ISSN: 2168-9792
Valentina Markova
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Aeronaut Aerospace Eng
The modeling is based on a new theoretical basis.The new theory is verified with three new axioms and is built on two laws and ten consequences.It is well known the Maxuel��?s Axiom of Field Theory .It claims that the movement of a closed-loop vector E is always even: div (rot E) = 0. One of the new axioms is fundamental and claims that the movement of vector E describing an open vortex is always uneven: div (rot E) � 0. When the vortex is in a plane (2D) is obtained a cross vortex .If div (rot E) >0, the cross vortex accelerates and it generates . If div (rot E) <0, the cross vortex decelerates and it consumes. When the vortex is in volume (3D) , a longitudinal vortex is obtained. If div (rot E)> 0 the longitudinal vortex accelerates and it generates. If the div (rot E) <0, the longitudinal vortex decelerates and it consumes. Moreover, the decelerating cross vortex from 2D is transformed into an accelerating longitudinal vortex in 3D. And when the main cross vortex is decelerated in 2D, many decelerating cross vortices are emitted to the center of the main vortex in 2D.If sufficient quantitative cross vortices are accumulated and transformed , a longitudinal vortex in 3D , perpendicular to a 2D is occurred. It sucks below and shoots upwards. Obviously this transformation is the basis of generating the antigravity thrust. An experiment has been made that confirms the theory.
Valentina Markova has graduated from Sofia Technical University, specialty in Radio Equipment regular training and also from St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, specialty in Mathematics and Informatics as a distance learning. She has completed her PhD from Scientific Institute of Ministry of Military Defense in 1990. The topic was on algebraic codes, which correct in real time long error packets. She has Postdoctoral studies from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, where she works until today as a Leading Researcher. She has published more than 15 papers on algebraic and technical topics.