Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research

Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0533


Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research has got h-index 9, which means every article in Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research has got 9 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Total published articles

30 37 21 43 5 11 14 21

Conference proceedings

5 12 8 0 0 0 0 63

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

29 49 50 64 59 42 42 27
Journal total citations count 461
Journal impact factor 1.93
Journal 5 years impact factor 2.88
Journal cite score 2.76
Journal h-index 9
Journal h-index since 2019 8
Important citations (299)

Aydin, o. (2016). development of novel nanomedicines for treatment of primary and metastatic prostate cancer (doctoral dissertation).

Gu, j., yang, z., yuan, l., guo, s., wang, d., zhao, n., ... & ma, j. (2020). rho-gef trio regulates osteoclast differentiation and function by rac1/cdc42. experimental cell research, 396(1), 112265.

Place, d. e., malireddi, r. s., kim, j., vogel, p., yamamoto, m., & kanneganti, t. d. (2021). osteoclast fusion and bone loss are restricted by interferon inducible guanylate binding proteins. nature communications, 12(1), 1-9.

Ma, q. q., lin, l., yao, q., yang, j., hu, y., & yu, j. b. (2020). reduced cpg island methylation of the tbc1d8 gene may predict risk for osteoporosis in chinese postmenopausal women. oncotarget, 11(47), 4448.

Tang, d., liu, x., chen, k., li, z., dai, y., xu, j., ... & liu, l. (2020). cytoplasmic pcna is located in the actin belt and involved in osteoclast differentiation. aging (albany ny), 12(13), 13297.

Jensen, p. r., andersen, t. l., chavassieux, p., roux, j. p., & delaisse, j. m. (2021). bisphosphonates impair the onset of bone formation at remodeling sites. bone, 145, 115850.

De ridder, r., boudin, e., vandeweyer, g., devogelaer, j. p., fransen, e., mortier, g., & van hul, w. (2019). genetic variation in rin3 in the belgian population supports its involvement in the pathogenesis of paget’s disease of bone and modifies the age of onset. calcified tissue international, 104(6), 613-621.

Johanson, z., martin, k., fraser, g., & james, k. (2019). the synarcual of the little skate, leucoraja erinacea: novel development among the vertebrates. frontiers in ecology and evolution, 7, 12.

Uehara, s., udagawa, n., mukai, h., ishihara, a., maeda, k., yamashita, t., ... & kobayashi, y. (2017). protein kinase n3 promotes bone resorption by osteoclasts in response to wnt5a-ror2 signaling. science signaling, 10(494).

Syrovatkina, v., & huang, x. y. (2019). signaling mechanisms and physiological functions of g?protein g?13 in blood vessel formation, bone homeostasis, and cancer. protein science, 28(2), 305-312.

Teixeira, s., branco, l., fernandes, m. h., & costa-rodrigues, j. (2019). bisphosphonates and cancer: a relationship beyond the antiresorptive effects. mini reviews in medicinal chemistry, 19(12), 988-998.

Gu, q., guo, s., wang, d., zhou, t., wang, l., wang, z., & ma, j. (2017). effect of corticision on orthodontic tooth movement in a rat model as assessed by rna sequencing. journal of molecular histology, 48(3), 199-208.

Roy, m., & roux, s. (2018). rab gtpases in osteoclastic endomembrane systems. biomed research international, 2018.

Sumiya, e., negishi-koga, t., nagai, y., suematsu, a., suda, t., shinohara, m., ... & takayanagi, h. (2015). phosphoproteomic analysis of kinase-deficient mice reveals multiple tak1 targets in osteoclast differentiation. biochemical and biophysical research communications, 463(4), 1284-1290.

Kobayashi, y., uehara, s., & udagawa, n. (2018). roles of non-canonical wnt signaling pathways in bone resorption. journal of oral biosciences, 60(2), 31-35.

Chin, k. y., wong, s. k., ekeuku, s. o., & pang, k. l. (2020). relationship between metabolic syndrome and bone health–an evaluation of epidemiological studies and mechanisms involved. diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity: targets and therapy, 13, 3667.

Omi, m., kaartinen, v., & mishina, y. (2019). activin a receptor type 1–mediated bmp signaling regulates rankl-induced osteoclastogenesis via canonical smad-signaling pathway. journal of biological chemistry, 294(47), 17818-17836.

Binder, n., miller, c., yoshida, m., inoue, k., nakano, s., hu, x., ... & zhao, b. (2017). def6 restrains osteoclastogenesis and inflammatory bone resorption. the journal of immunology, 198(9), 3436-3447.

Kubatzky, k. f., uhle, f., & eigenbrod, t. (2018). from macrophage to osteoclast–how metabolism determines function and activity. cytokine, 112, 102-115.

Huntley, r., jensen, e., gopalakrishnan, r., & mansky, k. c. (2019). bone morphogenetic proteins: their role in regulating osteoclast differentiation. bone reports, 10, 100207.
