Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics

Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0398

+44 1478 350008

Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics has got h-index 19, which means every article in Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics has got 19 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

Total published articles

53 30 28 36 42 11 13 27 32 35 43 29 19 3

Research, Review articles and Editorials

18 12 12 23 5 4 6 27 26 34 37 27 14 2

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

13 18 6 13 7 7 7 0 3 2 6 1 0 1

Conference proceedings

0 1 61 11 0 11 135 189 45 142 110 122 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

136 163 179 228 162 190 150 126 116 70 33 14 0 0
Journal total citations count 1236
Journal impact factor 6.63
Journal 5 years impact factor 6.70
Journal cite score 6.39
Journal h-index 19
Journal h-index since 2019 16
Important citations (605)

yu ch, qin z, martin-martinez fj, buehler mj. a self-consistent sonification method to translate amino acid sequences into musical compositions and application in protein design using artificial intelligence. acs nano. 2019.

pattaranggoon nc. computational study of alpha-globin constant spring structure and binding affinity to alpha haemoglobin stabilising protein at an early phase of haemoglobin formation (doctoral dissertation, prince of songkla university).

masir an, darvizeh a, zajkani a. nanoindentation on the bio-inspired high-performance nature composite by molecular dynamics method. adv compos lett. 2019;28:0963693519860162.

deeks hm, walters rk, hare sr, o'connor mb, mulholland aj, glowacki dr. sampling protein-ligand binding pathways to recover crystallographic binding poses using interactive molecular dynamics in virtual reality. arxiv preprint arxiv:1908.07395. 2019.

peluso p, dessì a, dallocchio r, mamane v, cossu s. recent studies of docking and molecular dynamics simulation for liquid‐phase enantioseparations. electrophoresis. 2019.

alam a, wang n, zhao g, mehmood t, nikolopoulos d. long-lasting patterns of radon in groundwater at panzhihua, china: results from dfa, fractal dimensions and residual radon concentration. geochem j. 2019;53(6):341-358.

alassaf na. application of chemometrics in determination of some drugs via different analytical techniques (doctoral dissertation, university of baghdad).

gandhi sv, khairnar pl, chaudhari ap. application of multivariate calibration methods for simultaneous determination of drugs in fixed dose combination. asian j pharm anal. 2018;8(1):1-6.

are intechopen w. 116,000 130m.

hassan n, ahmad t, zain nm. chemical and chemometric methods for halal authentication of gelatin: an overview. journal of food science. 2018;83(12):2903-2911.

aregahegn z, guesh k, chandravanshi bs, pérez e. application of chemometric methods to resolve intermediates formed during photo-catalytic degradation of methyl orange and textile wastewater from ethiopia. bull chem soc ethiop. 2017;31(2):223-232.

li z, zhang x, mohua ag, karanassios v. artificial neural networks (anns) for spectral interference correction using a large-size spectrometer and ann-based deep learning for a miniature one. intech publishing (open access). 2018;12:227-249.

sabin jr. physical chemistry & biophysics. j phys chem. 2015;5(3):1000e126.

tyrode e. interactions of na+ cations with a highly charged.

oh mi, gupta m, weaver df. understanding water structure in an ion-pair solvation shell in the vicinity of a water/membrane interface. j phys chem b. 2019.


pekker m, shneider mn, keidar m. charged cell membrane in electrolyte. arxiv preprint arxiv:1709.09293. 2017.

sthoer a, tyrode e. interactions of na+ cations with a highly charged fatty acid langmuir monolayer: molecular description of the phase transition. j phys chem c. 2019;123(37):23037-23048.

toledo-fuentes x, molinaro c, cecchet f. interfacial charges drive the organization of supported lipid membranes and their interaction with nanoparticles. colloid surface b. 2018;172:254-261.

breslin k, wade jj, wong-lin k, harkin j, flanagan b, van zalinge h etal. potassium and sodium microdomains in thin astroglial processes: a computational model study. plos comput biol. 2018;14(5):e1006151.
