ISSN: 2329-8790
+44 1478 350008
Lorenza Torti
S. Eugenio Hospital, Italy
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Hematol Thromb Dis
Multiple-processes result in pain-onset and persistence in hemoglobinopathies,impacting on quality-life and emergency-room(ER) access. Pain can be acute,chronic or combined. Generally acute-pain come from somatic or visceral-origin,chronic is of neuropathic-origin.Vaso-occlusion is hallmark-feature of sicklecell- disease(SCD)with acute-pain-episodes named vaso-occlusive-crises(VOC).Several SCD-patients develop VOC and chronic-pain,persisting at least 6 months. Thalassemia-bone-disease is a morbidity-reason presenting with osteoporosis, fractures,nerve-compression. We aimed to study different-origin of severe-painevents, trigger-factors, pharmacologic and non-pharmacological-strategies and also pandemic-impact. We reviewed 170 patients(F:M 101:69), 92 with majorthalassemia (TM), 35 with thalassemia-intermedia, 26 with SCD and 17 with microdrepanocytosis,followed at our Center from 2000 to 2021. We reported 186 events in SCD-patients, divided by etiology and SCD-type .94 VOC were treated with opioids+nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory-drugs(NSAID), 12 aseptic-bonenecrosis with infiltrations of hyaluronic acid+corticosteroids and transcutaneous-electrical-nerve-stimulation,6 headaches with paracetamol+NSAID, 3 acute-chestsyndromes with opioids,65 arthromyalgias with tramadol +pregabalin, 3 lower-limb-ulcers and 3 priapism with ibuprofen.130 episodes were referred as acute and 56 as chronic.Triggers-elements for acute were cold-temperatures,infections,dehydratation;for chronic-pain anxiety and depression.
Lorenza Torti has completed her PhD from Catholic University in Rome and Post-doctoral studies from Catholic University School of Medicine in Rome. She is MD at Thalassaemia Unit, Hematology Department Sant'Eugenio Hospital, Rome, Italy, Regional-Center for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Rare Anemias and Disorders of Iron-Metabolism.