ISSN: 2161-0665
+44 1478 350008
Luciana Nicolosi
Bambino Gesu Children′s Hospital - IRCCS, Italy
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Pediatr Ther
During the last century, mass vaccination programs have achieved considerable success across the world. However, vaccinations are threatened by their own success after the obtained results. More the incidence of potentially devastating diseases decreases, more public attention arises towards real or alleged side effects of vaccines. A vaccine adverse event (VAE), also referred to one following immunization, has been defined as a medical incident that takes place after immunization, causing concern and is believed to be caused by the immunization. It should be pointed out that the incidence of severe anaphylactic reactions is very low occurring in 0.26 cases per 100000 doses. We analyzed our experience of 153 children with reaction to a previous vaccine dose, continuing the vaccination protocol in the safe environment of the center for risk vaccination at the Bambino Ges�¹ Childrenâ��s Hospital IRCCS in Rome, from 2009 to 2011; more recently we updated our cases from September 2014 to February 2016, especially due to the growing mistrust of the Italian population on vaccinations and consequent drop in vaccine cover that determined this year a worrying outbreak of measles. Because of that, this year the Italian Government has increased the number of mandatory vaccinations from 4 to 10. We observed, in the two periods, 229 children admitted to our center, for referred VAE. All the subjects have been revaccinated without reactions to the same or another vaccine.