ISSN: 2155-9880
+44 1300 500008
Harsha Kumar H. N
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Exp Cardiolog
Background: The prevalence of coronary artery disease in India increased from 1% in 1960 to 9.7% in 1995. Most of them present late. A clinical profile would enable us to better understand severity and Co-Morbidities at the time of presentation. So this study was undertaken. Objective 1: To know the clinical profile of IHD cases admitted and treated at tertiary care hospital affiliated to KMC Mangalore, Manipal University. Material & Methods: This retrospective study included diagnosed cases of IHD that were admitted and treated over a period of 2 years (years 2010?12). Relevant clinical information was noted down on a semi-structured proforma. Permission was obtained from Institutional Ethics committee to access the patient files form the Medical Records Department. The details were noted down in the proforma and data entered in SPSS version 12 and analyzed. Results: out of the 118 cases 55 (46.6) presented with features of congestive cardiac failure, 41 (36%) with chest pain, 14 (12.3%) epigastric pain and vomiting & 8 (6.8%) were brought unconscious. The following risk factors were identified for the first time after admission to hospital (%): Hypertension (72.9), Diabetes Mellitus (55.1), Dyslipedaemias (45.3). There were 14.4% Smokers. There was no prior history contact with doctors/voluntary check-ups. Conclusion: There is a need to raise public awareness to facilitate early diagnosis. Screening camps for identifying diabetics and hypertensive would also be helpful
Harsha Kumar H. N. completed his MBBS in 2001 from Government Medical College, Karnataka State and Pursued MD (Community Medicine) from Manipal University, India. He is currently Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine at Kasturba Medical College. He has about 32 research publications in reputed journals. He is a resource person for training in Research Methodology and Bio-statistics. He has authored and obtained Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Projects. He teaches preventive medicine, conducts outreach health clinics in rural areas and is in charge of research in Non-Communicable diseases. He is in-charge of implementing public health programs in Mangalore City, India