ISSN: 2167-0501
Purvi Shah, A. K. Saluja, Kishor Dholwani and Ekta kotak
Posters: Biochem & Pharmacol
Parsley ( Petroselinum crispum ) is a species of petroselinum in the family Apiacea, native to the Mediterranean region (Southern Italy, Algeria and Tunisia), naturalised in Europe, has been grown as cultivated crop and also widely cultivated as a herb, a spice and a vegetable. Parsley is grown from the ancient time by the Greeks and Romans but not eaten by people. It is used for its medicinal properties and after long time it was eaten as a food. Various chemical constituents are identified in parsley like volatile oil, coumarins, flavonoids, phthalides and vitamins. It also shows presence of calcium and phosphorus. Main constituent present in Parsley are myristicin and limonene. And also shows presence of minor amount of mono and sesquiterpens are also reviewed. Parsley shows large number of therapeutic values. It mainly used in the many or nearly all kidney problems and urinary complaints. Recently it is proven that parsley is showing antihyperlidemic activity. Other major and important therapeutic effects of parsley are on digestion, immunity enhancement, hormone support, tumor suppression, and anemia and kidney problems. Other medicinal properties of parsley are also reviewed effectively. Also, the information about cultivation of parsley is reviewed.