Open Access

Coastal Zone Management

The Coastal Zone Management (CZM) is a process of governance that consists of the legal and institutional framework necessary to ensure that development and management plans for coastal zones are integrated with environmental and social goals, and are developed with the participation of those affected.

Coastal management is defence against flooding and erosion, and techniques that stop erosion to claim lands. ... Changes in sea level damage beaches and coastal systems are expected to rise at an increasing rate, causing coastal sediments to be disturbed by tidal energy.

Hard Engineering Techniques

Sea Walls. These are the most obvious defensive methods. ... Groynes. Groynes are relatively soft hard engineering techniques. ... Gabions. Gabions are quite simply bundles of rocks in a metal mesh. ... Revetments. ... Riprap. ... Breakwaters. ... Tidal barriers. ... Beach Nourishment.

Conference Proceedings