ISSN: 2167-0412
+44 1300 500008
Abhishek Joshi
Universitas Hindu, Indonesia
Keynote: Med Aromat Plants
The dimensions of health are always changing. It is a well-known fact that children undergo frequent episodes of respiratory tract infections. Due to specific anatomical and physiological peculiarities and immature immune responses children become more susceptible to respiratory infections. Respiratory system is most vulnerable to infections and considered as the prime victim of hyper sensitization in most of circumstances. Respiratory Tract Infections (RTI) accounting 50% of patients attending pediatric OPD in developing and even developed countries of the world. It will be quite interesting to note that child between four to eight years of age is known as catarrhal child which itself indicate the prevalence of the same among this particular age group. On the other hand, deterioration of immunity in human population particularly in children is the subject of concern in present era. That is primarily because of changing life style, food habits more than that deviation from the ethics of medical practice. A study report clearly indicates as many as 10 million antibiotic prescriptions per year are directed toward respiratory conditions for which they are unlikely to provide benefit. Such non-judicious use of antibiotics and corticosteroids in contemporary system of medicine has led to iatrogenic suppression of host immunity and birth of multi drug resistant traits of pathogens. This phenomenon in turn results in the recurrence of RTI. The conventional system of medicines has many limitations in preventing RTI and this is one of the potential windows for Ayurvedic herbal therapeutic intervention. Ayurveda has many drugs that act on complaints of respiratory system and are immuno modulators as well, which are proven for their efficacy in respiratory system and are immunomodulation. Elaborately under the concepts of Kasa, Vyadhikshamtva, Ojas and Rasayana.
Abhishek Joshi his research on malnutrition and respiratory immunology were highly appreciated. He has taught and practiced Ayurveda in India and Indonesia. He was appointed as Chair of Ayurveda at young age of 30 years in a 53-year-old university in Bali, Indonesia in 2014. He is working on introducing Ayurveda education and clinical practice in Bali, Indonesia. He has presented Ayurveda at many national and international seminars. His research works are published in many research journals. With vast clinical experience spreading across clients from various countries, he is one of the most insightful practitioner and teacher.