ISSN: 2155-9554
+44 1478 350008
Mohsen Naraghi
Tehran University, Iran
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Clin Exp Dermatol Res
The objectives of this study are: 1) To know different factors contributing to the nasal tip ptosis. 2) Acknowledge different methods for correction of drooping nose with the advantages of augmentation. 3) Learn and apply efficient augmentation techniques for prevention of tip ptosis during rhinoplasty. Maintaining long term results in rhinoplasty is the state of art in nasal plastic surgery. Numerous parameters in nasal wound healing and nasal support mechanisms have made rhinoplasty as the most difficult plastic surgery. In the recent years, the role of augmentation for tip support has been emphasized by many authors to prevent unwanted long term changes. Unpleasant appearance on animation, inducing aging face and impairing nasal valve function are considerable effects of ptotic noses. Nasolabial angle and tip location are affected by different factors. These factors include the cartilaginous framework of the lower third of the nose and the motor unity of this portion consists of levator labii superioris alaeque nasi and depressor septi nasi. The cartilaginous framework and these muscles stand for the static and dynamic factors respectively. This presentation will demonstrate one of the most effective augmentation techniques to make very stable long term results for prevention of nasal ptosis. Multiple aesthetic parameters should be assessed before and at least two years after surgery to evaluate results for drooping tips. The pearls and pitfalls of strut cartilage insertion will be discussed. Open structural and endonasal approaches will be presented with results of both.