ISSN: 2167-0374
Commentary - (2022)Volume 12, Issue 5
India's defence, in its entirety, is the responsibility of the Indian government. The President has full authority over the armed forces. The responsibility for managing the military falls to the Cabinet.
This is done through the Ministry of Defence, which gives the Armed Forces the resources and the policy framework they need to carry out their duties in the context of national defence.The Ministry of Defense is led by the Raksha Mantri, or Defense Minister.
The main responsibility of the Defense Ministry is to communicate the policy directives of the Government to the Services Headquarters, Inter-Services Organizations, Production Establishments, and Research and Development for implementation in all things pertaining to defence and security.
The Department of Defense is responsible for the defence of India, including all aspects of defence policy. The Inter-Services Organizations, the Defence Accounts Department, the Canteen Stores Department (CSD), the Coast Guard, the National Cadet Corps, the Border Roads Organization, the Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis, the National Defense College, etc. are all covered.
Types of defense
In the first documented battles, the Egyptian monarch Thutmose III (r. 1479–26 BCE) employed specialist infantry, chariot, engineer, and transport forces in far-off Syria. Numerous bas-reliefs depicting various military specialties were left by later Assyrian conquerors. They handled some logistical issues in a pattern that was frequently repeated by simply transferring their elite soldiers and bolstering them with impressed allies and local mercenaries. The oldest surviving military manual, Bingfa (The Art of War), allegedly written by Sunzi, revealed an equally advanced military professionalism in China a century after the destruction of Nineveh in 612 bce. Sunzi believed that moral law, the environment and the geography, the commander's abilities, and the tactics and regimentation of the army regulated battle.
Ancient world of armed forces
Sparta was renowned for having skilled warriors. Every male citizen received military training and financial assistance from a land allotment managed by a number of Messenian helot families. The other powerful city-state in Greece, Athens, had a strong navy built on the capable rowers of its trireme fleet. The Greeks exported mercenary warriors after they drove the Persians back and destroyed themselves in internal conflicts, most notably the Peloponnesian War. The march of 10,000 Greek mercenary soldiers from close to Babylon to the Black Sea is described in Xenophon's Anabasis (c. 401–400 bce). Alexander the Great (reigned 336-323 bce) led a skilled army of Macedonians, Greeks, and admiring friends into India after conquering the Middle East.
The Indian subcontinent had seen the coordinated concentration of numerous Empires in their struggle for sway over military might and state administration. As time passed, cultural norms found a home in the workplace, the rights and privileges system, and military duty. After India was freed from British domination, the Indian Army as we know it today was put into action. The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), who is in charge of all aspects of command, control, and administration, oversees the Indian Army's headquarters, which are situated in New Delhi. Six operational commands (field armies) and one training command, each led by a Lieutenant General, make up the Army.
Citation: Sherma M (2022) Types of Defense and Armed Forces. J Defense Manag.12:245.
Received: 12-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. JDFM-22-19333; Editor assigned: 19-Aug-2022, Pre QC No. JDFM-22-19333 (PQ); Reviewed: 08-Sep-2022, QC No. JDFM-22-19333; Revised: 16-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. JDFM-22-19333 (R); Published: 23-Sep-2022 , DOI: 10.35248/2167-0374.22.12.246
Copyright: © 2022 Sherma M. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.