Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences : Citations & Metrics Report
Articles published in Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences has got h-index 16, which means every article in Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences has got 16 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences.
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | |
Total published articles |
35 | 43 | 23 | 63 | 9 | 3 | 17 | 14 |
Conference proceedings |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals |
128 | 147 | 141 | 173 | 146 | 131 | 101 | 73 |
Journal total citations count | 1146 |
Journal impact factor | 3.6 |
Journal 5 years impact factor | 6.11 |
Journal cite score | 5.68 |
Journal h-index | 16 |
Journal h-index since 2019 | 14 |
Important citations (440)
Hostim-silva m, bertoncini Ãa, borgonha m, leite jr, freitas mo, daros fa, et al. the atlantic goliath grouper: conservation strategies for a critically endangered species in brazil. inadvances in marine vertebrate research in latin america. springer, cham. 2018;367-405. |
Satish kp. a review on freshwater fish diversity. j food sci res. 2017;2(1):104. |
Melkamu b. management practices and constraints of small-scale commercial poultry farms, and performance evaluation of broilers fed diets containing graded levels of dried blood-rumen content mixture (doctoral dissertation). |
Zewde t. on-station and field evaluation of inactivated fowl cholera vaccine produced from local pasteurella multocida isolates, ethiopia (doctoral dissertation). |
Igene l, sedibe mm, van der westhuizen c, solomon o. constraints hindering processors’ effective access to training programmes on modern shea butter processing in niger state, nigeria. south african journal of agricultural extension. 2018;46(1):26-33. |
Dube mh, francis j, maliwichi ll. beneficiaries’ strategies for coping with extension challenges in poultry-based poverty alleviation projects in a rural local municipality of south africa. south african journal of agricultural extension. 2018;46(1):34-43. |
Yared a. evaluation of chicken production systems and effects of homemade ration on growth and carcass characteristics of cobb500 broiler chicken in bishoftu, ethiopia (doctoral dissertation). |
Yitbarek mb, bishoftu e. management practices and constraints of small-scale commercial poultry farms, and performance evaluation of broilers fed diets containing graded levels of dried blood-rumen content mixture. |
Ukwe io, amachree d, jamabo na. growth assessment and microbial flora presence in african catfish (clarias gariepinus) larvae fed live and commercial feeds. |
Ukwe oi, edun om, akinrotimi oa. comparative growth performance and survival of african catfish (clarias gariepinus) fed with artemia and acartia live feeds. j aquatic sci mar biol. 2018;1(3):24-28. |
Vizzini s, visconti g, signa g, romano s, mazzola a. a new sustainable formulated feed based on discards from food industries for rearing the sea urchin paracentrotus lividus (lmk).aquac nutr. 2019;25(3):691-701. |
Kashyap s. research & reviews: journal of medicinal & organic chemistry. |
Naidu rs, vuppala g. research and reviews: journal of medical and health sciences. |
Pasupuleti a. research and reviews: journal of pharmaceutical quality assurance. |
Kampamba g, siziya s, phiri p. elephant utilization patterns and change in structure of mopane woodland in the luangwa valley, zambia. ethiopian journal of environmental studies & management. 2019;12(4). |
Iloba ki, utuedor ha. original research article water quality and phytoplankton appraisal of agbarha river in delta state of nigeria, for aquaculture purposes. j agric food environ. 2018;5(4):48-61. |
Maurya pk, shubham g, majhi sk. factors posing threat to the endangered catfish clarias magur (hamilton 1822) and strategies for conservation. environment and ecology. 2018;36(3):749-754. |
Takarina nd, ratnasari d, siswantining t. the content of heavy metal zink (zn) in frozen escolar fish (lepidocybium flavobrunneum). inaip conference proceedings 2018 oct 22 (vol. 2023, no. 1, p. 020165). aip publishing. |
Khan i, khan a, khan ms, zafar s, hameed a, badshah s, et al. impact of city effluents on water quality of indus river: assessment of temporal and spatial variations in the southern region of khyber pakhtunkhwa, pakistan. environmental monitoring and assessment. 2018;190(5):267. |
Ghosh as, dasgupta mg, bhattacharyya s. biodiversity of small indigenous fish in the beels of nadia and north 24 parganas districts of west bengal. journal of the inland fisheries society of india. 2018:5247. |