Journal of Research and Development

Journal of Research and Development
Open Access

ISSN: 2311-3278


Commentary - (2022)Volume 10, Issue 1

Types and Impacts of E-commerce

Ruozhen Qiu*
*Correspondence: Ruozhen Qiu, Department of International Business, Marketing, Strategy and Law, MacEwan University, Edmonton, Canada, Email:

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The operation of electronically purchasing or reselling goods using online services via the Internet is known as E-commerce (or electronic commerce). Mobile commerce, electronic funds transfers, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data gathering systems are just a few of the technologies that are used in E-commerce. The largest segment of the electronics business is Ecommerce, which is in turn fueled by technological advancements in the semiconductor sector. The goal of this research is to identify Ecommerce technology is evolving in the business world but also the advantages it has to utilised run an online firm. The descriptive method was employed in this study in order to give a scenario in relation to some of the variable conditions investigated. As a consequence of this research, it was possible to determine how far e-commerce technology had advanced in the field of online business as well as the advantages that came from its use. The research was conducted by talking about the business's e-commerce technology-driven sales and reservation systems.

• Revenues from e-commerce will increase dramatically.

• E-commerce is essential for a company to survive.

• E-commerce life decisions are difficult.

• In important professional areas, consulting companies are seeing dramatic losses.

There are two different categories of R&D:

R&D is a general term used to describe how a firm acquires new information. This could involve creating brand-new items, streamlining processes, or otherwise enhancing a company. R & D's overall goal is to promote and support innovation.

R&D has historically been connected to the technology sector. Companies are responsible for marketing are constantly searching for new software, solutions, or goods. New technologies are always being developed, from microprocessors to VoIP services. Even though, not all R&D is created equal.

Large businesses

Budgets for larger corporations are generally larger. They are also frequently in the greatest position to invest the most in research and development. For instance, PWC estimates that Amazon alone invested an astounding $22.6 billion in the region in 2018. Large companies frequently have their own research and development divisions. These businesses frequently do research using the facilities of universities.

Smaller businesses

Smaller businesses typically lack the funding to support internal R&D divisions. But because innovation is still essential, they frequently outsource. To do this, they must hire specialised companies to manage their research and development. The groups concerned will decide exactly how this is set up. A company could occasionally have concepts for products or solutions but not the engineers or tools to make them a reality. In other circumstances, a corporation that is outsourced could receive a far wider mandate.

In either case, outsourcing provides a path to more significant innovation for smaller businesses. They might be able to develop a more expert profile as a result. A vanity number or business email can be given to a contractor. That gives the impression that the following are the consequences of these trends:

• The demand for expert counsel is felt by organisations.

• The new market opportunity for consulting firms is Ecommerce.

• Consulting companies require organised, tested E-commerce methodologies.

• The project's motivating factors are these tendencies and their implications.

Four traditional types of ecommerce business models

• B2C – Business to consumer.

• B2B – Business to business.

• C2B – Consumer to business.

• C2C – Consumer to consumer.

Impact on employment

Due to information-related services, software applications, and digital goods, e-commerce aids in the creation of new job opportunities. As a result, jobs are lost. Retail, postal, and travel agencies are the industries where employment losses are expected to be the largest. Jobs requiring highly competent individuals to manage vast volumes of information, client needs, and production processes will be established as e-commerce grows. People who lack the necessary technical skills, however, cannot benefit from the wage welfare. On the other side, the warehouse becomes crucial since e-commerce needs enough stock to be able to deliver goods to clients on time. Employees will be concerned about the environment of the warehouse because it needs more workers to manage, monitor, and arrange.

Author Info

Ruozhen Qiu*
Department of International Business, Marketing, Strategy and Law, MacEwan University, Edmonton, Canada

Citation: Qiu R (2022) Types and Impacts of E-commerce. J Res Development. 10:184.

Received: 22-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JRD-22-18072; Editor assigned: 28-Feb-2022, Pre QC No. JRD-22-18072 (PQ); Reviewed: 14-Mar-2022, QC No. JRD-22-18072; Revised: 24-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. JRD-22-18072 (R); Published: 01-Apr-2022 , DOI: 10.35248/2311-3278.22.10.184

Copyright: © 2022 Qiu R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
