ISSN: 0974-276X
Khorasani S, Azizi M H, Barzegar M and Hamidi Esfahani Z
Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran
Department of Food Science and Technology of Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Proteomics Bioinform
Background: Essential oils (EOS) possess a wide range of significant properties including antiphlogistic, spasmolytic and antinociceptive effects. In this study, we use essential oils (Eos) from Thymus daenensis, Thymus caramanicus and Ziziphora clinopodiodes. The context and purpose of the study: this study attempts to determine the growth inhibition level of the essential oils of three plants against Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus for 14 days. Results: The highest rate of inhibition was observed in Thymus daenensis in concentration above 7 �?µL in 100 mL of PDA medium in which no growth was observed during 14 days. The Main Findings: Among the three essential oils, T. daenensis contains the highest level of thymol (77.62%). Zizipora clinopodioides contains pulegone (31.21%), menth-3-en-8-0l (23.82%), menthol (7.21%), borneol (2.25%), carvacrol (5.38%) and piperitone (5.55%). Only a concentration of 9 �?µL of essential oils of Z. clinopodioides can prevent mycelium growth of both fungi for 7 days. Thymus caramanicus contains carvacrol (65.52%), p-cymene (13.21%), gamma-terpinene (4.44%), thymol (4.14%) and linalool (2.63%). Conclusion: Although T. caramanicus contains 65.52% carvacrol, its inhibition growth ability does not reach 100% in all concentrations and it is capable of inhibiting fungal growth completely (100%) at 7 and 9 �?µL concentrations for one day. This indicates that compound thymol is more effective than carvacrol in prevent of growth fungi.