Journal of Pollution Effects & Control

Journal of Pollution Effects & Control
Open Access

ISSN: 2375-4397

Journal of Pollution Effects & Control : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Pollution Effects & Control have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Pollution Effects & Control has got h-index 19, which means every article in Journal of Pollution Effects & Control has got 19 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Pollution Effects & Control.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Total published articles

30 32 31 59 43 7 28 31 29 24 20 13

Research, Review articles and Editorials

1 10 12 30 14 5 26 31 28 24 20 12

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

13 22 18 29 10 1 2 0 1 0 0 1

Conference proceedings

0 3 6 3 0 0 58 76 70 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

264 346 350 397 310 240 118 111 93 70 0 0
Journal total citations count 1159
Journal impact factor 4.9
Journal 5 years impact factor 5.1
Journal cite score 4.70
Journal h-index 19
Journal h-index since 2019 18
Important citations (607)

Sonkar m, kumar m, dutt d, kumar v. treatment of pulp and paper mill effluent by a novel bacterium bacillus sp. iitrdvm-5 through a sequential batch process. biocatalysis and agricultural biotechnology. 2019 jul 1;20:101232.

Kumar v, chandra r. characterisation of manganese peroxidase and laccase producing bacteria capable for degradation of sucrose glutamic acid-maillard reaction products at different nutritional and environmental conditions. world journal of microbiology and biotechnology. 2018 feb;34(2):1-8.

Chandra r, kumar v. detection of bacillus and stenotrophomonas species growing in an organic acid and endocrine-disrupting chemical-rich environment of distillery spent wash and its phytotoxicity. environmental monitoring and assessment. 2017 jan;189(1):1-9.

Amaral-zettler la, ballerini t, zettler er, asbun aa, adame a, casotti r, dumontet b, donnarumma v, engelmann jc, frère l, mansui j. diversity and predicted inter-and intra-domain interactions in the mediterranean plastisphere. environmental pollution. 2021 jun 2:117439.

Wang j, peng c, li h, zhang p, liu x. the impact of microplastic-microbe interactions on animal health and biogeochemical cycles: a mini-review. science of the total environment. 2021 feb 7:145697.

Baptista neto ja, gaylarde c, da fonseca em. microplastics: a pelagic habitat for microorganisms and invertebrates. handbook of microplastics in the environment. 2020:1-25.

Piazzolla d, cafaro v, mancini e, scanu s, bonamano s, marcelli m. preliminary investigation of microlitter pollution in low-energy hydrodynamic basins using sabella spallanzanii (polychaeta: sabellidae) tubes. bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology. 2020 mar;104(3):345-50.

Giudice al, caruso g, rizzo c, papale m, azzaro m. bacterial communities versus anthropogenic disturbances in the antarctic coastal marine environment. environmental sustainability. 2019 sep;2(3):297-310.

Song j, jongmans-hochschulz e, mauder n, imirzalioglu c, wichels a, gerdts g. the travelling particles: investigating microplastics as possible transport vectors for multidrug resistant e. coli in the weser estuary (germany). science of the total environment. 2020 jun 10;720:137603.

Caruso g, pedà c, cappello s, leonardi m, la ferla r, giudice al, maricchiolo g, rizzo c, maimone g, rappazzo ac, genovese l. effects of microplastics on trophic parameters, abundance and metabolic activities of seawater and fish gut bacteria in mesocosm conditions. environmental science and pollution research. 2018 oct;25(30):30067-83.

Skuse c, gallego-schmid a, azapagic a, gorgojo p. can emerging membrane-based desalination technologies replace reverse osmosis?. desalination. 2021 mar 15;500:114844.

Antunes j, frias j, sobral p. microplastics on the portuguese coast. marine pollution bulletin. 2018 jun 1;131:294-302.

Lagana p, caruso g, corsi i, bergami e, venuti v, majolino d, la ferla r, azzaro m, cappello s. do plastics serve as a possible vector for the spread of antibiotic resistance? first insights from bacteria associated to a polystyrene piece from king george island (antarctica). international journal of hygiene and environmental health. 2019 jan 1;222(1):89-100.

Caruso g. microplastics as vectors of contaminants. marine pollution bulletin. 2019 sep 1;146:921-4.

Caruso g. plastic degrading microorganisms as a tool for bioremediation of plastic contamination in aquatic environments. j pollut eff cont. 2015 oct 5;3(3):1-2.

Viršek mk, lovšin mn, koren Š, kržan a, peterlin m. microplastics as a vector for the transport of the bacterial fish pathogen species aeromonas salmonicida. marine pollution bulletin. 2017 dec 15;125(1-2):301-9.

Paço a, duarte k, da costa jp, santos ps, pereira r, pereira me, freitas ac, duarte ac, rocha-santos ta. biodegradation of polyethylene microplastics by the marine fungus zalerion maritimum. science of the total environment. 2017 may 15;586:10-5.

Keswani a, oliver dm, gutierrez t, quilliam rs. microbial hitchhikers on marine plastic debris: human exposure risks at bathing waters and beach environments. marine environmental research. 2016 jul 1;118:10-9.

Jin y, xia j, pan z, yang j, wang w, fu z. polystyrene microplastics induce microbiota dysbiosis and inflammation in the gut of adult zebrafish. environmental pollution. 2018 apr 1;235:322-9.

Monteiro lc, aita c, schirmann j, pujo sb, giacomini da, paust kd, silveira ca, giacomini sj. mineralization of pig slurry compost treated with retorted oil shale and dicyandiamide in two contrasting soils. pesquisa agropecuária brasileira. 2021 aug 18;56.
