ISSN: 2155-9880
+44 1300 500008
Lewis S Coleman
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: JCEC
Based on Capillary Gate Theory and Tissue Repair Theory, this paper describes the ?Stress Repair Mechanism? (SRM) that maintains and repairs vertebrate tissues. It accounts for most of the mysterious manifestations of allostasis that remain unexplained by Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Axis (HPA) hormones and thereby enables the Universal Theory of Medicine predicted by Hans Selye. SRM activity explains hemodynamic physiology, capillary haemostasis, infarction, Korotkoff sounds, blood pressure, hypertension, diabetes, allostasis, allostatic load, anaesthesia, analgesia, atherosclerosis, apoptosis, malignancy, eclampsia, sepsis, Multi-System Organ Failure (MSOF), the surgical stress syndrome, the fight or flight response, and numerous other manifestations of physiology and pathology. SRM function comprises the autonomic nervous system, the vascular endothelium, and the dynamic enzymatic interaction of blood-borne hepatic Factors VII, VIIIC, IX and X that produces thrombin, soluble fibrin and insoluble fibrin , whose combined effects account for all SRM manifestations. The vascular endothelium is a diaphanous neuroendocrine organ that lines all blood vessels and is the sole constituent of capillary walls. It secretes tissue factor into extravascular tissues, and insulates those tissues from the hepatic
Lewis S. Coleman, MD, D.A.B.A. Board certi fi ed anesthesiologist with thirty years experience in private practice, adept in all forms of general anaesthesia, including labour and delivery, trauma, pediatric, geriatric, conduction anaesthesia, and invasive monitor installa tion. Special interest, expertise, and personal research in stress management in opioid-based general anesthesia to minimize surgical morbidity and mor tality