ISSN: 2155-9570
Oumer Sada
Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Clin Exp Ophthalmol
Background: Recently in the discipline of ophthalmology, there have been many developments and introduction of new ocular therapeutic agents. In order to improve drugs therapeutic efficacy, minimize adverse effects and delay development of resistance drug utilization trends, patients need to be evaluated periodically. Objective: To assess the prescribing drug use and dispensing practice of ophthalmic drugs at Boru hospital. Methodology: Cross sectional study was conducted on patients attending outpatient department pharmacy of Boru Meda Hospital to collect their medicines. Prescriptions of 84 patients encountered were analyzed using World Health Organization (WHO) prescribing indicators and additional indices. Result: Analysis showed that the mean number of drug per prescription was 2.2 and 97.2% of prescribed drugs were from the national essential drug list. 89.5% of drugs were prescribed by their generic name. Majority of the prescribed drugs were antibiotics (62.7%) and only 17.7% of the prescriptions had frequency of dosing. Percentage of patients with good postdispensing knowledge on the dispensed ophthalmic drugs was 37.1%. Dispensing and counseling time were 18 seconds and 1.30 minute respectively. Conclusion: The study indicated an awareness of poly-pharmacy but showed ample scope for improvement in encouraging the prescriber to write complete prescription and the dispenser to provide adequate counseling.