Pediatrics & Therapeutics

Pediatrics & Therapeutics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0665

+44 1478 350008

Acute aseptic meningitis associated with herpes zoster in an immunocompetent adolescent

6th World Pediatric Congress

August 18-19, 2016 Sao Paulo, Brazil

Tania Sofia Leano Martins, Ana Sequeira, Clara Vieira, Cristina Miguel and Jose Oliveira

Centro Hospitalar Sao Joao, Portugal

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Pediat Therapeut

Abstract :

Introduction: Herpes zoster is characterized by vesicular skin lesions and may lead to neurologic complications such as encephalitis, myelitis and rarely aseptic meningitis that are more common in immunocompromised patients. Clinical Case: A 12 year boy brought to the emergency department presenting pulsatile frontal headache with photophobia, phonophobia and vomiting for four days of evolution. During the last week, onset of rash in the dorsal region was noted and no history of fever or others complains was found. Objective examination revealed hemodynamically stable, vesiculo-erythematous rash in left dorsal region (5/6th thoracic dermatome), nuchal terminal rigidity, positive Budzinski and Kernig signs and no other changes in physical and neurological examination. Analytical examination revealed normal peripheral white blood cells count (WBC) with monocytosis and PCR<0.1 mg/dL. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) revealed 485/mm E3 cells (98.0% mononucleares cells), with normal glucose levels and elevated proteins. Intravenous acyclovir was instituted. The CSF bacterial culture was negative and varicella zoster virus was detected in CSF by polymerase chain reaction. Headache and meningeal signs remained positive until the 6th day hospitalization, since then asymptomatic. He was discharged after 14 days of intravenous acyclovir and oriented to query general pediatrics. Comments: Despite its rarity, in the presence of vesicular eruption suggestive of zoster and positive meningeal signs, the diagnosis of meningitis caused by varicella zoster virus should be considered, especially in adolescents with history of chickenpox in infant.

Biography :

Tania Sofia Leano Martins has completed her Medical Schooling from Medical School of Porto with 15 values and now is pursuing Pediatrics Specialty. She is a Trainer of advanced support of pediatric life as part of the Portuguese pediatric resuscitation group and Volunteer Teacher of pre-graduated Pediatrics practical and theory classes of Master’s degree in Medicine from Oporto Medical Schools. She has attended several courses with evaluation like 11th European Post-graduate course in Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive care. She has presented several clinical studies in national and international conferences and published in the form of book chapter themes: Tuberculosis in pediatrics age and Neutropenia in Pediatrics.

