Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems

Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems
Open Access

ISSN: 2376-0419

+44 1300 500008

Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems has got h-index 15, which means every article in Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems has got 15 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Total published articles

59 55 34 60 21 10 12 23 24 56 53

Research, Review articles and Editorials

3 5 9 7 14 8 11 17 21 35 35

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

39 50 25 51 7 2 1 6 3 21 18

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 0 114 84 200 283 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

64 74 95 93 120 93 69 64 57 29 2
Journal total citations count 770
Journal impact factor 2.25
Journal 5 years impact factor 3.61
Journal cite score 3.39
Journal h-index 15
Journal h-index since 2019 13
Important citations (147)

Lobenberg r, dunstan a, castillo h, deol g, saincher a, et al. (2015) what western pharmacists need to know about traditional chinese medicine; a canadian perspective. current traditional medicine 1: 18-25.

Rahul j (2016) research and reviews: journal of pharmaceutics and nanotechnology.

Aidi h, saghebjoo m, hedayati m, ilbeigi s (2015) the response of serum level of vascular endothelial growth factor of two types of swimming exercise in hypoxic condition in young men. scientific journal of kurdistan university of medical sciences 20: 10-22.

r sivashankari, p., & prabaharan, m. (2016). peptides to target tumor vasculature and lymphatics for improved anti-angiogenesis therapy. current cancer drug targets, 16(6), 522-535.

pace, j. r., deberardinis, a. m., sail, v., tacheva-grigorova, s. k., chan, k. a., tran, r., ... & hadden, m. k. (2016). repurposing the clinically efficacious antifungal agent itraconazole as an anticancer chemotherapeutic. journal of medicinal chemistry, 59(8), 3635-3649.

Hale ar (2014) doctor-pharmacist collaborative prescribing in a multidisciplinary surgical preadmission clinic: expanding the role of the preadmission clinic pharmacist (doctoral dissertation, the university of queensland).

leahu, d., sârbu, m. i., rãileanu, c., niþulescu, o., tampa, m., benea, v., ... & georgescu, s. r. switch-ul biologic în psoriazis: review al literaturii ªi exemplificare prin prezentare de caz biological switching in psoriasis: a review of scientific literature.

Hogg aj, baldock te, pritchard d (2011) strathprints institutional repository. journal of fluid mechanics 666: 521.

zeng, w., feng, m., campbell, s. m., finlayson, a. e., & godman, b. (2015). ongoing initiatives in china to enhance prescribing efficiency: impact and proposals for improvement. journal of pharmaceutical care & health systems, 2(4).

Garuolienė k, godman b, gulbinovič j, schiffers k (2016) differences in utilization rates between commercial and administrative databases: implications for future health-economic and cross-national studies.

Faleiros dr, Álvares j, almeida am, de araújo ve, andrade eig, et al. (2016) budget impact analysis of medicines: updated systematic review and implications. expert review of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research 16: 257-266.

Godman b, kwon hy, sović brkičić l, bogut m, sršen m, et al. (2015) pharmaceutical pricing in croatia: a comparison of ordinances in 2013 versus 2009 and their potential savings to provide future guidance. generics and biosimilars initiative journal 4: 79-89.

Riaz h, finlayson ae, bashir s, hussain s, mahmood s, met al. (2016) prevalence of vitamin d deficiency in pakistan and implications for the future. expert review of clinical pharmacology 9: 329-338.

Kalungia ac, burger j, godman b, costa jdo, simuwelu c (2016) non-prescription sale and dispensing of antibiotics in community pharmacies in zambia. expert review of anti-infective therapy 14: 1215-1223.

Costa jdo, almeida‐brasil cc, godman b, fischer ma, dartnell j, et al. (2016) implementation of clinical guidelines in brazil: should academic detailing be used?. journal of pharmaceutical health services research 7: 105-115.

Riaz h, godman b, hussain s, malik f, mahmood s, et al. (2015) prescribing of bisphosphonates and antibiotics in pakistan: challenges and opportunities for the future. journal of pharmaceutical health services research 6: 111-121.

Parkinson b, sermet c, clement f, crausaz s, godman b, et al. (2015) disinvestment and value-based purchasing strategies for pharmaceuticals: an international review. pharmacoeconomics 33: 905-924.

Md rezal rs, hassali ma, alrasheedy aa, saleem f, md yusof fa, et al. (2015) physicians’ knowledge, perceptions and behaviour towards antibiotic prescribing: a systematic review of the literature. expert review of anti-infective therapy 13: 665-680.

Godman b, malmström re, diogene e, gray a, jayathissa s, et al. (2015) are new models needed to optimize the utilization of new medicines to sustain healthcare systems?. expert review of clinical pharmacology 8: 77-94.

Alhaddad h (2016) antidotes availability in public hospitals within baghdad area: cross sectional study. pharmacie globale 7: 1.
