Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9554

+44 1478 350008

Acne treatment with magisterial preparations and additional therapy to various clinical overviews from different causes

4th International Conference on Clinical & Experimental Dermatology

April 14-16, 2014 Hilton San Antonio Airport, TX, USA

Ylfete A. Shatri-Mucaj

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Exp Dermatol Res

Abstract :

Considering that Albanian population is a young population, more than 70% of skin diseases deal with acne problems... So, the purpose of this work-presentation in our professional experience is to confirm that acne beside family pre- disposition to the type of skin and hormonal revolution in the puberty stage, worsen as a result of various serious infections: whether urogenital, upper respiratory tract, digestive tract and hormonal disorders followed with the way of nutrition. Time period of treatment and research was 5 years (September 2009-2013) The genera number of treated patients was 2990: They were categorized in 4 main groups: 1. Patients without problems with additional infections. 2. Patients with additional infections 3. Patients with hormonal disorders 4. Patients with infections and hormonal disorders. Local treatment with personal magisterial preparations, such as (ANTISEPV, DIADERM, TOSKA,-GENIII, ERITROVA- GEN, ERGEN, DEPEOR-GEN, LORGEN-ER, ARON-GEN, DERMACEA, VJOLLCA, etc- these magisterial preparations named by me for personal needs that serve during patient treatment in my clinic) is done to patients of all groups and also the symptomatic therapy with Vitamin C and B6 and to some others with antibiotic: Doksicyclin and antibiotics according to antibiogram and protocol. To those with hormonal disorders and hormonal therapy and if necessary consults with colleagues of other profiles and additional treatments: physical cleaning, cryo-therapy, MKDB... We have verified the percentage of groups and as a result: According to this work and research we have concluded that acne are much more serious problem than we think and that many of people neglect. They are mirrors of many body infections, hormonal disorders, metabolism disorders and adequate nutricism. The treatment is complex and multidisciplinary and a fact to deal more seriously with this problematic.

Biography :

Ylfete A. Shatri-Mucaj, a clinical dermatovenerology and pharmacology specialist for specialization of clinical pharmacology is one of the first generations for basic specialization in this field in Balkans. She finished post-graduation and specialization studies in the University of Novi Sad. Currently, she works in UCC in Prishtina from 1981; as a specialist of clinical pharmacology she has treated for 4 years patients with chemotherapy near Internal Clinic- Department of Hematology in UCC. Sheled for many years the laboratory for magisterial preparations in the Center Pharmacy and Dermatovenerology Clinic near CUU in Prishtina. She worked for some years in the Institute of Biochemistry near Diagnostic Center of CUU. Since 2001 she is working as a Clinical Dermatovenerologist and Pharmacologist in KDV and now leads Dermatological polyclinic and laboratory for magisterial preparations for several skin diseases and aesthetic issues by which she treats patients in the polyclinic ?GENTIANA GreLorGen?. She participated in many conferences and congresses in region and Europe with several scientific works in the field of clinical Dermatology, Oncology and Pharmacology and also as a lecturer of chemotherapy in the National Congress of Oncologists in Prishtina. She is a member of EADV and Kosovo Association of Dermatovenerologists and Oncologists.
