Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy

Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0487

+44 1478 350008

Arsonist behavior pattern: A qualitative model

Joint Event on 3rd International Conference on Forensic Psychology & Criminology & 3rd International Congress on Addictive Behavior and Dual Diagnosis

August 16-17, 2018 | Stockholm, Sweden

Rodrigo F Dresdner Cid

Public Forensic Institute, Chile

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Psychol Psychother

Abstract :

By taking on account, ideological and motivation factors, firesetting proceedings, environment influences and psychiatric and psychological matters related to arson, it was possible to classified and design an adult arson model. The research analysis was focused on medical and criminal records and forensic psychiatry reports from an arsonist population (N=197) referred for mental assessment at the Medical Legal Service in Chile, over a 12-year period (1999-2011). Psychological, psychiatric and criminological aspects were useful on describing arsonist characteristics and analysis of their personal meanings given to different steps of fire setting displaying (before, during and afterwards) report clinical and forensic knowledge of different types of fire setter defendants, as well. Eight arson patterns were obtained, including mood and emotional disorders related, revenge motivated, alcohol and substance intoxication associated with neglect or antisocial behavior, ideological and criminal factors, and pyromania. Psychopaths were able to display arson behavior in different ways and seem to be considered as a special category of these clinical, forensic and criminological phenomena.

Biography :

Rodrigo F Dresdner Cid is a Psychiatrist and Couple Therapist. He has been a Forensic Psychiatrist in the Legal Medical Service (SML) since 1998. There he has focused his work on expertise and investigations in people accused of violent crimes. He has been working since 2008 as Medical Coordinator of the Adult Psychiatry Unit of the Metropolitan SML. In the year 2010, he published the work on Forensic Psychiatry in criminal matters (Editions of the Chilean Society of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery, SONEPSYN). In 2014, he published the Manual of Forensic Psychiatry for Lawyers (Editorial Libromar Ltda.). It has forensic investigations published in Chile and abroad, and papers at the biannual congresses of the International Association of Mental Health and Law. He obtained the academic degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences with mention in Forensics with a thesis investigation in incendiary population, developing a model of patterns in this type of criminal behavior. He teaches in different metropolitan universities, in regions and abroad. He has taught training for the Public Ministry, Public Criminal Defense and Judicial Academy. Since 2008, he is the Coordinator of the Forensic Psychiatry Working Group of SONEPSYN. He has participated as an expert guest in inter-institutional work tables by the Ministry of Health.


