Journal of Depression and Anxiety

Journal of Depression and Anxiety
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-1044

A teaser exercise to prompt neurogenesis and restore the stressed mind

3rd International Conference on Depression, Anxiety and Stress Management

June 21-22, 2017 London, UK

Belinda Neil

Author - Under Siege, Director PTSD Australia, Australia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Depress Anxiety

Abstract :

One of the goals of therapy is to reduce symptoms and provide a better quality of life for the patient suffering post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, or depression. Post-traumatic stress disorder occurs after traumatic events exposure. PTSD is characterized by symptoms of re-experiencing such as intrusive memories and dreams: avoidance including avoiding thoughts, feelings and places associated with the traumatic event: numbing or feeling detached from others; and hyper arousal including poor sleep, irritability and hyper vigilance. There are now many studies that show a growing awareness that the cerebellum plays a higher role in cognitive functions such as sensory processing, attention, verbal working memory, and emotion. Recent studies have shown that the cerebellar fluid reduction is associated with mood, anxiety and PTSD symptoms and that there is a possible role of the cerebellum in the vulnerability to experience negative effect. This is the second study involving participants diagnosed with PTSD undertaking a novel physical exercise designed to stimulate cerebellar function. Those participants who regularly performed the exercise advised of a significant reduction in their PTSD symptoms. The participants advised of improved sleep, a positive change in themselves, a reduction in negative emotions, improvement in memory and a reduction in intrusive memories. Both studies clearly showed an overall improvement in participants. Besides providing the patient with improved quality of life, it is stated that the use of putative cerebellum exercises may assist the patient in early stages of treatment, not only with their concentration, but more importantly allowing them to participate in CBT or exposure therapy rather than dissociating.

Biography :

Belinda Neil is a Director at PTSD Australia New Zealand, former Police Inspector, an 18 year veteran of the New South Wales (Australia) Police Force (medically retiring with PTSD in 2005), Hostage Negotiator, and Keynote Speaker in both the corporate arena and in her role as a Mental Health Advocate. She is the author of the book “Under Siege”. Currently, she is working on various management tools to assist in early intervention and minimizing the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

