ISSN: 2155-9600
+32 25889658
Girish H Kedar
GLOVERK Consultancy, Netherlands
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nutr Food Sci
The origin of Nutraceuticals lies in western and eastern medicines. However, both the medicine systems are contradictory in nature. One is based on holistic approach i.e. eastern medicine and another is based on reductionist approach i.e. western medicine. The systematic strategy of insurance and pharmaceutical lobby has outcasted the eastern medicines in western world. Due to this channelized progression of western medicine, many of the individual and combination of natural medicines have been inaccessible. Due to sidelining of eastern medicines, significant number of natural medicines have been forgotten or given less importance. The growing evidence and understandings of natural medicines has now brought eastern medicines in forefront. With the high demand of organic and natural healthcare products, it is the right time to explore the ancient wisdom and Indian traditional medicines.
Girish H Kedar is a Pharmacist and he holds his PhD degree in Neuroscience from Vrije University, Amsterdam. He is the Founder and CEO of GLOVERK Consultancy that provide services to Cosmeceutical, Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical industry. The service ranges from raw material supply, private label manufacturing, formulation development, clinical studies etc. Along with Europe, GLOVERK also provide similar services to its pan India client base. The mission is to be the one-stop solution provider to small and medium sized companies around the globe. He is also Student Ambassador in Vrije University and an independent Career Coach for PhD and Post-doctorate candidates.