Journal of Phonetics & Audiology

Journal of Phonetics & Audiology
Open Access

ISSN: 2471-9455

Journal of Phonetics & Audiology : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Phonetics & Audiology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Phonetics & Audiology has got h-index 7, which means every article in Journal of Phonetics & Audiology has got 7 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Phonetics & Audiology.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Total published articles

31 32 30 15 10 1 4 14 15 11

Research, Review articles and Editorials

0 8 1 9 7 1 3 8 14 11

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

6 21 29 5 3 0 1 6 1 0

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

0 0 0 33 29 17 17 8 0 0
Journal total citations count 125
Journal impact factor 5.80
Journal 5 years impact factor 1.77
Journal cite score 2.45
Journal h-index 7
Journal h-index since 2019 6
Important citations (33)

farrington c. incomplete neutralization in african american english: the case of final consonant voicing. language variation and change. 2018 ; 30(3):361-83.

tanner j, sonderegger m, stuart-smith j, spade data consortium. vowel duration and the voicing effect across english dialects. toronto working papers in linguistics. 2019 ;41: 1.

tanner j, sonderegger m, stuart-smith j, spade data consortium. vowel duration and the voicing effect across dialects of english. toronto working papers in linguistics. 2019 ;41:1.

holt yf, jacewicz e, fox ra. sociocultural influences on fundamental frequency in vowels: the case of african american english.

bent t, holt y. the influence of regional dialect variation on race categorization.

holt yf. mechanisms of vowel variation in african american english. journal of speech, language, and hearing research. 2018 ; 61(2):197-209.

sanju hk, choudhury m. neo-natal hearing screening should be mandatory medical regime in india.

zheng y. binaural sound processing in noise and reverberation for listeners with cochlear implants. j phonet audiol. 2017;3:2.

ferreira jm, câmara mf, almeida pc, brandão neto j, silva ca. audiologic characteristics of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. revista cefac. 2016 ;18(5):1050-9.

ravanshenas e, jalilvand h, baghban aa. top-down auditory plasticity: acceptable noise level predicts and reflects the effect of perceptual learning in experience-induced plasticity. iranian journal of child neurology. 2019;13(2):103.

van der westhuizen n. p300 event related potential in normal hearing adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus (doctoral dissertation, university of pretoria, south africa).

indrani p. research and reviews: journal of pharmacology and toxicological studies. diabetes.;1:10.

braite n, da cruz fernandes l, lago mr, alves cd. effects of type 1 diabetes mellitus on efferent auditory system in children and adolescents. international journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology. 2019 ; 127:109660.

ferreira jm, fontenele m, câmara s, de almeida pc, neto jb, da silva ca. características audiológicas de pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2. revista cefac. 2016;18(5):1050-9.

τσαντίλη σ. παθήσεις ωτÏŽν και νοσηλευτικές παρεμβάσεις.

krajčovičová z, meluš v, zigo r, jurdíková k, mišinová m. vzÅ¥ah medzi intenzitou tinnitu a mierou senzorineurálnej straty sluchu z aspektu prínosu hyperbarickej oxygenoterapie. ÄŒeská a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie. 2018;81(4).

el kousht m, el dessouky tm, koura ra, fawaz m, sabry sa. assessment of effects of hearing aid fitting on the perceptual characteristics of tinnitus. the egyptian journal of otolaryngology. 2018 ;34(4):326.

kim d, shin j, lee k, jin ik. rehabilitation options for subjective tinnitus. audiology and speech research. 2017 ;13(1):1-8.

aghaie a, tahaei aa, jarollahi f. development and evaluation of a computer-based auditory training program for rehabilitation of children with decoding deficit. auditory and vestibular research. 2018 ;27(3):143-9.

negin e, jarollahi f, barootiyan ss, seyyedi f, jalaie s, katz j. development, validity, reliability and normative data of the persian phonemic synthesis test (p-pst). international journal of audiology. 2019 ; pp : 1-6.
