Open Access

Cariology Impact Factor

Cariology is the research of dental caries and cariogenesis. It is deals with dental anatomy, cariology, operative and aesthetic dentistry. It was caused by various species of oral bacteria.The diagnosis includes finding of cariogenic bacteria. It can be prevented by preventing bacteria from the surface of the tooth and topical antimicrobial agents. It can be treated by Replacement therapy.  The impact factor of journal provides computable assessment tool for grading, evaluating, sorting and comparing journals of similar kind. It follow the average number of citations to recent articles published in science and social science journals in a particular year or period, and is frequently used as a proxy for the related importance of a journal within its field. It is first discover by Eugene Garfield, the founder of the Institute for Scientific Information. The impact factor of a journal is measured by dividing the number of current year citations to the source items published in that journal during the previous two years.
