Journal of Women's Health Care

Journal of Women's Health Care
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0420

A day of inter-professional simulation for midwifery students and social work students to help with management of family and domestic violence

7th World Congress on Midwifery and Womens Health

May 11-12, 2018 Osaka, Japan

Lesley J Kuliukas

Curtin University, Australia

Keynote: J Women's Health Care

Abstract :

An inter-professional simulated learning day with standardized patients (hired actors) was held for student midwives and student social workers in a simulated hospital ward in response to a situation involving Family and Domestic Violence (FDV). Two scenes were pre-written and an unplanned scene was also improvised. Initial evaluation of the session was conducted by questionnaire, with capacity for quantitative responses using a five-point Likert Scale and qualitative replies to questions via textbox. A focus group with the six midwifery students offered an opportunity to provide feedback the following week. Overall findings suggest that students found the simulation a realistic, valuable and safe experience. Student midwives felt less prepared than the social work students and some were confronted by the realism when faced with a scene of FDV; all valued the inter-professional experience and found it useful to discover the role of their professional counterparts in responding to FDV.

Biography :

Lesley J Kuliukas is a Lecturer and Faculty of Health Science in Curtin University, Australia.
