Organic Chemistry: Current Research

Organic Chemistry: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0401

+44 1478 350008

An excursion on molecular conformational landscapes: Discovering rare species in the highlands

International Conference on Organic Chemistry

August 10-11, 2016 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Rui Fausto

University of Coimbra, Portugal

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Organic Chem Curr Res

Abstract :

For many molecules, besides the low-energy conformers that are easily accessible to experiment, high-energy forms exist whose population is negligible (or are not populated at all) in most of the usual experimental conditions. Till very recently, the identification and characterization of these high-energy conformers was done only theoretically. Using a simple analogy, the exploration of the molecular conformational landscapes was confined to the Lowlands, while the Highlands were terra incognita, whose inhabitants were never seen. The recent development of experimental techniques based on the selective in situ generation of high-energy conformers, by selective vibrational excitation (using near-infrared light) of the easily accessible lower-energy conformers, opened a way for journeying to the molecular conformational highlands. These expeditions have allowed observation of a plethora of novel molecular structures, some of them exhibiting rather unusual properties. Also, narrowband UV-excitation of a matrix-isolated precursor has evolved as a powerful technique to generate high-energy isomeric forms, otherwise not accessible to experimental characterization. Some of these species are pivotal intermediates in the thermally- or/and photochemically-induced reactivity of important chemical systems. In this talk, the attendees will be invited to make an excursion on molecular landscapes, learn how the expedition can be prepared, enjoy the contact with the â??highlandersâ? and see how they behave. Several molecular systems will be addressed, ranging from simple molecules exhibiting only two conformers to complex multi-dimensional systems that embrace not only different conformers, but also other types of isomers.

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