International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-9096

+44 1300 500008

International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation has got h-index 28, which means every article in International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation has got 28 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Total published articles

57 58 59 84 71 40 59 63 75 68 83 86

Research, Review articles and Editorials

17 29 51 82 58 22 48 52 58 50 72 53

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

29 29 8 2 13 18 11 11 17 18 11 33

Conference proceedings

0 20 15 10 0 11 17 0 43 67 71 79

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

291 359 381 445 400 375 303 296 240 124 57 16
Journal total citations count 3422
Journal impact factor 2.90
Journal 5 years impact factor 5.75
Journal cite score 5.25
Journal h-index 28
Journal h-index since 2019 21
Important citations (390)

lawford bj, walters j, ferrar k (2016) does walking improve disability status, function, or quality of life in adults with chronic low back pain? a systematic review. clin rehabil 30: 523-536.

lawford bj, walters j, ferrar k (2016) does walking improve disability status, function, or quality of life in adults with chronic low back pain? a systematic review. clin rehabil 30: 523-536.

haines kj, remedios l, berney sc, knott c, denehy l (2016) the conceptualisation of health-related quality of life in decision-making by intensive care physicians: a qualitative inquiry. australian critical care.

kumar a, graham je, resnik l, karmarkar am, deutsch a, tan a, et al. (2016) examining the association between comorbidity indexes and functional status in hospitalized medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries. phys ther 96: 232.

bertelli ja, ghizoni mf (2017) nerve transfers for restoration of finger flexion in patients with tetraplegia. j neurosurgery: spine 26: 55-61.

al-mohsen emara ha (2015) the role of antigravity treadmill in haemophilic children aged 8 to 11 years with unilateral knee haemarthrosis without radiological involvement.

emara ha. the role of antigravity treadmill in haemophilic children aged 8 to 11 years with unilateral knee haemarthrosis without radiological involvement. br j med medical res 10.

maltz na (2016) running gait is altered as an effect to training with body weight support on an anti-gravity treadmill.

henry mf, ismail sm () impact of partial weight-bearing therapy on walking performance in patients with peripheral arterial disease. int j therapies rehabil res 5: 46-53.

rodrigues ef, da costa ll, leite rd (2016) influence of exercise order on the rating of perceived exertion and number of repetitions in elderly women. conscientiae saúde 15: 361.

rodrigues ef, da costa ll, leite rd (2016) influência da ordem dos exercícios resistidos na percepção subjetiva de esforço e número de repetições em mulheres idosas. conscientiae saúde 15: 361-369.

refaat a, gawish m (2015) effect of physical training on health-related quality of life in patients with moderate and severe asthma. egyptian j chest dis tuberculosis 64: 761-766.

nasir ns, tamrin sb, subra-manian k, shukoor ns, zolkifli n, et al. (2016) association of workplace stressors with salivary alpha-amylase activity levels among fresh fruit bunch cutters in selangor. iranian j public health 45: 68.

park e, lee yj, lee sw, bang ch, lee g, et al. (2016) changes of oxidative/antioxidative parameters and dna damage in firefighters wearing personal protective equipment during treadmill walking training. j physical ther sci 28: 3173-3177.

trusty m (2015) accounting for mental and physical stress in the law enforcement physical training schedule. tsac report: 3814.

helms er, cronin j, storey a, zourdos mc (2016) application of the repetitions in reserve-based rating of perceived exertion scale for resistance training. strength and conditioning j 38: 42.

signal ne. strength for task training: a novel intervention to improve locomotor ability following stroke.

colquhoun rj, gai cm, walters j, brannon ar, kilpatrick mw, et al. (2017) comparison of powerlifting performance in trained men using traditional and flexible daily undulating periodization. j strength conditioning res 31: 283-291.

fisher jp, blossom d, steele j (2015) a comparison of volume-equated knee extensions to failure, or not to failure, upon rating of perceived exertion and strength adaptations. applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism 41: 168-174.

ala n, jcna a, dsb n, tila a, eta k (2015) exploration of traumatic brain-inflammatory alterations in alzheimer’s disease pateint. research & reviews: journal of medical and health sciences.
