ISSN: 2375-4427
Language disorders or language impairments are disorders that involve the processing of linguistic information. Problems that may be experienced can involve grammar (syntax and/or morphology), semantics (meaning), or other aspects of language. Expressive language disorder: People have trouble getting their message across when they talk. Receptive language disorder: People struggle to get the meaning of what others are saying. The common treatment for language disorder is speech and language therapy. Treatment will depend on the age of your child and the cause and extent of the condition. For example, your child may participate in one-on-one treatment sessions with a speech-language therapist or attend group sessions.
Research Article: Journal of Communication Disorders, Deaf Studies & Hearing Aids
Short Communication: Journal of Communication Disorders, Deaf Studies & Hearing Aids
Editorial: Journal of Communication Disorders, Deaf Studies & Hearing Aids
Research Article: Journal of Communication Disorders, Deaf Studies & Hearing Aids
Letter to Editor: Journal of Communication Disorders, Deaf Studies & Hearing Aids
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Gynecology & Obstetrics
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Pediatrics & Therapeutics
Posters: Journal of Probiotics & Health