± 441 1295 ± 731 3234 ± 1795 52 ± 0 34 ± 1 29 ± 4 Down n
An03g06670 uncharacterized weak similarity to myosin-like protein MLP1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 5998 ± 1898 6281 ± 1029 1761 ± 437 171 ± 1 171 ± 7 118 ± 9 Down n
An01g06830 uncharacterized similarity to ketosphinganine reductase Tsc10p - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 418 ± 405 1031 ± 265 2067 ± 700 46 ± 1 33 ± 6 24 ± 3 Down n
An01g06850 uncharacterized similarity to 4-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase - Alcaligenes eutrophus 967 ± 1081 1917 ± 437 4224 ± 1181 112 ± 1 54 ± 2 44 ± 4 Down n
An03g00640 uncharacterized similarity to  neutral amino acid permease mtr - Neurospora crassa[truncated ORF] 2950 ± 1037 2645 ± 295 2479 ± 1469 149 ± 28 122 ± 9 57 ± 2 Down n
An01g11670 eglA strong similarity to endo-beta-1,4-glucanase A eglA - Emericella nidulans 638 ± 408 2367 ± 12 589 ± 232 21 ± 2 42 ± 24 58 ± 1 Down y
An07g08940 uncharacterized similarity to acetyl-esterase I of patent WO9502689-A - Aspergillus aculeatus 242 ± 13 1268 ± 407 914 ± 553 20 ± 1 31 ± 7 26 ± 0 Down y
An11g07020 uncharacterized strong similarity to the hypothetical protein encoded by An07g00200 - Aspergillus niger 3237 ± 1203 2067 ± 1234 1620 ± 142 125 ± 37 97 ± 1 54 ± 11 Down n
An07g09330 cbhA cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase cbhA from patent WO9906574-A1- Aspergillus niger 1157 ± 1121 7883 ± 2929 3034 ± 1406 67 ± 16 130 ± 62 170 ± 76 Down y
An09g06200 uncharacterized strong similarity to PTH11 transmembrane protein - Magnaporthe grisea strain 4091-5-8 5976 ± 1928 5351 ± 2683 3632 ± 1622 442 ± 58 211 ± 45 82 ± 12 Down y
An04g09990 uncharacterized strong similarity to 2,5-dichloro-2,5-cyclohexadiene-1,4-diol dehydrogenase linC - Sphingomonas paucimobilis 749 ± 308 422 ± 138 106 ± 4 36 ± 6 34 ± 6 34 ± 5 Down y
An04g03840 uncharacterized similarity to microtubule binding protein D-CLIP-190 - Drosophila melanogaster 365 ± 35 373 ± 52 257 ± 17 16 ± 0 14 ± 0 12 ± 3 Down n
An05g01720 uncharacterized strong similarity to hypothetical protein An06g00950 - Aspergillus niger 1552 ± 1286 2068 ± 211 368 ± 231 47 ± 7 42 ± 7 41 ± 1 Down n
An09g02990 uncharacterized similarity to probable Sua5 protein APE2397 - Aeropyrum pernix 618 ± 224 781 ± 58 344 ± 112 25 ± 6 26 ± 0 24 ± 2 Down n
An04g06750 uncharacterized similarity to hypothetical transmembrane protein - Candida albicans 491 ± 201 386 ± 153 489 ± 169 25 ± 4 20 ± 2 19 ± 2 Down n
An07g06490 uncharacterized strong similarity to insulin-degrading enzyme IDE - Rattus norvegicus 213 ± 37 361 ± 124 474 ± 112 17 ± 0 17 ± 0 16 ± 2 Down n
An12g05390 uncharacterized weak similarity to integral membrane protein PTH11 - Magnaporthe grisea 2079 ± 127 1355 ± 14 84 ± 32 38 ± 0 31 ± 2 30 ± 3 Down y
An16g02910 uncharacterized strong similarity to hypothetical protein CC0533 - Caulobacter crescentus 865 ± 51 1033 ± 82 613 ± 238 52 ± 1 40 ± 8 42 ± 10 Down y
An08g11680 uncharacterized strong similarity to 2,5-dicloro-2,5-cyclohexadiene-1,4-diol dehydrogenase linC - Pseudomonas paucimobilis 320 ± 4 214 ± 41 125 ± 4 56 ± 0 68 ± 11 61 ± 1 Down y
An01g06930 uncharacterized strong similarity to polyketide synthase FUM5 - Gibberella moniliformis 714 ± 704 1442 ± 246 2506 ± 866 110 ± 1 60 ± 2 46 ± 1 Down n
An14g03130 uncharacterized hypothetical protein 1109 ± 560 752 ± 164 262 ± 94 49 ± 11 29 ± 4 25 ± 2 Down y
An08g03760 uncharacterized similarity to hypothetical protein Rv3472 - Mycobacterium tuberculosis 191 ± 86 197 ± 37 843 ± 343 16 ± 1 16 ± 1 23 ± 5 Down n
An08g05230 uncharacterized strong similarity to putative endoglucanase IV - Trichoderma reesei 1152 ± 1281 2411 ± 2729 648 ± 116 55 ± 5 58 ± 11 46 ± 5 Down y
  Top 50 up-regulated genesin the ΔflbA strain compared to wildtype
An08g08490 uncharacterized similarity to the calcium-independent phospholipase A2 2 - Homo sapiens 143 ± 8 118 ± 7 85 ± 3 728 ± 0 847 ± 91 775 ± 76 Up n
An07g06240 uncharacterized strong similarity to ferrioxamine B permease sit1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 88 ± 24 87 ± 8 94 ± 8 323 ± 28 397 ± 32 1915 ± 383 Up n
An03g03620 uncharacterized strong similarity to multidrug resistance protein atrD - Aspergillus nidulans 18 ± 1 22 ± 2 26 ± 10 83 ± 5 110 ± 1 378 ± 123 Up y
An08g10830 uncharacterized strong similarity to geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase ggpps - Gibberella fujikuroi 65 ± 5 58 ± 0 68 ± 18 412 ± 9 388 ± 31 555 ± 30 Up n
An01g12200 uncharacterized similarity to hypothetical protein F10B6.29 - Arabidopsis thaliana 112 ± 53 68 ± 23 94 ± 12 741 ± 26 726 ± 82 429 ± 36 Up n
An09g00270 aglC alpha-galactosidase C aglC - Aspergillus niger[truncated ORF] 89 ± 18 85 ± 22 760 ± 428 879 ± 73 1158 ± 119 1805 ± 251 Up nc
An07g04900 uncharacterized strong similarity to mRNA sequence of cDNA clone 2589 - Aspergillus niger 1065 ± 70 929 ± 155 364 ± 239 5638 ± 245 5796 ± 687 3483 ± 369 Up y
An11g09170 uncharacterized similarity to the secreted aspartic proteinase SAP8 - Candida albicans 48 ± 5 55 ± 11 42 ± 1 316 ± 18 441 ± 6 290 ± 41 Up y
An14g01840 uncharacterized similarity to hypothetical temperature-shock induced protein TIR3 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 227 ± 122 258 ± 66 426 ± 36 1679 ± 739 2311 ± 995 2553 ± 877 Up y
An11g02600 uncharacterized strong similarity to PT2/PHT4 Phosphate transporter - Arabidopsis thaliana 50 ± 15 60 ± 10 104 ± 14 483 ± 47 653 ± 132 394 ± 127 Up n
An16g07040 sm to btgE -A. nid similarity to beta-1,3-glucanosyltransferase BGT1 - Aspergillus fumigatus[truncated ORF] 502 ± 224 676 ± 353 2375 ± 144 5982 ± 202 6554 ± 1346 7358 ± 380 Up y
An17g00120 uncharacterized strong similarity to major facilitator superfamily transporter protein mfs1 - Botrytis cinerea 30 ± 6 26 ± 0 24 ± 2 237 ± 3 221 ± 13 140 ± 13 Up n
An16g08360 uncharacterized weak similarity to cytochrome c1 of ubiquinol--cytochrome-c reductase - Paracoccus denitrificans[truncated ORF] 64 ± 10 75 ± 12 158 ± 35 610 ± 68 591 ± 130 852 ± 12 Up n
An11g01810 uncharacterized weak similarity to probable membrane protein YBR005w - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 55 ± 6 62 ± 5 96 ± 20 438 ± 9 541 ± 62 564 ± 34 Up n
An02g07930 ppoC strong similarity to linoleate diol synthase precursor - Gaeumannomyces graminis 180 ± 34 126 ± 52 38 ± 2 983 ± 279 747 ± 19 464 ± 32 Up n
An09g01240 uncharacterized strong similarity to phospholipase B - Penicillium notatum 78 ± 7 63 ± 9 104 ± 3 499 ± 142 727 ± 111 627 ± 178 Up y
An01g06280 uncharacterized strong similarity to IgE-binding protein - Aspergillus fumigatus 267 ± 123 341 ± 167 136 ± 4 2010 ± 28 2634 ± 280 1002 ± 145 Up y
An13g01250 uncharacterized strong similarity to the yeast siderophore-iron transporter for enterobactin Enb1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 37 ± 2 35 ± 3 36 ± 3 183 ± 64 331 ± 79 415 ± 58 Up n
An14g07130 uncharacterized strong similarity to neutral amino acid permease mtr - Neurospora crassa 95 ± 8 70 ± 4 93 ± 8 481 ± 32 602 ± 135 1245 ± 123 Up n
An11g04810 aox1 alternative oxidase Aox1 - Aspergillus niger 43 ± 8 54 ± 32 47 ± 20 279 ± 254 470 ± 353 890 ± 194 Up n
An15g03940 uncharacterized strong similarity to monosaccharide transporter Mst-1 - Amanita muscaria 244 ± 17 202 ± 47 2589 ± 838 3196 ± 21 3689 ± 943 8423 ± 210 Up y
An13g00510 uncharacterized strong similarity to hexokinase 1 hxk1 - Schizosaccharomyces pombe 199 ± 43 202 ± 28 67 ± 10 3335 ± 329 2920 ± 299 223 ± 64 Up n
An18g01290 uncharacterized strong similarity to predicted protein An13g01340 - Aspergillus niger 26 ± 2 24 ± 2 38 ± 10 233 ± 53 218 ± 65 405 ± 13 Up y
An01g07000 uncharacterized strong similarity to C-14 sterol reductase ERG24 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 89 ± 14 77 ± 2 270 ± 166 498 ± 24 1009 ± 531 3138 ± 50 Up y
An10g00680 uncharacterized strong similarity to H+-ATPase V0 domain 17 KD subunit, vacuolar, CUP5 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 443 ± 342 220 ± 116 119 ± 50 2783 ± 380 2761 ± 26 1102 ± 42 Up y
An16g09040 uncharacterized strong similarity to N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase CaNAG2 - Candida albicans 629 ± 51 516 ± 71 81 ± 7 6612 ± 950 6653 ± 1009 637 ± 136 Up n
An01g00390 uncharacterized hypothetical protein 45 ± 2 47 ± 2 319 ± 99 542 ± 59 685 ± 35 1891 ± 74 Up n
An16g01850 uncharacterized similarity to blastomyces yeast phase-specific protein 1 bys1 - Ajellomyces dermatitidis 2984 ± 2759 1197 ± 780 166 ± 54 12215 ± 313 12035 ± 1137 3132 ± 648 Up y
An16g01880 Lipanl strong similarity to lysophospholipase - Aspergillus foetidus 648 ± 245 795 ± 248 454 ± 202 10644 ± 663 10585 ± 2214 2676 ± 160 Up y
An14g02940 uncharacterized strong similarity to L-sorbose dehydrogenase, FAD dependent - Gluconobacter oxydans 212 ± 101 153 ± 71 139 ± 92 2065 ± 372 1565 ± 349 1690 ± 279 Up n
An07g03570 uncharacterized strong similarity to sorbitol utilization protein sou2 - Candida albicans 83 ± 7 85 ± 17 1534 ± 228 1757 ± 42 1613 ± 167 6032 ± 312 Up n
An18g03360 uncharacterized similarity to the proteophosphoglycan ppg1 -  Leishmania major 32 ± 19 46 ± 26 27 ± 5 473 ± 19 503 ± 4 242 ± 2 Up y
An14g06980 uncharacterized strong similarity to delta-12 fatty acid desaturase - Mortierella alpina 33 ± 3 36 ± 2 301 ± 112 465 ± 89 750 ± 251 1939 ± 15 Up n
An05g00790 uncharacterized strong similarity to nodulin GmNOD53b - Glycine max[truncated ORF] 25 ± 15 20 ± 4 12 ± 1 213 ± 57 341 ± 30 161 ± 9 Up n
An03g06660 uncharacterized strong similarity to peptide transporter ptr2 -  Arabidopsis thaliana 2166 ± 1123 1709 ± 1392 80 ± 15 12416 ± 598 10787 ± 865 3842 ± 47 Up n
An18g01320 uncharacterized strong similarity to extracellular protease precursor BAR1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 148 ± 76 129 ± 56 328 ± 31 2146 ± 67 2897 ± 61 2501 ± 161 Up y
An05g00800 uncharacterized similarity to nodulin GmNOD53b - Glycine max[truncated ORF] 47 ± 21 31 ± 11 22 ± 1 395 ± 130 667 ± 69 333 ± 6 Up n
An12g09870 uncharacterized hypothetical protein 50 ± 0 57 ± 1 56 ± 0 571 ± 232 432 ± 82 2224 ± 250 Up n
An11g00100 uncharacterized strong similarity to triacylglycerol lipase LIP5 - Candida rugosa 71 ± 4 64 ± 3 59 ± 8 800 ± 192 866 ± 397 2265 ± 77 Up y
An01g01630 uncharacterized strong similarity to hypothetical protein An09g00510 - Aspergillus niger 69 ± 71 36 ± 26 96 ± 40 1151 ± 99 830 ± 115 802 ± 17 Up y
An01g07730 uncharacterized weak similarity to TcSL-2 protein precursor - Toxocara cani 118 ± 74 64 ± 3 63 ± 5 1697 ± 86 1478 ± 312 1257 ± 12 Up y
An15g03550 uncharacterized weak similarity to protopectinase patent WO9806832-A1 - Bacillus subtilis 57 ± 44 57 ± 45 20 ± 0 954 ± 34 1066 ± 21 330 ± 22 Up y
An16g06950 uncharacterized strong similarity to carboxylic acid transport protein JEN1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 31 ± 8 26 ± 0 23 ± 5 837 ± 53 725 ± 9 357 ± 20 Up n
An03g01770 uncharacterized strong similarity to the EST an_3645 - Aspergillus niger 758 ± 657 336 ± 176 55 ± 12 10029 ± 207 8451 ± 0 1933 ± 247 Up y
An03g05360 uncharacterized strong similarity to neutral amino acid permease mtr - Neurospora crassa 39 ± 0 36 ± 2 31 ± 2 1673 ± 148 1362 ± 88 771 ± 2 Up y
An14g04210 uncharacterized similarity to hypothetical protein An07g05660 - Aspergillus niger 30 ± 0 35 ± 7 31 ± 0 931 ± 174 1386 ± 104 2511 ± 5 Up y
An03g06220 sm to gelD- A. nid strong similarity to beta (1-3) glucanosyltransferase GEL3 - Aspergillus fumigatus 42 ± 3 48 ± 11 58 ± 3 1406 ± 256 1874 ± 54 5043 ± 547 Up y
An02g08560 uncharacterized similarity to probable dioxygenase SCOEDB - Streptomyces coelicolor 22 ± 3 23 ± 3 19 ± 0 797 ± 22 1048 ± 83 1682 ± 135 Up y
An02g08130 uncharacterized similarity to hypothetical protein 2SCG18.24 - Streptomyces coelicolor 46 ± 3 48 ± 9 41 ± 5 2045 ± 64 2532 ± 185 3306 ± 224 Up y
An09g05050 uncharacterized questionable ORF 25 ± 1 24 ± 4 22 ± 3 3522 ± 1024 2872 ± 506 8559 ± 471 Up y

Table 4: Hybridization values in colony zones 1, 3 and 5 of top 50 up- and down-regulated genes of the ΔflbA strain when compared to wild-type.*Gene name or its closest homologue. A. nid: A. nidulans; A. ory: A. oryzae.

Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the transcriptomes of the wild-type zones and those of the ΔflbA strain cluster in the first component of the analysis. This component accounts for 54% of the variation in the datasets (Figure 2). The second component of the analysis accounted for 27% of the variation and separates the transcriptomes from zones 1 and 3 of the wild-type and the ΔflbA strain from zone 5 of these strains (Figure 2). Expression in the central zone 1 and the intermediate zone 3 of the wild-type correlated to a high extent (Pearson’sr2 ≥ 0.98), when compared to the duplicates of these zones (r2 ≥ 0.97 and ≥ 0.98, respectively). Wild-type zone 5 was more distinct from zone 3 and 1 (r2=0.91 and 0.93). The expression profile of zone 5 was also most different within the ΔflbA colony (Figure 2). The fact that zone 5 has the most distinct expression profile was also illustrated by the number of genes, with a fold change in expression ≥ 2 between the zones of wild-type and ΔflbA colonies (Figure 3). The number of differentially expressed genes between zone 1 and zone 3 of the wildtype colony was 5, between zone 3 and zone 5, 119, and between zone 1 and zone 5, 325. These numbers were 0, 115 and 595 for the ΔflbA strain, respectively (Figure 3). Of these differentially expressed genes, only 138 were found in both thewild-type and the ΔflbA strain.


Figure 2: Pearson correlation (r2)(A) and principal component analysis (B) of the transcriptomes of zones 1, 3 and 5 of wild-type (▲▅★) and ΔflbA (●♦■) colonies.


Figure 3: Differentially expressed genes that show ≥ 2-fold lower or higher expression between zones of wild-type and/or ΔflbA colonies.

In the next analysis, the number of genes was determined that are differentially expressed when zones of the wild-type and the ΔflbA strain were compared (Figure 3). The number of genes differentially expressed in zone 1 of the wild-type and the ΔflbA strain was 233. Of these, 104 and 129 were up- and down-regulated in the ΔflbA strain, respectively. A total of 235 genes were found to be differentially expressed inzone 3. Of these, 89 were up-regulated in ΔflbA, whereas 149 were up-regulated in the wild-type. In zone 5, 297 genes were differentially expressed, of which 126 and 153 were up- and downregulated in the ΔflbA strain, respectively.

Expression analysis of functional gene classes

Fisher’s exact test was used to determine whether functional gene classes [16] were over-or underrepresented in the set of genes that are differentially expressed in zones 1 and 3, compared to zone 5 of the wildtype and the ΔflbA strain (Table 1). The functional classes metabolism and amino acid degradation were overrepresented in the up-regulated genes of zones 1 and 3 of the wild-type colony (Table 1), whereas the functional classes metabolism, energy, accessory proteins of electron transport and membrane associated energy conservation and protein synthesis were overrepresented in the peripheral wild-type zone 5 (Table 1). The functional classes transcription, mRNA synthesis and unclassified proteins were under-represented in this cluster of genes, while only the latter functional group was underrepresented in zone 1 and 3 of the wild-type. In the up-regulated genes in the central and intermediate zone of the ΔflbA strain, the functional class metabolism was over-represented, whereas cell cycle and DNA processing, transcription, protein synthesis and unclassified proteins were underrepresented (Table 1). Metabolism, amino acid degradation, nucleotide transport, C-compound and carbohydrate utilization, energy and cellular transport and transport mechanisms were over-represented in the up-regulated genes in the peripheral zone of ΔflbA colonies (Table 1). On the other hand, transcription, mRNA synthesis, subcellular localization and unclassified proteins were under-represented.

Funcat analysis was performed on the differentially expressed genes between the zones of the wild-type and the ΔflbA colonies (Table 2). Up-regulated genes in zone 1 of ΔflbA compared to wild-type zone 1 were overrepresented in metabolism and amino acid transport, whereas unclassified proteins were underrepresented. Metabolism and unclassified proteins were also over- and underrepresented, respectively, in the down-regulated genes in zone 1 of ΔflbA compared to wild-type zone 1. The same was observed in the down-regulated genes in zone 3, whereas only the gene class metabolism was overrepresented in the up-regulated genes of this zone. Cellular transport and transport mechanisms were overrepresented in the up-regulated genes of the peripheral zone 5 of ΔflbA colonies. In contrast, the downregulated genes in this zone showed an over-representation of genes of the functional classes metabolism, C-compound and carbohydrate utilization and other proteolytic degradation, whereas cell cycle and DNA processing and unclassified proteins were underrepresented (Table 2).

Expression analysis of specific functional gene classes

The expression profiles of zones 1, 3 and 5 of the wild-type were pooled and compared with the pooled profiles of zones 1, 3 and 5 of the ΔflbA strain. In other words, for each gene the mean expression within the wild-type colony was compared to the mean expression within the ΔflbA strain. This was done to increase the statistical power of the comparison (comparing 6 instead of 2 arrays in each case). The number of genes up-regulated in ΔflbA colonies was 520, while 632 genes were down-regulated. Funcat analysis showed that the up-regulated genes are overrepresented in the functional categories metabolism andcellular transport and transport mechanisms, whereas transcription and unclassified proteins were underrepresented (Table 3). Down-regulated genes were overrepresented in metabolism and C-compound and carbohydrate utilization, and underrepresented in energy, cell cycle and DNA processing, mitotic cell cycle and cell cycle control, protein synthesis, subcellular localisation, and unclassified proteins (Table 3).

Twenty-six out of the 50 genes with the highest up-regulation (≥ 2-fold) in ΔflbA compared to wild-type are predicted to encode proteins with a signal sequence for secretion (sigP) (Table 4). This number was 22 in the top 50 of genes with the highest down-regulation in ΔflbA colonies. Among the top 50 up-regulated and down-regulated genes, 47and 43 genes are not yet characterized, respectively, of which 18 and 23 belong to the family of unclassified proteins. These gene sets also contain genes involved in development and cell wall biosynthesis/ remodelling and genes encoding transcriptional regulators. Up- and down-regulated (≥ 2-fold) genes of these classes [18] were analyzed in more detail and are described below.

Transcriptional changes associated to asexual and sexual development: Of the 68 genes implicated in asexual and/or sexual reproduction in A. niger, 13 are found to be differentially expressed between the wild-type and ΔflbA strain (Figure 4A, Table 5; Supplemental Table 1). Of these genes, 6 are down-regulated in the ΔflbA strain and 7 are up-regulated. Of the genes indicated in Figure 1, flbD and sfaD are ≥ 2-fold higher expressed in the ΔflbA strain.


Figure 4: Genes involved inasexual development (A), and cell wall synthesis (B), and genes encoding extracellular carbohydrases (C) and transcription factors (D) that show ≥ 2-fold lower or higher expression between wild-type and ΔflbA colonies.

Annotation Gene Name* Description wild-type zone  1 wild-type zone 3 wild-type zone 5 ΔflbA zone 1 ΔflbA zone 3 ΔflbA zone 5 Regulation
An02g03160 flbA strong similarity to developmental regulator flbA - Emericella nidulans 147 ± 11 166 ± 25 77 ± 24 21 ± 2 24 ± 4 25 ± 3 Down
An04g05880 ppoA strong similarity to linoleate diol synthase - Gaeumannomyces graminis 1658 ± 245 1167 ± 359 282 ± 22 301 ± 2 298 ± 6 188 ± 11 Down
An04g06620 (RAM1/STE16) similarity to farnesyl-protein transferase beta chain - Homo sapiens 1125 ± 2 1045 ± 31 831 ± 197 527 ± 31 499 ± 42 378 ± 4 Down
An04g07400 sm rosA- A. fum strong similarity to C6 zinc finger transcription factor PRO1 - Sordaria macrospora[putative sequencing error] 120 ± 28 195 ± 76 562 ± 77 86 ± 3 83 ± 9 43 ± 6 Down
An05g00480 stuA /phd1 strong similarity to transcription factor involved in differentiation stuA - Aspergillus nidulans 3804 ± 1205 4031 ± 108 1721 ± 59 1672 ± 63 1531 ± 47 978 ± 7 Down
An12g01320 ppoD strong similarity to linoleate diol synthase - Gaeumannomyces graminis 1123 ± 612 1043 ± 345 132 ± 72 18 ± 2 20 ± 3 14 ± 2 Down
An01g03750 abaA strong similarity to protein abaA - Aspergillus nidulans 61 ± 9 71 ± 12 67 ± 17 113 ± 28 129 ± 3 182 ± 22 Up
An01g04830 flbD strong similarity to myb-like DNA binding protein flbD - Aspergillus nidulans 89 ± 18 91 ± 8 81 ± 20 238 ± 35 220 ± 32 107 ± 5 Up
An02g07930 ppoC strong similarity to linoleate diol synthase precursor - Gaeumannomyces graminis 180 ± 34 126 ± 52 38 ± 2 983 ± 279 747 ± 19 464 ± 32 Up
An14g01820 phiA /binB strong similarity to hypothetical cell wall protein binB - Aspergillus nidulans 2018 ± 1048 3064 ± 430 843 ± 70 8800 ± 3676 14346 ± 1791 4066 ± 653 Up
An15g02740 apsA strong similarity to the anucleate primary sterigmata gene apsA - Aspergillus nidulans 199 ± 47 206 ± 53 252 ± 49 453 ± 29 444 ± 68 560 ± 22 Up
An16g01860 (STE23) strong similarity to protease involved in a-factor processing STE23 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 99 ± 20 95 ± 10 118 ± 8 192 ± 8 215 ± 7 279 ± 28 Up
An18g02090 sfaD (STE 4) strong similarity to G-protein beta subunit sfaD - Aspergillus nidulans 41 ± 10 43 ± 8 104 ± 4 109 ± 5 113 ± 4 165 ± 13 Up

Table 5: Hybridization values of 13 genes that areimplicated in asexual and/or sexual reproduction and that are differentially expressed in wild-type when compared to the ΔflbA strain ofA. niger. The table is based on Pel et al. [18], with the addition of flbE (An08g07210), flbB (An15g03710) and flbC (An12g08230). *Gene name or its closest homologue. Sm: Similar; A. fum: A. fumigatus.

Transcriptional changes associated to cell wall synthesis: A total of 102 genes are predicted to be involved in cell wall synthesis [18]. Of these genes, 10 and 2 were found to be up- and down-regulated in the ΔflbA strain when compared to the wild-type, respectively (Figure 4B, Table 6, Supplemental Table 1). Among the up-regulated genes are three glucanosyl transferase genes, two chitin synthase genes, the chitinase gene chiB, two glucanase genes, and two glycosylphosphatidylinositolanchored endo-mannanase genes. One of these glucanosyl transferases, a gelD homologue of A. nidulans was 48-fold up-regulated in ΔflbA compared to wild-type. In contrast, the annotated gelD gene of A. niger was found to be 40-fold down-regulated in ΔflbA. The other downregulated gene in the ΔflbA strain is theglucan beta-1,3 exoglucanase gene exsG.

Annotation Gene Name* Description wild-type zone  1 wild-type zone 3 wild-type zone 5 ΔflbA zone 1 ΔflbA zone 3 ΔflbA zone 5 Regulation
An01g12450 exsG strong similarity to putative glucan beta-1,3 exoglucanase - Trichoderma harzianum 3091 ± 197 3667 ± 1573 1008 ± 250 966 ± 4 1053 ± 14 689 ± 27 Down
An09g00670 gelD strong similarity to beta (1-3) glucanosyltransferase Gel3p - Aspergillus fumigatus 1596 ± 565 2244 ± 607 2063 ± 821 45 ± 1 39 ± 6 59 ± 10 Down
An02g02660 dfgG strong similarity to the protein required for filamentous growth, cell polarity, and cellular elongation Dfg5 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 87 ± 5 110 ± 17 102 ± 21 487 ± 30 648 ± 129 532 ± 98 Up
An03g06220 sm to gelD- A. nid strong similarity to beta (1-3) glucanosyltransferase GEL3 - Aspergillus fumigatus 42 ± 3 48 ± 11 58 ± 3 1406 ± 256 1874 ± 54 5043 ± 547 Up
An04g04670 sm to chiB- A. nid strong similarity to chitinase cts1 - Coccidioides immitis 106 ± 36 104 ± 26 111 ± 1 171 ± 65 308 ± 102 331 ± 185 Up
An07g04650 sm to btgC- A. nid similarity to exo-beta-1,3-glucanase BGL2 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 203 ± 14 275 ± 109 184 ± 41 699 ± 119 797 ± 4 319 ± 12 Up
An07g07530 chrB strong similarity to cell wall protein UTR2 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 176 ± 39 254 ± 48 1452 ± 40 1812 ± 115 1764 ± 453 2719 ± 364 Up
An08g07350 sm to gelB- A. nid strong similarity to glycophospholipid-anchored surface glycoprotein GAS1 precursor - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 226 ± 26 257 ± 8 363 ± 114 674 ± 9 839 ± 71 1001 ± 69 Up
An09g02290 sm to chsD- A.nid strong similarity to chitin synthase chsE - Aspergillus nidulans 308 ± 12 314 ± 57 255 ± 23 779 ± 15 723 ± 100 479 ± 18 Up
An12g10380 chsF strong similarity to chitin synthase C chsC - Aspergillus fumigatus 118 ± 6 137 ± 13 478 ± 239 468 ± 12 527 ± 142 1407 ± 9 Up
An16g07040 sm to btgE -A. nid similarity to beta-1,3-glucanosyltransferase BGT1 - Aspergillus fumigatus[truncated ORF] 502 ± 224 676 ± 353 2375 ± 144 5982 ± 202 6554 ± 1346 7358 ± 380 Up
An16g08090 dfgE strong similarity to hypothetical protein B2J23.120 - Neurospora crassa 114 ± 8 125 ± 5 174 ± 10 229 ± 21 280 ± 11 438 ± 28 Up

Table 6: Hybridization values of 12 genes that are implicated in cell wall biosynthesis and that are differentially expressed in wild-type when compared to the ΔflbA strain of A. niger. The table was adapted from Pel et al. [18]. *Description of gene name or its closest homologue. Sm: Similar; A. nid: A. nidulans.

Transcriptional changes associated to proteins with a signal sequence for secretion: As mentioned above, wild-type and ΔflbA were grown on minimal medium supplemented with xylose. This carbon source activates XlnR, a transcriptional regulator that controls 16 genes encoding xylanolytic enzymes [19-25]. Of these, none were higher expressed in the ΔflbA strain, whereas 6 (xlnB, xlnC, axhA, aglB, eglB, cbhA, chbB) were found to be ≥ 2-fold lower expressed when compared to the wild-type (Figure 4C, Table 7, Supplemental Table 1). In fact, xlnC, xlnB, and axhA are among the highest expressed genes at the periphery of wild-type colonies, while they are hardly expressed in the ΔflbA strain (Table 4). Thirty-two other carbohydrase genes are down-regulated in the ΔflbA strain (e.g. the glucoamylase gene glaA), while 8 of these genes are up-regulated in this strain. Among these genes are the α-galactosidase gene aglC, the α-glucan synthase agsE, the pectin lysase pelB and the pectin esterase pmeA (Figure 4C, Table 7).

Annotation Gene Name* Description wild-type zone  1 wild-type zone 3 wild-type zone 5 ΔflbA zone 1 ΔflbA zone 3 ΔflbA zone 5 Regulation
An01g00780 xlnB xylanase xynB of patent WO9713853-A2 - Aspergillus niger 4528 ± 1905 16891 ± 683 19085 ± 0 953 ± 977 4014 ± 2052 1371 ± 235 Down
An01g01870 eglC strong similarity to hypothetical Avicelase III aviIII - Aspergillus aculeatus 77 ± 47 501 ± 267 400 ± 240 22 ± 0 23 ± 1 23 ± 2 Down
An01g03340 sm to celA- A.ory strong similarity to xyloglucan-specific endo-beta-1,4-glucanase - Aspergillus aculeatus 552 ± 60 4966 ± 831 3065 ± 537 151 ± 48 272 ± 34 191 ± 34 Down
An01g06120 gdbA strong similarity to 4-alpha-glucanotransferase / amylo-1,6-glucosidase GDB1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1138 ± 28 1366 ± 280 915 ± 411 446 ± 27 385 ± 41 290 ± 12 Down
An01g11660 cbhB 1,4-beta-D-glucan cellobiohydrolase B precursor cbhB of patent WO9906574-A1 - Aspergillus niger 1289 ± 335 8224 ± 845 6037 ± 1558 48 ± 13 430 ± 386 1098 ± 313 Down
An01g11670 eglA strong similarity to endo-beta-1,4-glucanase A eglA - Emericella nidulans 638 ± 408 2367 ± 12 589 ± 232 21 ± 2 42 ± 24 58 ± 1 Down
An01g14600 uncharacterized strong similarity to the endo-1,4-beta-Xylanase B XynB, patent WO9414965 - Aspergillus tubingensis 256 ± 239 364 ± 349 195 ± 92 30 ± 1 34 ± 6 37 ± 4 Down
An02g11150 aglB alpha-galactosidase aglB - Aspergillus niger 390 ± 96 2373 ± 668 3155 ± 569 111 ± 5 160 ± 21 126 ± 14 Down
An02g13240 agdC strong similarity to alpha-1-6-glucosidase glcA - Aspergillus parasiticus 806 ± 223 877 ± 435 313 ± 147 224 ± 5 144 ± 26 77 ± 7 Down
An03g00940 xlnC endo-1,4-beta-xylanase C precursor xlnC  - Aspergillus niger 2605 ± 1941 15761 ± 4701 15538 ± 1230 337 ± 232 1058 ± 553 1067 ± 324 Down
An03g00960 axhA 1,4-beta-D-arabinoxylan arabinofuranohydrolase axhA - Aspergillus niger 4089 ± 1838 15097 ± 1853 17374 ± 0 456 ± 313 1314 ± 776 1602 ± 429 Down
An03g01050 Uncharacterized similarity to endo-beta-1,4-glucanase - Bacillus polymyxa 137 ± 32 345 ± 202 1027 ± 608 31 ± 8 48 ± 17 89 ± 12 Down
An03g03740 bgl4 strong similarity to beta-glucosidase bgl4 - Humicola grisea var. thermoidea 656 ± 278 958 ± 22 587 ± 133 359 ± 34 367 ± 72 312 ± 13 Down
An03g06550 glaA glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase glaA - Aspergillus niger 370 ± 102 1497 ± 1144 5690 ± 1251 182 ± 15 171 ± 29 166 ± 8 Down
An04g06920 agdA extracellular alpha-glucosidase aglU - Aspergillus niger 236 ± 29 316 ± 16 651 ± 135 176 ± 8 145 ± 5 176 ± 10 Down
An04g09360 uncharacterized strong similarity to hypothetical protein CC0812 - Caulobacter crescentus 136 ± 33 153 ± 76 90 ± 13 68 ± 0 64 ± 1 38 ± 8 Down
An04g09690 sm to pmeA- A. nid strong similarity to pectin methylesterase PME1 - Aspergillus aculeatus 60 ± 19 190 ± 41 174 ± 59 38 ± 3 48 ± 0 47 ± 9 Down
An04g09700 uncharacterized strong similarity to endo-xylogalacturonan hydrolase xghA - Aspergillus tubingensis 60 ± 41 435 ± 272 143 ± 33 28 ± 4 28 ± 0 39 ± 3 Down
An05g02410 uncharacterized strong similarity to beta-glucuronidase GUSB - Canis familiaris 287 ± 18 343 ± 48 338 ± 149 201 ± 2 132 ± 4 104 ± 8 Down
An06g00170 aglA alpha-galactosidase aglA - Aspergillus niger 600 ± 56 678 ± 85 124 ± 23 59 ± 7 32 ± 6 18 ± 3 Down
An07g08950 eglC endoglucanase B eglB - Aspergillus niger 2511 ± 570 11775 ± 532 7793 ± 1370 52 ± 29 366 ± 244 422 ± 77 Down
An07g09330 cbhA cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase cbhA from patent WO9906574-A1- Aspergillus niger 1157 ± 1121 7883 ± 2929 3034 ± 1406 67 ± 16 130 ± 62 170 ± 76 Down
An08g05230 uncharacterized strong similarity to putative endoglucanase IV - Trichoderma reesei 1152 ± 1281 2411 ± 2729 648 ± 116 55 ± 5 58 ± 11 46 ± 5 Down
An08g10780 uncharacterized strong similarity to hypothetical protein T16K5.230 of A. thaliana 72 ± 40 140 ± 70 1109 ± 145 30 ± 8 26 ± 2 43 ± 0 Down
An09g02160 rgaeA rhamnogalacturonan acetyl esterase rgaeA - Aspergillus niger 318 ± 9 829 ± 168 409 ± 176 165 ± 41 149 ± 17 58 ± 2 Down
An11g02100 sm to bglR- A. nid strong similarity to furostanol glycoside 26-O-beta-glucosidase CSF26G1 -  Costus speciosus 360 ± 21 1634 ± 301 808 ± 253 105 ± 38 140 ± 12 114 ± 5 Down
An12g04610 uncharacterized similarity to endoglucanase IV egl4 - Trichoderma reesei 966 ± 1072 5636 ± 3072 243 ± 11 76 ± 9 108 ± 31 58 ± 5 Down
An13g03710 agdD strong similarity to alpha-glucosidase AGLU - Bacillus sp. SAM1606 103 ± 18 130 ± 57 77 ± 28 44 ± 4 42 ± 4 47 ± 3 Down
An14g01800 aglD alpha-galactosidase aglD - Aspergillus niger 54 ± 4 109 ± 6 136 ± 18 27 ± 0 33 ± 3 34 ± 2 Down
An14g02670 uncharacterized strong similarity to endoglucanase IV egl4 - Trichoderma reesei 347 ± 273 857 ± 754 737 ± 10 37 ± 3 45 ± 3 37 ± 1 Down
An14g04190 gbeA strong similarity to 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme glc3 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1445 ± 19 1453 ± 195 915 ± 221 769 ± 3 603 ± 58 451 ± 20 Down
An14g04200 rhgB rhamnogalacturonase rhgB - Aspergillus niger 83 ± 57 177 ± 184 105 ± 34 33 ± 7 36 ± 5 34 ± 0 Down
An14g05820 uncharacterized strong similarity to beta-galactosidase lacA - Aspergillus niger 126 ± 37 290 ± 21 275 ± 6 60 ± 13 62 ± 12 72 ± 12 Down
An15g04550 xynA strong similarity to xylanase A xynA of patent WO200068396-A2 - Aspergillus niger 55 ± 0 384 ± 304 1176 ± 75 35 ± 4 41 ± 21 34 ± 1 Down
An15g05370 pgaII polygalacturonase pgaII of patent EP421919-A - Aspergillus niger 224 ± 219 767 ± 877 327 ± 240 29 ± 3 25 ± 5 28 ± 5 Down
An16g00540 uncharacterized similarity to putative large secreted protein - Streptomyces coelicolor[truncated ORF] 32 ± 1 89 ± 3 159 ± 14 23 ± 1 25 ± 1 26 ± 6 Down
An16g06800 eglB strong similarity to endoglucanase eglB - Aspergillus niger 154 ± 25 226 ± 100 423 ± 232 87 ± 5 92 ± 5 77 ± 5 Down
An17g00300 xarB strong similarity to bifunctiona xylosidase-arabinosidase xarB - Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus 156 ± 10 534 ± 22 396 ± 19 88 ± 6 124 ± 19 144 ± 17 Down
An01g01540 uncharacterized strong similarity to alpha,alpha-trehalase treA - Aspergillus nidulans 154 ± 10 161 ± 8 149 ± 13 568 ± 30 607 ± 43 366 ± 5 Up
An01g10350 sm to lacB- A. niger strong similarity to secreted beta-galactosidase lacA - Aspergillus niger 113 ± 5 109 ± 20 206 ± 35 469 ± 36 394 ± 38 499 ± 69 Up
An03g00190 pelB the pectin lyase pelB - Aspergillus niger 56 ± 4 48 ± 4 61 ± 9 338 ± 67 536 ± 67 248 ± 3 Up
An03g06310 pmeA pectinesterase pmeA- Aspergillus niger 33 ± 6 36 ± 6 43 ± 5 65 ± 4 75 ± 14 179 ± 41 Up
An09g00260 aglC alpha-galactosidase C aglC - Aspergillus niger[truncated ORF] 31 ± 6 34 ± 4 143 ± 60 208 ± 5 216 ± 38 370 ± 31 Up
An09g00270 aglC alpha-galactosidase C aglC - Aspergillus niger[truncated ORF] 89 ± 18 85 ± 22 760 ± 428 879 ± 73 1158 ± 119 1805 ± 251 Up
An09g03070 agsE strong similarity to alpha-glucan synthase mok1 - Schizosaccharomyces pombe 174 ± 2 142 ± 40 163 ± 50 544 ± 44 598 ± 19 458 ± 41 Up
An15g03550 uncharacterized weak similarity to protopectinase patent WO9806832-A1 - Bacillus subtilis 57 ± 44 57 ± 45 20 ± 0 954 ± 34 1066 ± 21 330 ± 22 Up

Table 7: Hybridization values of 46 genes that are implicated in carbohydrate degradationand that are differentially expressed in wild-type when compared to the ΔflbA strain of A. niger. The table was adapted from Pel et al. [18]. *Description of gene name or its closest homologue. Sm: Similar; A. nid: A. nidulans; A. ory: A. oryzae.

Of the total number of 2612 genes with a predicted signal sequence for secretion, 156 and 189 were up- and down-regulated, respectively (Supplemental Figure 2, Supplemental Table 1and 5). The up-regulated genes are mainly uncharacterized proteins, but include carbohydrases (see above), a putative cytochrome P450 reductase and two putative proteases. Among the down-regulated are several carbohydrate degrading enzymes (Supplemental Table 1 and 5), a phytase (phyB) and six (putative) proteases.

Previously, we identified 138 proteins with a signal sequence for secretion in the secretome of ΔflbA colonies when grown on fresh xylose medium [8]. Of these, 70 were not found in the wild-type secretome (i.e. even after partial degradation of the cell wall by the addition of cycloheximide) [8]. Differential expression was observed in the case of 23 out of 70 encoding genes (Table 8). One of these genes was down-regulated, whereas 22 were up-regulated in the ΔflbA colonies. Most of these genes are uncharacterized, but encode proteins that are putative carbohydrate degrading enzymes (3), proteases (2), cell wall/ morphogenesis enzymes (2), lipases (2), phospholipases (2), oxidases and superoxide-dismutases (5) and other/unknown proteins (6) (Table 8). Futhermore, 2 and 5 genes were up- and downregulated, respectively, of the genes encoding 30 proteins of the ΔflbA secretome [8] that were absent in the wild-type secretome [7], and that are predicted to be secreted via non-classical secretion (15) (SecP), or have no prediction for secretion (15) [8] (Table 8). The secretome of the cycloheximide treated wild-type strain contained 55 proteins [7] that were absent in the ΔflbA secretome [8], of which 35 encoding genes were differentially expressed. The two up-regulated genes in the ΔflbA strain encode uncharacterized proteins. The 33 down-regulated genes encode carbohydrate degrading enzymes (17), phytases (2), proteases (5), oxidase (1) and other/unknown proteins (5) (Table 8). Of the 37 proteins that were identified in both the wild-type and ΔflbA secretome, 6 and 14 encoding genes were found to be 2-fold higher and lower expressed in the ΔflbA strain, respectively (Table 8). The up-regulated genes consist of putative cell wall/ morphogenesis enzymes (3), carbohydrate degrading enzymes (1), a protease (1), and a superoxide dismutase (1), while the down-regulated genes encode putative carbohydrate degrading enzymes (11), a cell wall/ morphogenesis enzyme (1), a phospholipase (1) and a lipase (1).

Annotation Gene Name* Description wild-type zone  1 wild-type zone 3 wild-type zone 5 ΔflbA zone 1 ΔflbA zone 3 ΔflbA zone 5 Regulation
proteinproducts identified in the secretome of ΔflbAthat are predicted to be secreted
An11g06480 uncharacterized weak similarity to antigenic protein f86.aa. of patent WO9859071 - Borrelia burgdorferi 165 ± 5 154 ± 2 119 ± 6 43 ± 9 38 ± 1 43 ± 4 Down
An09g00260 aglC alpha-galactosidase C aglC - Aspergillus niger[truncated ORF] 31 ± 6 34 ± 4 143 ± 60 208 ± 5 216 ± 38 370 ± 31 Up
An03g06310 pmeA pectinesterase pmeA- Aspergillus niger 33 ± 6 36 ± 6 43 ± 5 65 ± 4 75 ± 14 179 ± 41 Up
An15g03550 uncharacterized weak similarity to protopectinase patent WO9806832-A1 - Bacillus subtilis 57 ± 44 57 ± 45 20 ± 0 954 ± 34 1066 ± 21 330 ± 22 Up
An11g00100 uncharacterized strong similarity to triacylglycerol lipase LIP5 - Candida rugosa 71 ± 4 64 ± 3 59 ± 8 800 ± 192 866 ± 397 2265 ± 77 Up
An16g08870 uncharacterized strong similarity to the triacylglycerol lipase I precursor lipI - Geotrichum candidum 139 ± 16 125 ± 28 84 ± 2 395 ± 28 267 ± 13 181 ± 12 Up
An09g01240 uncharacterized strong similarity to phospholipase B - Penicillium notatum 78 ± 7 63 ± 9 104 ± 3 499 ± 142 727 ± 111 627 ± 178 Up
An16g01880 lipanl strong similarity to lysophospholipase - Aspergillus foetidus 648 ± 245 795 ± 248 454 ± 202 10644 ± 663 10585 ± 2214 2676 ± 160 Up
An02g00740 uncharacterized similarity to 6-Hydroxy-D-nicotine oxidase 6-HDNO - Arthrobacter oxidans 31 ± 1 30 ± 2 35 ± 3 61 ± 5 69 ± 11 130 ± 14 Up
An02g08560 uncharacterized similarity to probable dioxygenase SCOEDB - Streptomyces coelicolor 22 ± 3 23 ± 3 19 ± 0 797 ± 22 1048 ± 83 1682 ± 135 Up
An03g00460 uncharacterized strong similarity to the 6-hydroxy-D-nicotine oxidase 6-HDNO -  Arthrobacter oxidans 129 ± 69 90 ± 27 102 ± 7 913 ± 19 751 ± 8 198 ± 2 Up
An03g05210 uncharacterized strong similarity to reticuline oxidase bbe1 - Eschscholzia californica 146 ± 47 180 ± 82 308 ± 23 423 ± 2 453 ± 23 767 ± 34 Up
An06g00720 uncharacterized similarity to chloroperoxidase CPO - Caldariomyces fumago 59 ± 24 59 ± 16 40 ± 14 109 ± 12 134 ± 32 109 ± 2 Up
An03g06220 sm to gelD- A. nid strong similarity to beta (1-3) glucanosyltransferase GEL3 - Aspergillus fumigatus 42 ± 3 48 ± 11 58 ± 3 1406 ± 256 1874 ± 54 5043 ± 547 Up
An16g07040 sm to btgE -A. nid similarity to beta-1,3-glucanosyltransferase BGT1 - Aspergillus fumigatus[truncated ORF] 502 ± 224 676 ± 353 2375 ± 144 5982 ± 202 6554 ± 1346 7358 ± 380 Up
An05g02170 uncharacterized strong similarity to serine-type carboxypeptidase F CPD-II - Aspergillus niger 60 ± 17 57 ± 6 70 ± 11 109 ± 12 121 ± 19 240 ± 17  
An18g01320 uncharacterized strong similarity to extracellular protease precursor BAR1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 148 ± 76 129 ± 56 328 ± 31 2146 ± 67 2897 ± 61 2501 ± 161 Up
An01g06280 uncharacterized strong similarity to IgE-binding protein - Aspergillus fumigatus 267 ± 123 341 ± 167 136 ± 4 2010 ± 28 2634 ± 280 1002 ± 144 Up
An03g00770 uncharacterized strong similarity to allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis allergen rAsp f 4 of patent WO9828624-A1 - Aspergillus fumigatus 93 ± 3 98 ± 34 454 ± 19 473 ± 118 437 ± 60 2858 ± 7 Up
An04g07160 uncharacterized similarity to hypothetical protein MLD14.3 - Arabidopsis thaliana 202 ± 34 215 ± 74 246 ± 38 548 ± 65 656 ± 82 666 ± 81 Up
An06g00160 uncharacterized weak similarity to hypothetical cell wall protein binB - Aspergillus nidulans 319 ± 29 330 ± 70 128 ± 21 3226 ± 732 2940 ± 1230 453 ± 184 Up
An07g02730 uncharacterized strong similarity to SUN family protein Psu1 - Schizosaccharomyces pombe 261 ± 96 317 ± 133 1534 ± 12 2045 ± 210 2424 ± 353 3717 ± 85 Up
An09g03650 uncharacterized weak similarity to hypothetical protein Ta0309 - Thermoplasma acidophilum 84 ± 40 52 ± 1 133 ± 16 375 ± 55 488 ± 99 438 ± 1 Up
protein products identified in the ΔflbA secreteome that are predicted to be released by non-classical secretion
An09g02830 uncharacterized strong similarity to acylaminoacyl-peptidase DPP V - Aspergillus fumigatus 385 ± 95 420 ± 131 622 ± 25 251 ± 45 224 ± 14 116 ± 2  
An09g00270 aglC alpha-galactosidase C aglC - Aspergillus niger[truncated ORF] 89 ± 18 85 ± 22 760 ± 428 879 ± 73 1158 ± 119 1805 ± 251 Up
protein products identified in the ΔflbA secretome without signal sequence for secretion
An01g06970 ara1 strong similarity to D-arabinose dehydrogenase ARA1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2370 ± 516 3061 ± 357 2476 ± 456 643 ± 50 627 ± 28 1838 ± 51  
An02g11970 uncharacterized strong similarity to 4-nitrophenylphosphatase pho2 - Schizosaccharomyces pombe 85 ± 12 93 ± 21 123 ± 9 164 ± 6 183 ± 36 416 ± 16 Up
An08g10830 uncharacterized strong similarity to geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase ggpps - Gibberella fujikuroi 65 ± 5 58 ± 0 68 ± 18 412 ± 9 388 ± 31 555 ± 30 Up
An09g06250 uncharacterized strong similarity to vacuolar aminopeptidase yscI - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 184 ± 42 187 ± 30 405 ± 70 526 ± 16 555 ± 41 430 ± 39 Up
An12g08610 glkA glucokinase GlkA - Aspergillus niger 302 ± 29 324 ± 114 306 ± 96 652 ± 16 622 ± 75 660 ± 65  
protein products identified in wild-type and ΔflbA secretome that are predicted to be secreted
An02g11150 aglB alpha-galactosidase aglB - Aspergillus niger 390 ± 96 2373 ± 668 3155 ± 569 111 ± 5 160 ± 21 126 ± 14 Down
An01g00780 xlnB endo-1,4-beta-xylanase B precursor xlnB - Aspergillus niger 4528 ± 1905 16891 ± 683 19085 ± 0 953 ± 977 4014 ± 2052 1371 ± 235 Down
An03g00940 xlnC endo-1,4-beta-xylanase C precursor xlnC  - Aspergillus niger 2605 ± 1941 15761 ± 4701 15538 ± 1230 337 ± 232 1058 ± 553 1067 ± 324 Down
An03g00960 axhA 1,4-beta-D-arabinoxylan arabinofuranohydrolase axhA - Aspergillus niger 4089 ± 1838 15097 ± 1853 17374 ± 0 456 ± 313 1314 ± 776 1602 ± 429 Down
An14g01800 aglD alpha-galactosidase aglD - Aspergillus niger 54 ± 4 109 ± 6 136 ± 18 27 ± 0 33 ± 3 34 ± 2 Down
An17g00300 xarB strong similarity to bifunctiona xylosidase-arabinosidase xarB - Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus 156 ± 10 534 ± 22 396 ± 19 88 ± 6 124 ± 19 144 ± 17 Down
An01g11660 cbhB 1,4-beta-D-glucan cellobiohydrolase B precursor cbhB of patent WO9906574-A1 - Aspergillus niger 1289 ± 335 8224 ± 845 6037 ± 1558 48 ± 13 430 ± 386 1098 ± 313 Down
An07g09330 cbhA cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase cbhA from patent WO9906574-A1- Aspergillus niger 1157 ± 1121 7883 ± 2929 3034 ± 1406 67 ± 16 130 ± 62 170 ± 76 Down
An16g06800 eglB strong similarity to endoglucanase eglB - Aspergillus niger 154 ± 25 226 ± 100 423 ± 232 87 ± 5 92 ± 5 77 ± 5 Down
An08g05230 uncharacterized strong similarity to putative endoglucanase IV - Trichoderma reesei 1152 ± 1281 2411 ± 2729 648 ± 116 55 ± 5 58 ± 11 46 ± 5 Down
An03g06550 glaA glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase glaA - Aspergillus niger 370 ± 102 1497 ± 1144 5690 ± 1251 182 ± 15 171 ± 29 166 ± 8 Down
An01g12450 exsG strong similarity to putative glucan beta-1,3 exoglucanase - Trichoderma harzianum 3091 ± 197 3667 ± 1573 1008 ± 250 966 ± 4 1053 ± 14 689 ± 27 Down
An02g09690 uncharacterized strong similarity to lipase I precursor TFL I - Geotrichum fermentans[putative sequencing error] 652 ± 18 1719 ± 762 529 ± 399 195 ± 22 294 ± 108 356 ± 50 Down
An01g14940 uncharacterized similarity to nonhemolytic phospholipase C PC-PLC - Burkholderia pseudomallei 299 ± 58 486 ± 126 203 ± 35 122 ± 2 138 ± 34 57 ± 2 Down
An01g01540 uncharacterized strong similarity to alpha,alpha-trehalase treA - Aspergillus nidulans 154 ± 10 161 ± 8 149 ± 13 568 ± 30 607 ± 43 366 ± 5 Up
An07g07530 crhB strong similarity to cell wall protein UTR2 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 176 ± 39 254 ± 48 1452 ± 40 1812 ± 115 1764 ± 453 2719 ± 364 Up
An14g01820 phiA /binB strong similarity to hypothetical cell wall protein binB - Aspergillus nidulans 2018 ± 1048 3064 ± 430 843 ± 70 8800 ± 3676 14346 ± 1791 4066 ± 653 Up
An08g07350 sm to gelB- A. nid strong similarity to glycophospholipid-anchored surface glycoprotein GAS1 precursor - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 226 ± 26 257 ± 8 363 ± 114 674 ± 9 839 ± 71 1001 ± 69 Up
An08g00490 uncharacterized strong similarity to lactonohydrolase - Fusarium oxysporum 160 ± 14 237 ± 17 346 ± 177 484 ± 34 516 ± 99 806 ± 14 Up
An14g02470 uncharacterized strong similarity to the protein PRO304 of patent WO200104311-A1 - Homo sapiens 326 ± 177 470 ± 61 384 ± 107 2772 ± 181 3044 ± 235 770 ± 49 Up
Protein products identified in wild-type secretome that are predicted to be secreted
An01g14600 uncharacterized strong similarity to the endo-1,4-beta-Xylanase B XynB, patent WO9414965 - Aspergillus tubingensis 256 ± 239 364 ± 349 195 ± 92 30 ± 1 34 ± 6 37 ± 4 Down
An06g00170 aglA alpha-galactosidase aglA - Aspergillus niger 600 ± 56 678 ± 85 124 ± 23 59 ± 7 32 ± 6 18 ± 3 Down
An04g06920 agdA extracellular alpha-glucosidase aglU - Aspergillus niger 236 ± 29 316 ± 16 651 ± 135 176 ± 8 145 ± 5 176 ± 10 Down
An04g09690 sm to pmeA- A. nid strong similarity to pectin methylesterase PME1 - Aspergillus aculeatus 60 ± 19 190 ± 41 174 ± 59 38 ± 3 48 ± 0 47 ± 9 Down
An07g08940 uncharacterized similarity to acetyl-esterase I of patent WO9502689-A - Aspergillus aculeatus 242 ± 13 1268 ± 407 914 ± 553 20 ± 1 31 ± 7 26 ± 0 Down
An01g11670 eglA strong similarity to endo-beta-1,4-glucanase A eglA - Emericella nidulans 638 ± 408 2367 ± 12 589 ± 232 21 ± 2 42 ± 24 58 ± 1 Down
An07g08950 eglC endoglucanase B eglB - Aspergillus niger 2511 ± 570 11775 ± 532 7793 ± 1370 52 ± 29 366 ± 244 422 ± 77 Down
An01g01870 eglC strong similarity to hypothetical Avicelase III aviIII - Aspergillus aculeatus 77 ± 47 501 ± 267 400 ± 240 22 ± 0 23 ± 1 23 ± 2 Down
An03g01050 uncharacterized similarity to endo-beta-1,4-glucanase - Bacillus polymyxa 137 ± 32 345 ± 202 1027 ± 608 31 ± 8 48 ± 17 89 ± 12 Down
An08g10780 uncharacterized strong similarity to hypothetical protein T16K5.230 of A. thaliana 72 ± 40 140 ± 70 1109 ± 145 30 ± 8 26 ± 2 43 ± 0 Down
An14g02670 uncharacterized strong similarity to endoglucanase IV egl4 - Trichoderma reesei 347 ± 273 857 ± 754 737 ± 10 37 ± 3 45 ± 3 37 ± 1 Down
An08g08370 uncharacterized similarity to the alpha-1,2-mannosidase aman2 - Bacillus sp. M-90 1771 ± 843 2086 ± 211 376 ± 19 179 ± 33 78 ± 14 38 ± 4 Down
An16g00540 uncharacterized similarity to putative large secreted protein - Streptomyces coelicolor[truncated ORF] 32 ± 1 89 ± 3 159 ± 14 23 ± 1 25 ± 1 26 ± 6 Down
An02g02540 uncharacterized strong similarity to acetyl-esterase I from patent R63066 - Aspergillus aculeatus 296 ± 66 375 ± 174 350 ± 139 83 ± 16 94 ± 1 74 ± 12 Down
An04g09700 uncharacterized strong similarity to endo-xylogalacturonan hydrolase xghA - Aspergillus tubingensis 60 ± 41 435 ± 272 143 ± 33 28 ± 4 28 ± 0 39 ± 3 Down
An14g04200 rhgB rhamnogalacturonase rhgB - Aspergillus niger 83 ± 57 177 ± 184 105 ± 34 33 ± 7 36 ± 5 34 ± 0 Down
An15g05370 pgaII polygalacturonase pgaII of patent EP421919-A - Aspergillus niger 224 ± 219 767 ± 877 327 ± 240 29 ± 3 25 ± 5 28 ± 5 Down
An07g02360 uncharacterized similarity to 6-hydroxy-D-nicotine oxidase 6-HDNO - Arthrobacter oxidans 60 ± 24 49 ± 23 104 ± 15 32 ± 3 31 ± 2 25 ± 4 Down
An08g09850 uncharacterized strong similarity to phosphate-repressible acid phosphatase precursor phoA - Penicillium chrysogenum 424 ± 125 551 ± 364 636 ± 431 245 ± 15 256 ± 8 132 ± 7 Down
An08g11030 phyB acid phosphatase aph, 3-phytase phyB - Aspergillus niger 436 ± 438 975 ± 1113 973 ± 889 54 ± 4 59 ± 5 44 ± 0 Down
An08g04640 protB strong similarity to putative lysosomal pepstatin insensitive protease CLN2 - Canis familiaris 98 ± 32 218 ± 127 827 ± 628 62 ± 13 58 ± 5 59 ± 2 Down
An16g09010 protH strong similarity to carboxypeptidase I protein of patent WO9814599-A1 - Aspergillus oryza 1018 ± 249 1107 ± 340 353 ± 147 312 ± 2 298 ± 3 161 ± 9 Down
An06g00190 uncharacterized strong similarity to lysosomal pepstatin insensitive protease CLN2 - Homo sapiens 305 ± 23 733 ± 87 1175 ± 28 144 ± 2 114 ± 5 58 ± 5 Down
An12g05960 uncharacterized strong similarity to dipeptidyl peptidase II DPPII - Rattus norvegicus 105 ± 22 126 ± 40 207 ± 38 81 ± 22 81 ± 4 47 ± 7 Down
An14g02150 uncharacterized strong similarity to serine-type carboxypeptidase precursor cpdS - Aspergillus phoenicis 49 ± 10 57 ± 12 38 ± 7 23 ± 2 21 ± 1 23 ± 4 Down
An09g00670 geld strong similarity to beta (1-3) glucanosyltransferase Gel3p - Aspergillus fumigatus 1596 ± 565 2244 ± 607 2063 ± 821 45 ± 1 39 ± 6 59 ± 10 Down
An09g00840 uncharacterized weak similarity to antigenic cell wall galactomannoprotein MP1 - Aspergillus fumigatus 3153 ± 2599 10725 ± 146 3462 ± 103 29 ± 11 35 ± 22 14 ± 2 Down
An01g15200 uncharacterized strong similarity to mature penicillin V amidohydrolase PVA of patent US5516679-A - Fusarium oxysporum[truncated ORF] 1551 ± 24 1626 ± 657 351 ± 58 146 ± 9 92 ± 0 108 ± 31 Down
An13g01880 uncharacterized strong similarity to cephalosporin esterase - Rhodosporidium toruloides 407 ± 104 3000 ± 374 3350 ± 147 96 ± 37 194 ± 69 155 ± 2 Down
An01g00210 uncharacterized hypothetical protein 105 ± 13 174 ± 37 91 ± 31 36 ± 2 37 ± 0 50 ± 8 Down
An02g11890 uncharacterized strong similarity to hypothetical protein An14g01330 - Aspergillus niger 61 ± 14 161 ± 33 124 ± 11 24 ± 1 30 ± 1 29 ± 2 Down
An08g04630 uncharacterized hypothetical protein 361 ± 349 674 ± 706 305 ± 86 51 ± 1 48 ± 13 36 ± 1 Down
An15g02250 uncharacterized hypothetical protein 1220 ± 1202 1162 ± 905 78 ± 37 47 ± 2 49 ± 6 50 ± 9 Down
An06g01000 uncharacterized strong similarity to hypothetical protein AN5357.2 - Aspergillus nidulans 201 ± 49 252 ± 68 397 ± 160 601 ± 188 760 ± 179 892 ± 307 Up
An11g00040 uncharacterized weak similarity to cDNA for 59-kDa readthrough protein RT - Sorghum chlorotic spot virus 780 ± 377 869 ± 597 1222 ± 357 3463 ± 134 3264 ± 0 2983 ± 97 Up
Protein products identified in wild-type without signal sequence for secretion
An14g01790 uncharacterized hypothetical protein 93 ± 2 199 ± 15 220 ± 21 37 ± 4 54 ± 8 47 ± 16 Down
An01g00610 uncharacterized weak similarity to hypothetical protein yukJ - Bacillus subtilis 455 ± 238 550 ± 223 1226 ± 644 47 ± 3 40 ± 6 73 ± 6 Down

Table 8: Hybridization values of 87 differentially regulated genes whose protein products were identified in the secretome of xylose-grown sandwiched colonies of the ΔflbA
[8] strain and/or the wild-type [7] of A. niger. *Description of gene name or its closest homologue. Sm: Similar; A. nid: A. nidulans.

Transcriptional changes associated to transcription factors: Pel et al. [18] described 623 A. niger transcription factors, of which 20 and 18 are found to be up- and down-regulated in the ΔflbA strain, respectively (Figure 4D, Table 9, Supplemental Table 1). Of these genes, 28 encode transcription factors with an unknown function, while 3 are homologous to transcription factor genes of A. oryzae and 1 to A. fumigatus. These orthologues encode atfB (An14g06250), xlnR (An11g06290), amyR (An01g06900) and rosA (An04g07400), respectively. Moreover, the regulator of extracellular protease prtT was found to be down-regulated in the ΔflbA strain. In contrast, pacC that is activated upon exposure to alkaline pH and acuB that activates acetate metabolism are ≥ 2-fold higher expressed in the ΔflbA strain. Similarly, abaA and flbD, both involved in reproductive development (see above), are upregulated in ΔflbA.

Annotation Gene Name* Description wild-type wild-type wild-type ΔflbA ΔflbA ΔflbA Regulation
      zone  1 zone 3 zone 5 zone 1 zone 3 zone 5  
An04g08620 uncharacterized similarity to heme activator protein HAP1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1079 ± 14 1118 ± 11 942 ± 47 642 ± 42 512 ± 28 191 ± 21 Down
An12g01870 uncharacterized similarity to positive regulator of the lactose-galactose regulon LAC9 - Kluyveromyces lactis 495 ± 135 1003 ± 137 720 ± 305 254 ± 24 271 ± 9 167 ± 16 Down
An16g08800 uncharacterized similarity to the zinc finger transcription factor ACEI - Trichoderma reesei 543 ± 121 642 ± 119 310 ± 34 77 ± 17 78 ± 5 77 ± 1 Down
An15g00120 uncharacterized similarity to Wilms tumor susceptibility protein WT1 - Homo sapiens 476 ± 307 442 ± 230 580 ± 259 112 ± 11 111 ± 1 65 ± 3 Down
An04g05060 uncharacterized similarity to XFIN protein - Xenopus laevis 3584 ± 911 3946 ± 117 1943 ± 688 1248 ± 6 1042 ± 73 810 ± 91 Down
An04g07400 sm rosA- A. fum strong similarity to C6 zinc finger transcription factor PRO1 - Sordaria macrospora[putative sequencing error] 120 ± 28 195 ± 76 562 ± 77 86 ± 3 83 ± 9 43 ± 6 Down
An13g01370 uncharacterized strong similarity to the hypothetical protein An01g14540 - Aspergillus niger 568 ± 230 603 ± 155 359 ± 47 207 ± 8 157 ± 8 192 ± 26 Down
An11g07610 uncharacterized strong similarity to the hypothetical protein encoded by An15g04740 - Aspergillus niger 226 ± 129 212 ± 48 104 ± 38 54 ± 1 43 ± 2 33 ± 0 Down
An11g06290 sm to xlnR -A. ory strong similarity to transcriptional activator xlnR - Aspergillus niger 145 ± 30 141 ± 35 84 ± 17 54 ± 2 40 ± 4 30 ± 1 Down
An01g13790 uncharacterized weak similarity to homeodomain protein Prep-1 - Homo sapiens 792 ± 126 685 ± 218 368 ± 78 220 ± 10 203 ± 29 317 ± 8 Down
An12g02880 uncharacterized weak similarity to hypothetical protein SPBC530.05 - Schizosaccharomyces pombe 80 ± 51 80 ± 48 39 ± 1 24 ± 1 27 ± 0 31 ± 0 Down
An06g00830 uncharacterized weak similarity to hypothetical transcription regulatory protein SPBC530.08 - Schizosaccharomyces pombe 121 ± 26 146 ± 14 221 ± 35 55 ± 6 67 ± 22 49 ± 8 Down
An08g03770 uncharacterized weak similarity to mucin MUC5AC - Homo sapiens 85 ± 33 77 ± 21 132 ± 63 23 ± 2 19 ± 3 18 ± 2 Down
An07g07370 uncharacterized weak similarity to PC-MYB2 - Arabidopsis thaliana 2629 ± 9 2410 ± 318 1104 ± 502 724 ± 44 649 ± 44 253 ± 2 Down
An04g01430 uncharacterized weak similarity to the chitinase ChiA - Emericella nidulans 14247 ± 1226 12839 ± 0 6031 ± 975 4922 ± 660 3743 ± 121 3693 ± 284 Down
An01g06900 sm to amyR- A. ory weak similarity to transcription activator amyR - Aspergillus oryzae 758 ± 96 1056 ± 406 654 ± 233 34 ± 8 25 ± 1 21 ± 1 Down
An14g06250 sm to atfB-A. ory weak similarity to transcription factor atf1+ - Schizosaccharomyces pombe 269 ± 19 523 ± 113 434 ± 242 67 ± 0 67 ± 5 89 ± 8 Down
An04g06940 prtT similarity to hypothetical transcriptional regulator SPAC1399_1 - Schizosaccharomyces pombe 2945 ± 971 3996 ± 1429 2983 ± 738 1702 ± 175 1499 ± 130 608 ± 77 Down
An08g06580 acuB / FacB DNA binding protein facB - Aspergillus niger 364 ± 29 340 ± 18 400 ± 148 899 ± 47 929 ± 83 656 ± 14 Up
An07g05960 uncharacterized similarity to finger protein msn2 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 143 ± 21 220 ± 133 537 ± 288 759 ± 389 1226 ± 285 1125 ± 434 Up
An04g06950 uncharacterized similarity to homeobox transcription factor hth - Drosophila melanogaster 102 ± 1 124 ± 6 67 ± 16 288 ± 24 302 ± 50 287 ± 54 Up
An08g06850 uncharacterized similarity to hypothetical C2H2 zinc-finger protein SPBC1105.14 - Schizosaccharomyces pombe 66 ± 3 75 ± 1 129 ± 30 583 ± 676 787 ± 517 791 ± 668 Up
An06g02570 uncharacterized similarity to nitrogen assimilation regulatory protein nit-4 - Neurospora crassa 56 ± 3 56 ± 10 114 ± 11 133 ± 0 144 ± 7 235 ± 27 Up
An03g05170 uncharacterized similarity to sterol regulatory element binding protein-1 srebp-1 - Homo sapiens 352 ± 68 378 ± 126 574 ± 9 654 ± 59 806 ± 134 1485 ± 37 Up
An04g06430 uncharacterized similarity to zinc finger protein BMZF3 of patent WO9962951-A1 - Homo sapiens 43 ± 3 45 ± 6 63 ± 23 103 ± 1 143 ± 1 147 ± 0 Up
An01g05630 uncharacterized strong similarity to cytoplasmic aspartate--tRNA ligase APS - Saccharomyces cerevisiae[possible sequencing error] 70 ± 1 75 ± 5 63 ± 0 189 ± 5 214 ± 24 164 ± 7 Up
An14g05810 uncharacterized strong similarity to histone acetyltransferase GCN5 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 63 ± 15 58 ± 2 46 ± 1 148 ± 17 140 ± 22 85 ± 2 Up
An01g04830 flbD strong similarity to myb-like DNA binding protein flbD - Aspergillus nidulans 89 ± 18 91 ± 8 81 ± 20 238 ± 35 220 ± 32 107 ± 5 Up
An03g06760 uncharacterized strong similarity to probable transcription activator SPAC139.03 - Schizosaccharomyces pombe 106 ± 0 112 ± 14 57 ± 13 158 ± 8 209 ± 42 193 ± 22 Up
An01g03750 abaA strong similarity to protein abaA - Aspergillus nidulans 61 ± 9 71 ± 12 67 ± 17 113 ± 28 129 ± 3 182 ± 22 Up
An02g07890 pacC transcription factor pacC - Aspergillus niger 263 ± 12 282 ± 35 184 ± 19 552 ± 69 552 ± 118 562 ± 23 Up
An07g09460 tan1 transposase Tan1 of patent WO9808960-A1 - Aspergillus niger 17 ± 4 16 ± 3 20 ± 2 38 ± 3 67 ± 10 51 ± 6 Up
An08g06030 uncharacterized weak similarity to putative zinc finger transcription factor stzA - Aspergillus nidulans 232 ± 9 305 ± 46 394 ± 61 668 ± 211 801 ± 153 741 ± 116 Up
An04g00480 uncharacterized weak similarity to the vitellogenin II precursor - Gallus gallus 469 ± 62 309 ± 76 266 ± 36 1222 ± 145 1525 ± 171 947 ± 325 Up
An11g10870 uncharacterized weak similarity to transcription factor CHA4 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 193 ± 83 180 ± 27 273 ± 6 626 ± 226 622 ± 163 560 ± 43 Up
An14g07040 uncharacterized weak similarity to transcriptional activator of lysine pathway genes LYS14 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 76 ± 5 71 ± 10 70 ± 1 178 ± 10 217 ± 56 141 ± 8 Up
An17g00800 uncharacterized weak similarity to transcriptional activator prtT of patent WO200020596-A1 - Aspergillus niger 119 ± 48 89 ± 35 69 ± 5 201 ± 38 195 ± 22 142 ± 5 Up
An02g06000 uncharacterized weak similarity to ZMS1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 471 ± 242 481 ± 196 683 ± 362 980 ± 41 1338 ± 83 1688 ± 256 Up

Table 9: Hybridization values of 38 transcription factor genes [18] that are differentially expressed in wild-type when compared to the ΔflbA strain. Names of transcription factors are indicated that show homology toor that are encoded by A. niger genes. *Description of gene or its closest homologue. Sm: Similar; A. fum: A. fumigatus; A. ory: A. oryzae.


Colonies of an A. niger strain in which flbA is inactivated do not sporulate. Instead, they grow throughout the colony and show secretion in a large part of the mycelium [8]. Moreover, cell walls of the ΔflbA strain are thinner than those of the wild-type [8]. The molecular mechanisms underlying these phenomena are not known. Here, the impact of inactivation of flbA on spatial gene expression in a sandwiched grown A. niger colony was assessed with emphasis on genes encoding secreted proteins, genes involved in cell wall synthesis, genes involved in asexual and sexual development and genes encoding transcriptional regulators. The latter genes may control spatial growth and secretion, cell wall synthesis or may have a role in reproduction.

Genes that could account for a sexual pathway have been identified in A. niger [18]. However, so far only asexual reproduction has been shown to occur in this fungus. Asexual development involves the formation of conidia forming conidiophores. This process has been studied in most detail in A. nidulans [3,26]. Based on its genome, A. niger is expected to have similar mechanisms underlying conidiophore development. Indeed, the central regulator of conidiophore formation brlA, as well as flbA have a similar role in asexual development in A. niger and A. nidulans [8,27]. Inactivation of flbA of A. niger does not have a major impact on the expression of genes involved in asexual development, at least in colonies grown as a sandwiched culture as used in this study. Of the 68 genes implicated in reproduction, only 13 were differentially expressed when compared to the wild-type. Genes flbD and sfaD (Figure 1) were among the 6 genes that were up-regulated ≥ 2-fold in the ΔflbA strain. Notably, flbD and sfaD expression was not increased in the ΔflbA strains of A. nidulans and A. oryzae [28,29]. Transcripts of brlA were absent in wild type A. niger colonies, while some brlA expression was observed in the center of ΔflbA colonies. In contrast, FlbA directly or indirectly stimulates expression of brlA in A. nidulans [9], A. oryzae [29] and A. fumigates [30]. It can thus be concluded that the sporulation pathway of A. niger is similar but not identical to that of A. nidulans, A. oryzae and A. fumigatus. Our data also indicate that FlbA represses asexual reproduction in zones of A. niger colonies that do no longer have the potential to sporulate. It might be that this also occurs in other Aspergilli. This should be studied by extracting RNA of zones rather than the whole mycelium, as is routinely done.

A total of 102 genes are predicted to be involved in cell wall synthesis [18]. Of these genes, only 10 and 2 were found to be up- and downregulated in the ΔflbA strain, respectively. It is tempting to speculate that these genes are involved in the changed spatial distribution of growing hyphae in the colony. In this respect, the up-regulation of two chitin synthase genes is of particular interest. The chsD homologue of A. nidulans is expressed throughout the A. niger colony. This gene is upregulated in all zones of ΔflbA colonies. The chsF chitin synthase gene is even more interesting. This gene is periphery specific in wild-type colonies, while it is expressed throughout ΔflbA colonies. Zonal expression of chsF thus correlates with growth in colonies of wildtype and ΔflbA. The differentially expressed genes involved in cell wall synthesis may also impact cell wall thickness in the ΔflbA strain. This may involve synthesizing activity, cell wall processing activity (i.e. crosslinking), as well as degradation activity.

The secretome of the wild-type and the ΔflbA strain was determined by transferring 7-day-old colonies that had been grown on agar medium to a ring plate containing fresh medium. Proteins were released in the wells of the ring plate that had been formed during the 24 h incubation time. In addition, proteins are released that had been formed during the 7 days of growth on the agar plate and that slowly diffuse through the cell wall [4]. FlbA was shown to have a more complex secretome when compared to the wild-type [8]. Out of 138 secreted proteins of the ΔflbA strain [8], 101 had not been identified in the secretome of wild-type colonies [8]. Cycloheximide treatment releases proteins into the culture medium that had been trapped in the cell walls of the wild-type strain [8]. Still, 70 secreted proteins were found in the ΔflbA secretome that were absent in the medium of cycloheximide treated wild-type colonies. Of these proteins, 23 were differentially expressed, of which 22 were up-regulated in the ΔflbA strain. This shows that part of the differences in the secretome are caused by transcriptional control during the 7 days of growth on the agar medium. Another part of the differences may be explained by induction of genes after transfer to fresh medium and by (post)-translational regulation. Moreover, we can not exclude that part of the proteome is still trapped in or associated with the wild type cell wall after cycloheximide treatment. 55 proteins were identified in the wild-type secretome that were absent in the culture medium of the ΔflbA strain [8]. Of the genes encoding these proteins, 35 were differentially expressed, of which 33 were downregulated in the ΔflbA strain. This shows that transcriptional control during growth on the agar medium has a major impact on genes encoding proteins that are released by the wild-type strain but not by the ΔflbA strain. Finally, 20 out of 37 genes encoding proteins that were released both in wild-type and the ΔflbA secretome were differentially expressed. Quantitative proteomics should reveal whether this differential expression also results in quantitative differences in levels of these proteins in the medium. In this study, A. niger was grown on xylose. XlnR is the xylanolytic regulator that controls expression of at least 16 genes [19-25]. All encoded proteins were identified in the wild-type secretome after cycloheximide treatment, whereas 15 out of 16 proteins were identified in the ΔflbA secretome. 6 out of 16 XlnR regulated genes were down-regulated in the ΔflbA strain. This is not in conflict with the proteomics data per se, since quantitative proteomics was not performed on wild-type versus ΔflbA. Moreover, proteomics was performed on colonies that had been transferred to fresh medium (see above).

Spatial growth and secretion and cell wall synthesising, modifying and degrading activities are most probably regulated by transcriptional regulators. In total, 38 transcriptional regulators were found to be differentially regulated in the ΔflbA strain. Most of these regulators have not been characterised. However, the list includes 9 genes with a known function or that are homologous to a transcription factor that has been characterized in other Aspergillus species. Genes that have homology to rosA of A. fumigatus and atfB of A. oryzae (both downregulated in ΔflbA), and to flbD and abaA of A. nidulans (both upregulated in ΔflbA) are involved in development (rosA, flbD, and abaA) and stress tolerance of conidia (attB) [3,31-33]. Genes homologous to xlnR and amyR of A. oryzae, prtT [34] and acuB [35,36] (all downregulated in ΔflbA) are predicted to be involved in degradation of polysaccharides, proteins and acetate. Gene prtT has been shown to be the transcriptional activator of protease genes in A. niger [34]. Its down-regulation in ΔflbA colonies is in agreement with the finding that only 6 protease geneswere up-regulated in ΔflbA, while 13 were down-regulated. The transcriptional regulatory gene pacC [36] was found to be up-regulated at the periphery of ΔflbA colonies. It is not known how pacC expression is exactly regulated in Aspergillus. The pH does not seem to regulate its expression or that of the six pH-sensing pal components [37]. However, PacC protein is abundant in alkaline growth conditions, where it is activated by proteolytical cleavage [37-39]. At alkaline pH, alkaline-associated genes of A. nidulans are activated by PacC (palD, prtA, xlnA, acvA, ipnA, pacC, sidA, mirA, mirB) [40], while acid-associated genes (pacA, xlnB, abfB, gabA, and stcU) are repressed [41]. These genes are not fully annotated in A. niger, but homologues of mirA (An02g14190), mirB (An03g03560) and sidA (An05g00220) are up-regulated in ΔflbA, whereas xlnB, putative gabA (An12g10000) and xlnA are down-regulated when compared to wildtype. This might be explained by the overexpression of PacC since the pH of the agar-medium underneath wild-type sandwiched colonies was 3, while it was 6 in the case of the ΔflbA strain. Genes An11g06290 and An01g06900 are homologous to the xylanolytic and amylolytic regulatory genes xlnR and amyR of A. oryzae, respectively. However, they do not encode the XlnR and AmyR regulators of A. niger since these functions have been attributed to An15g05810 [20,24,25] and An04g06910, respectively [42]. The xlnR gene of A. niger was downregulated 1.5 fold, which may explain the high number (i.e. 9 out of 16) of xylanolytic genes that are down-regulated compared to wild-type. Apart from the 9 transcriptional regulatory genes with a predicted function, there are 29 of such genes with an unknown role in growth and development of A. niger [43]. One or more of these genes may be involved in spatial growth, spatial secretion, cell wall formation and asexual development. As such, they are of interest to improve A. niger as a cell factory.


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Citation: Krijgsheld P, Wösten HAB (2013) Transcriptome Analysis of Zones of Colonies of the ΔflbA Strain of Aspergillus niger. Fungal Genom Biol 3:109.

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