Medicinal & Aromatic Plants

Medicinal & Aromatic Plants
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0412

+44 1300 500008

Aromatic medicines in integrative care

Global Summit on Herbals & Natural Remedies

October 26-27, 2015 Chicago, USA

Mindy Green

Green Scentsations, USA

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Med Aromat Plants

Abstract :

Aromatic plants (herbs and essential oils) have been used throughout history for healing, whether through pharmacy, cosmetic care, or spiritual practices. Modern science confirms that the chemical constituents found in essential oils have tremendous benefits, and are being used in medical systems abroad with wide ranging therapies from primary to palliative care, while the US falls behind in this innovative and science based modality. This lecture will focus on essential oil safety, dilution, application, and external uses. We will discuss the implications of olfaction in de-stressing, and provide material medica for ten functional essences derived from plants. Seeing the research and examples of how the rest of the world is employing them in integrative care is sure to provide a more thorough understanding of their benefits and the confidence to incorporate them safely and effectively into your personal life and professional practice.

Biography :

