International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-9096

+44 1300 500008

International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation has got h-index 28, which means every article in International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation has got 28 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Total published articles

57 58 59 84 71 40 59 63 75 68 83 86

Research, Review articles and Editorials

17 29 51 82 58 22 48 52 58 50 72 53

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

29 29 8 2 13 18 11 11 17 18 11 33

Conference proceedings

0 20 15 10 0 11 17 0 43 67 71 79

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

291 359 381 445 400 375 303 296 240 124 57 16
Journal total citations count 3422
Journal impact factor 2.90
Journal 5 years impact factor 5.75
Journal cite score 5.25
Journal h-index 28
Journal h-index since 2019 21
Important citations (390)

bråndal a. rehabilitation after stroke with focus on early supported discharge and post-stroke fatigue.

rasmussen rs, østergaard a, kjær p, skerris a, skou c, christoffersen j, et al. (2016) stroke rehabilitation at home before and after discharge reduced disability and improved quality of life: a randomised controlled trial. clin rehabil 30: 225-236.

martins jc, aguiar lt, lara em, moura jb, teixeira-salmela lf, (2016). assessment of the strength of the lower limb muscles in subjects with stroke with portable dynamometry: a literature review. fisioterapia em movimento 29: 193-208.

silva pf, quintino lf, franco j, rodrigues-de-paula f, albuquerque de araújo p, faria cd (2016) trunk kinematics related to generation and transfer of the trunk flexor momentum are associated with sit-to-stand performance in chronic stroke survivors. neurorehabil 25: 1-1.

aguiar lt, martins jc, lara em, albuquerque ja, teixeira-salmela lf, et al. (2016) dynamometry for the measurement of grip, pinch, and trunk muscles strength in subjects with subacute stroke: reliability and different number of trials. brazil j phys ther.

faria-fortini i, basílio ml, polese jc, menezes kk, faria cd, scianni aa, et al. (2016) strength deficits of the paretic lower extremity muscles were the impairment variables that best explained restrictions in participation after stroke. disabil rehabil 18: 1-6.

basílio ml, de faria-fortini i, polese jc, scianni aa, faria cd, et al. (2016) handgrip strength deficits best explain limitations in performing bimanual activities after stroke. j phys ther sci 28: 1161-1165.

martins jc, aguiar lt, lara em, teixeira-salmela lf, faria cd (2015) assessment of grip strength with the modified sphygmomanometer test: association between upper limb global strength and motor function. brazilian j phys ther 19: 498-506.

basílio ml, de faria-fortini i, de castro magalhães l, de assumpção fs, de carvalho ac, teixeira-salmela lf (2016) cross-cultural validity of the brazilian version of the abilhand questionnaire for chronic stroke individuals, based on rasch analysis. j of rehabil med 48: 6-13.

silva p, franco j, gusmão a, moura j, teixeira-salmela l, et al. (2015) trunk strength is associated with sit-to-stand perfomance in both stroke and healthy subjects. eur j phys rehabil med 51: 717-724.

ashima n (2016) sports injury and its medication. biotechnology: an indian journal 12.

basahel am (2016) physical demand, fatigue and shift work in the installation and maintenance of window air-conditioner units. life science journal 13.

Hernandez-arellano jl, nussbaum ma, garcia-alcaraz jl (2016) workload and fatigue among assembly operators. a structural equation modeling approach. in proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting (vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 1520-1523). sage ca: los angeles, ca: sage publications.

löfgren n (2016) gait and balance in parkinson's disease: psychometric properties and effects of training.

barbosa af, chen j, freitag f, valente d, souza cdo, et al. (2016) gait, posture and cognition in parkinson's disease. dementia & neuropsychologia 10: 280-286.

wallén mb, sorjonen k, löfgren n, franzén e (2016) structural validity of the mini-balance evaluation systems test (mini-bestest) in people with mild to moderate parkinson disease. physical therapy 96: 1799.

neha anand (2016) novel oral anticoagulant and efficacy on atrial fibrillation patients. research & reviews: journal of medical and health sciences.

perreault t, dunning j, butts r (2017) the local twitch response during trigger point dry needling: is it necessary for successful outcomes?. journal of bodywork and movement therapies.

mogole o, kandiwa r, babarinde o, ismail h, dlamini n, et al. (2017) the management of muscle pain. sa pharmaceutical journal 84: 15-23.

Sharma p, bhardwaj p, arif t, khan i, singh r (2016) research and reviews: journal of pharmacology and toxicological studies.
